The News Current Events and Continuing Education for July 9 through July 22, 2018 “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” -James Madison
"There are two distinct classes of men...those who pay taxes and those who receive and live upon taxes." - Thomas Paine C'mon! CtC can't be right! You're crazy! If CtC were actually right, it would mean the government's been concealing and denying the truth for years on end, and everybody knows THAT would never happen... (Edward Snowden, come home! It was all just a bad dream; there really is No Such Agency!)
Do you know someone truly steeped in the Kool-Aid?
I mean someone who finds it easier to believe that the far-better-educated, far-more-suspicious-of-government Americans of a hundred years ago were complete morons who granted authority to the state to take whatever it wished from themselves and their posterity than to imagine that they themselves simply misunderstand the true nature of the income tax? Even while knowing that their beliefs about the tax are derived entirely from the representations of those who profit from those beliefs (like tax bureaucrats and "tax professionals")?
Do you know someone like that? Shake them awake with the latest (fifteenth) edition of CtC!
I'm delighted when anyone wishes to share what I have posted here with others! Sharing this page is an important means of moving toward the restoration of the rule of law-- PLEASE DO IT!! But I'd appreciate your doing so by directing your friends here themselves, rather than by copying and emailing chunks of the material. ***** The Newsletter is interested in your work! If you are a writer, scholar, or just a dedicated Warrior with a good story to tell, please consider sharing your words and your wisdom with our thousands of readers! Click here to learn how. *****
Fear nothing but God *** -Samuel Adams ***
Scuttling Raymond Kethledge Is JOB ONE For This Rule-Of-Law Community (Updated) It's "Get Busy-- RIGHT NOW-- Like You Really Mean To Win" time, people... LAST TUESDAY I ADDED A SPECIAL POST to the Mid-Edition Update which had been posted the day before. The post was prompted by Donald Trump's release of his "short list" of candidates to replace Anthony Kennedy of the Supreme Court, among which was Raymond Kethledge, a Sixth Circuit judge responsible for the outrageous, Constitution-defying ruling in Doreen's appeal issued in 2016. You can and should see that article here. What it presents remains the first order of business for this community, in my view, and I think if you read that post through you will both understand why I say this, and will agree with me about the critical importance of the effort in which I am asking everyone to participate. The only thing I will add to that post here is a recommendation of a careful re-reading of the article below, with which the June 25, 2018 newsletter began. The proposed elevation of Kethledge-- even if he ultimately is not the actual nominee-- is as perfect an example of the point I am making in this previous post as there ever could be. BTW: This campaign remains as vital into the next several weeks or months even if Trump puts someone else forward as his first choice when he makes that announcement. The chosen candidate may be rejected, and Kethledge might then come up for the slot. SO, TRUMP WENT FIRST WITH Brett Kavanaugh. Let's take a close look at this mistake. Just like Raymond Kethledge, Brett Kavanaugh is a fellow with serious and well-documented corruption-baggage. To begin with, he was a key operative in the cover-up of the Vince Foster murder in which Hillary Clinton (and others) are implicated. Foster was a Clinton aide with very damaging personal knowledge concerning the "Travelgate" scandal that erupted in the early years of Bill Clinton's presidency. A fairly informative recent article on this crime can be found here. See more here, including a court-ordered appendix to the official report on Foster's death containing some (but not all) of the contrary evidence the official investigators (i.e., Kavanaugh) sought to bury. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime. -Thomas Paine Kavanaugh has further distinguished himself by authoring a paper making a version of the desperately corrupt Nixonian, "If the president does it, it must be legal" argument that sitting presidents can't properly be subjected to lawsuits or made the subject of investigations. (Bill Clinton must have very much enjoyed reading that, and probably regrets not having had Kavanaugh on the Court in his own time...) Kavanaugh has also made a series of dangerously-flawed rulings. Among these is a ruling that includes upholding military tribunal "judicial" pretenses (that is, the pushing aside of the Constitution when it gets in the way of state preferences and trying an accused without full due process protections). In another bad ruling, Kavanaugh refused lawsuit standing to a victim of kidnap and torture by United States operatives on the unconstitutional grounds that since the crimes were committed outside the geographic United States, the officials were not bound by the law, even though paid, equipped, directed and protected by the federal government. Kavanaugh has also demonstrated a corrupt complacency about mass, warrantless surveillance and a completely mistaken, unlimited-state-favoring notion of the meaning of "reasonable" and "unreasonable" in the context of the Fourth Amendment. On the other hand Kavanaugh appears to be OK with the government keeping secrets from the people, and without defensible grounds-- in this case backing the continued CIA withholding of documents related to the assassination of JFK 55 years ago. Finally, Kavanaugh's nomination is rumored to be opposed by Senator Rand Paul, a fellow capable of articulating reasons for that opposition that could be very persuasive to other Senators. ALL-IN-ALL, the nomination of Kavanaugh mars Trump's credentials (and those of the 'Federalist Society' by whom all these judicial nominees are supposedly vetted) just as much as having Kethledge on the "short list". And his nomination lends itself as an example suited to my 'Broken America...' piece below in the same way that Kethledge's consideration does. But that nomination changes nothing about the need to inform America about Kethledge's crimes, especially in light of the fragility of Kavanaugh's candidacy. Stay the course. *** Broken America Will Not Fix Itself It's time for everyone to stop pretending that the political process will solve our problems, and to instead stop fueling the runaway train. IT'S BEEN WELL SAID THAT GOVERNMENT is a disease that masquerades as its own cure. But it is equally and in the very same way true that the political process is much more powerful a generator of the pathologies with which it is infected than it is a remedy to them. In fact, the political process is really just a suck-in by which the pathology that is the state protects itself from the People. A powerful case-in-point has just been offered for our edification by the good folks at Judicial Watch (h/t to Scott Rovelli for bringing this to my attention). JW has had a running FOIA request in play (eventually backed by a lawsuit), which demands documents related to the IRS targeting of "Tea Party"-inspired and other conservative groups (the infamous "Lois Lerner" affair). Below is an excerpt of a June 21, 2018 press release concerning new revelations: (Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released newly obtained internal IRS documents, including material revealing that Sen. John McCain’s former staff director and chief counsel on the Senate Homeland Security Permanent Subcommittee, Henry Kerner, urged top IRS officials, including then-director of exempt organizations Lois Lerner, to “audit so many that it becomes financially ruinous.” Kerner was appointed by President Trump as Special Counsel for the United States Office of Special Counsel. ... In the full notes of an April 30 meeting, McCain’s high-ranking staffer Kerner recommends harassing non-profit groups until they are unable to continue operating. Kerner tells Lerner, Steve Miller, then chief of staff to IRS commissioner, Nikole Flax, and other IRS officials, “Maybe the solution is to audit so many that it is financially ruinous.” You can see the whole press release here, but what matters here is the material about John McCain's former staff director Henry Kerner, recited above. Kerner, clearly a slime-drenched swamp-creature of the most harmful sort, has never been punished for his crimes. Instead, he has been appointed by Donald Trump-- the supposedly-contrary alternative to the president who oversaw Lois Lerner and all her activities, including those in which she co-conspired with Kerner-- to an office responsible for punishing people who commit the very offenses Kerner himself committed with his co-conspirators. Kerner's new office is also the one to which people who blow the whistle on people like Kerner and his co-conspirators must turn for protection from people like Kerner and his co-conspirators. HERE'S ANOTHER GOOD EXAMPLE FROM THE CURRENT NEWS: Gina Haspel. Haspel is a known-- admitted, even-- torturer, which is to say, a felon who has simply not been convicted due to the culpability of others who have also remained in power, unbudged by the operation of the political process. Haspel, rather than at least being broomed from the state apparatus, has instead been made the head of a powerful, very-well-funded agency, the CIA. That agency itself is testament to the fact that the political process is NOT a cleansing process by which the crimes of the state are remedies or even mitigated. By the early 1960s, after only 15 years in existence, already two presidents-- including Harry Truman, its creator-- had condemned the CIA as a disaster needing to be dismantled and erased. Truman called for the abolition of all "operational" elements of the agency. JFK said the entire agency needed to be splintered into a thousand pieces and scattered to the winds. And yet, 55 years and untold crimes later, the CIA persists. HASPEL AND KERNER are just two examples of what are doubtless countless hundreds of thousands of corrupt apparatchiks ensconced within the millions of government officers and employees who ceaselessly rot the barrel from within. Like their army of diseased brethren, Haspel and Kerner are not only immune to disinfection by the political process, but are rewarded by operation of that process throughout long careers of sucking at the public teat. The same persistence of corruptions unhindered by the political process can be seen in matters of policy as well as matters of personnel. Today's foreign policy of aggressive war at the cost of American blood and treasure for the benefit of clients and cronies is indistinguishable from yesterday's-- indeed, one could read Smedley Butler's 1935 pamphlet, 'War Is A Racket' and, if stripped of contemporary referents, imagine it to have been written last year. The NSA continues today to commit the Fourth Amendment violations it has been committing for decades; favored businesses continue to get bailouts and other benefits at the expense of the rest of us as has gone on without interruption for decades; the state continues to distort the health-care market into gross price inflation in service to corrupt interests; the political class continues to grow ever-larger and ever-more insular and cossetted. No solution to these public threats and public burdens has ever been accomplished by the action of voters. None. THE INCONVENIENT BUT ROCK-SOLID REALITY is that the political process is a charade. It serves no real purpose except to give the beguiled a mistaken sense that doing something about the real problems afflicting America is relatively easy. All that is needed (goes the eyewash) is to wait for the right guy or gal to run for office. Then do a bit of campaigning on their behalf, perhaps, cheer at some rallies and put out some lawn signs and maybe a bumper-sticker on the car... Come November, give your chosen savior a vote and then go home to spend an excited evening watching the election coverage. It's thrilling as all get out, the culmination of months, if not years of punditry, personality-cult development, and huge expenditures of money dedicated to winding up your sense that so-and-so is the answer to everything. Afterwards, there will be months of exactly the same things, just cast now as post-mortems, re-centerings, back-peddling, "looking forward", and putting fresh coats of lipstick in place wherever the ritual of "transfer of power" requires it. All of this will turn out to be an easing into the next "white knight" campaigns coming down the road, as the paint begins flaking off the one just installed. Meantime, nothing meaningful changes. Your rights keep eroding, and your money keeps getting spent on providing comfortable lives and long-term financial security for other people who shed not a drop of sweat helping you earn it. To the degree that these parasites do anything at all, they likely spend their days interfering with how you would prefer to spend yours. If not spending their days directly interfering with your liberty, the permanent state apparatus and those of whom it is composed instead wreak havoc across the whole rest of the planet, bringing destabilization, death and destruction wherever requested by their clients and cronies. The reward to you for financing all of this is the well-earned hatred and contempt of everyone on the planet except those clients and cronies (who likely share in the contempt, but otherwise really like the American rubes who serve them so well). SO, HERE'S THE BOTTOM LINE: Nothing will stop the disease that is the unrestrained state except the decisions of individual Americans to cease being its gas pump. Only individual men and women, one by one, saying, "Shame on me; and never again" will do the job. Of course, there IS a way to do that, and there is only ONE way to do that-- peacefully and non-violently, and in harmony with both the Founders' intentions and the existing body of Constitutional and federal law. CtC, and only CtC, teaches that solution. Tens of thousands of Americans have learned and now routinely apply that solution. Tens of millions must join them, and America will then quietly and smoothly resume its former stature as the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave. To get to those millions, each of you already alive to the liberating truth must transform yourselves from just being warriors into also being factors in a movement. I don't know how else to put this. I have no idea how many of you are out there preaching the CtC gospel, but I dearly hope that all of you will begin seeking out every group that righteously complains about the behavior of the state, and even most of those who do so unrighteously. Explain to these disaffected folks that if the state is the author of whatever is their woe, their lawful and, more important, effective means of redress is at hand in the pages of CtC. The land-use activists, a la Cliven Bundy, need to learn CtC. The non-interventionist foreign policy activists need to learn CtC. The anti-aggressive-war activists need to learn CtC. People wanting a free market in health-care need to learn CtC. People wanting an end to pathological welfare-state incentives need to learn CtC. People wanting an end to any particular offense of the nanny-state by which they are harmed need to learn CtC None of these activists, in their tens of millions-- every one of whom has a bleeding wound for which they really, really want a bandage-- know about CtC. All of these activists, in their tens of millions, struggle in frustrated reliance on the unavailing political process, because they don't know that a real solution exists. YOU can change this. By doing so, YOU can fix America. "It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." -Samuel Adams NOTE: Related articles can be found here, here, here and here. NOW GO BACK TO THIS ARTICLE ABOUT TRUMP'S "SHORT LIST" CANDIDATE FOR THE SUPREME COURT RECOGNIZING OUR PERIL, AND OUR DUTY, AND GET BUSY. Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend *****
Eric Copenhaver With A Great Video Testimonial
FIND AND SHARE this video on YouTube at Learn how (and why) to share YOUR testimony, here. Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend The Best Response To Tax Agency Bad Behavior This simple step will make a world of difference in how things end up. WITH TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CtC-EDUCATED FILERS in action every year for a decade or more, I inevitably hear from quite a few people complaining about bad behavior of one kind or another from federal or state tax agencies. While only a tiny percentage of the total of educated filers, the raw number of such folks is in the hundreds. Many of those encountering what they imagine to be bad behavior have effectively set themselves up for agency resistance. These are folks who have found their way to CtC while struggling to extricate themselves from the trouble they got into by following some "tax honesty" guru. They often arrive plagued by existing collections and other ongoing agency activities based on those previous bad practices (and often continue to cling to the misunderstandings about the tax that brought them grief in the first place, as indicated by, for instance, "UCC" or citizenship/residency references on documents or in responses sent to the tax agencies). THERE ARE ALSO, OF COURSE, folks out there who file what they imagine to be CtC-educated returns but which are not. I have been surprised and dismayed over the years at how many people are willing to let someone else tell them what is in the book, and imagine that they got the whole story accurately and completely. These trusting souls then file self-contradictory or inaccurate returns leading to what is, to them, inexplicable trouble. Sadly, many in both groups described above discover that even a complete and uncluttered grasp of CtC can't fix every problem, and partial or adulterated understanding isn't likely to fix any problem. Worse, many of these folks are unable to distinguish when agency behavior is grounded in their past bad practices. They often become the sort of troll-like voices everyone has encountered at least once or twice on forums or elsewhere who claim that they filed CtC-educated returns and have had nothing but trouble. The fact is, neither the speaker nor his audience is likely to know what is really behind such expressions without a detailed forensic examination. All that can be known short of that examination is that any real trouble that might exist had nothing to do with any proper and knowledgeably-filed CtC-educated return. In any event, these folks and their circumstances are irrelevant here. I discuss them solely in order to identify and distinguish them. The important response to agency bad behavior presented in this article is not for any of those just described. IN ADDITION TO THE PREDICTABLE TARGETS of tax agency resistance described above, there are also a small number of folks being treated to pretenses of tax agency resistance which have no underlying basis of possible legitimacy. These are folks who came to CtC without baggage from the past (other than the no-problem variety of having been taken in by, and having cooperated with, the "ignorance tax" scheme in all previous years). Others in this category include those whose past issues have either already been put to rest, or are the sort easily fixed once a complete and accurate understanding of the tax is finally in hand. The "resistance" pretenses deployed against these uncompromised filers are generally of two types: the "frivolous return penalty" hoax and the (federal-exclusive) absurd effort to under-refund a claim by a no-explanation-attempted reservation of FICA withholdings from an issued refund, such as is documented and discussed here. It is these folks for whom a hugely-effective response opportunity exists, and here it is: GO TO THE MEDIA WITH YOUR STORY!! THOSE OF YOU IN THE LATTER CATEGORY of uncompromised resistance targets, who are simply and unequivocally being jerked around by a tax agency which just doesn't want to surrender to the law without a fight, have everything you need to present a great story to the press. This can be the mainstream press or otherwise. You have the simple evidence of the law, in just seven pages of text. You have the simple model of how the "ignorance tax" has misled your correspondent and everyone else. You have staggering evidence of agency admissions in huge volume, fully-vetted and of the most compelling possible character, which makes clear that the bad behavior is knowingly-committed and news-worthy. You have thoroughly-documented evidence of a very deliberate and sustained federal effort to suppress all the foregoing, even while that huge volume of admissions are steadily made. And you have your personal story of transparently-invalid, bad-faith tax agency efforts to violate the law by exploiting the fact that no one in the press has known any of this or has been paying attention. THE LIGHT OF PUBLIC ATTENTION on tax agency bad behavior is the single most powerful weapon any victim of that bad behavior can unleash. You don't have to be personally articulate or camera-ready to invoke that light (although it is my experience that CtC-educated Americans are much more articulate and camera-ready than many of them think they are...). All you have to be is pissed, and no longer willing to take the abuse. Each person that steps up to deploy this weapon may meet with resistance from the media itself, to begin with. But I firmly believe that when a hundred or more have done so the "fifth estate" will begin to notice that there's something going on, and it's not just that one guy or gal that they brushed off as a "tax protestor" a few weeks ago without actually looking at what was presented. THERE HAS BEEN TOO MUCH EXCLUSIVITY OF FOCUS on efforts to get solutions within "the system" by those being met with inexcusable tax agency offenses. Don't get me wrong-- those efforts DO need to be made. A corrupt "system" will certainly seize on any failure to act in that regard when the rules call for action. But at the same time, such administrative efforts keep the whole matter behind the closed doors of the very agency that is at fault. It is not, of course, impossible to end up dealing with an agency incentivized to reverse itself and do the right thing behind those closed doors-- and do it promptly rather than with aching slowness, as is often the case when matters stay confined to the administrative venue. But it's not likely, and thus, a parallel-- and more promising-- path should be taken at the same time. TAKE IT TO THE STREETS, people! You've got fascinating stories of ever-more-readily-presentable and ever-more-undeniable government malfeasance in an area of intense relevance to every media consumer. You just have to get out there. Local media (newspapers, radio stations, TV) are great places to make appointments and walk in to sit down with journalists and tell them your story and show them the evidence. Internet and national media contact opportunities are tougher to come by, and likely will require written or video presentations, but contact info for at least a starting lineup of these folks can be found here. MAKE CLEAR AS DAY, and from the get go, that you have a PERSONAL story of government malfeasance to tell, and avoid trying to start off with an announcement of allusion to revealing the truth about the tax. The compelling story you have is either,
This is, frankly, a great opportunity for anyone who has been subjected to these bs harassments to leverage them into a very satisfying turn of the worm. Run with it! NOTE: This article is permalinked here. Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend IRS Desperation Gets Truly Bizarre As CtC Warriors Continue To March Forward A "Notice of Deficiency" for... $0. The most imaginative writer in Hollywood couldn't dream this stuff up. OVER THE YEARS I HAVE HAD THE GREAT PLEASURE of sharing many uplifting and often entertaining examples of stubborn tax agency attempts to evade the manifest, inescapable truth about the income tax uniquely revealed in CtC. Indeed, the Every Which Way But Loose collection consists entirely of just such examples. The object of all such efforts is to fool the CtC-educated community into standing down. There is no other "solution" to the tax agency's "problem" of more and more Americans actually knowing what the tax is and how it works. ALTHOUGH THE EVASIONS take a number of different forms, they have often involved some kind of charade or hoax by which the agency tries to capture something from educated filer, even though unable to pretend that he or she owes any tax. Such charades and hoaxes have the dual "virtues" of suggesting that the tax agency is actually disputing the educated filing involved, while also offering the possibility of putting something in Uncle Sam's pocket if the filer should quail. Regardless of their form, each evasion is and always has been of the same empty and near-fraudulent character. But throughout the fifteen year history of CtC''s hammering on the "ignorance tax" edifice of corruption these evasion attempts have gotten more and more contorted and desperate, and thus more and more vivid an illumination of the truth being fled. TODAY I'M VERY PLEASED TO SHARE what might be the most ludicrous evasion effort yet: A "Notice of Deficiency" concerning an educated filing which agrees with the filers (who will remain anonymous for the moment) that no "income" was had, and no tax is, or ever was, due. Yes, that's right, the alleged "deficiency" is $0:
This bizarre evasion attempt builds its berth in crazy-land by proposing that the positive amount claimed for refund is a "deficiency". It gets there by the unique and legally unsupported treatment of the refund claim as a "negative tax due" amount, with this offered as the explanation: "NOTE: A decrease to refundable credit results in a tax increase." Okaaay...And how do we get to the "decrease in refundable credit"? Simple! By the equally lunatic contrivance of arbitrarily "correcting" the withheld amount to $0.00:
This fraudulent "Hail, Mary" pretense is floated despite the fact that the full amount claimed for refund is shown as having been withheld in the agency's own internal records, as well as by the sworn declarations of both the payers and the filers. This, for instance is from the IRS Account transcript:
This is from the IRS Record transcript, as of the same date (6-24-2018):
IRS W-2 records precisely match the withholding amounts reported by the filers. See, for instance, this IRS transcript (also dated 6-24-18) of what was reported by the principle earner's payer:
Match the IRS reported withholding amounts to the first Form 4852 in the return file here. Transcripts of withheld amounts for the other member of this filing couple correspond to the other three 4852 declarations just as exactly. Plainly the IRS knows perfectly well that the withholding reported by the filers is exactly what WAS withheld, and that the amounts are attested-to by the payers involved, as well. ALL IN ALL, this latest jink by the federal tax agency down the crooked path is a wonder to behold. It's just not the good kind... It IS, however, a very emphatic underscore of the inescapable truth about the tax which this corrupt effort is meant to evade. Each one of you should make good use of this example to awaken others, especially journalists and people in the legal profession!!! But at the same time, Watch out for that robot! I think it's going to explode!!
Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** ***** Cognitive dissonance in action. *****
***** An Uplifting New Article About Doreen's Ordeal Has Hit The Net This is worth sharing around, friends...... Do You Know Who Pays For All That "Patriot Theater" At The Stadium? Every victim of the "ignorance tax", 'cause it's all just statist consent-engineering propaganda. I READ AN INTERESTING ARTICLE the other day about the fracturing of American professional sports over the last 17 years. The key point that caught my attention was that the Pentagon has been heavily propagandizing Americans with faux displays of patriotism over most of that time span, plainly in order to produce an atmosphere accommodating of endless war-mongering. (It is suggested by responsible parties that the effort is meant merely to aid recruiting efforts. But even if this is true, it is just saying the same thing with different words.) Here is the article: 'How Did Our Sports Get So Divisive?' by Howard Bryant. Read it. When you're done, think about the fact that prior to becoming CtC-educated and -activated, YOU were paying for this engineering of YOUR consent of the "Endless War" on which trillions more of your dollars have been pissed away. The sole gain from the investment has been the ruination of America's reputation in the rest of the world, the creation of a lot of widows and orphans and the enrichment of the Congressional/Military/Industrial complex. Now learn more about the "engineering of consent" at, 'Meet Edward Bernays- Master Programmer Of The American Matrix'. FINALLY, SHARE THIS ARTICLE AROUND. A lot of people not yet awake to the importance of the truth about the tax might find this to be their alarm bell. NOTE: For more on what is paid for by the "ignorance tax", see this. Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend The Law, In Seven Pages Really. HERE IS HOW THE SCHEME WORKS, IN 8 PAGES. HERE IS HOW TO OVERCOME THE SCHEME AND ENFORCE THE LAW, IN 256 PAGES. Share these all, everywhere you can. Be your most creative self in sending and "selling" these links. Do memes; make gifs; respond to everything in the news that would be or have been better had the state been small, or if Americans kept their money for their own uses. If you pay attention to the news and train yourself to apply these perspectives, you will see a dozen things of which you can make use in awakening other Americans to the virtues of having the income tax correctly administered. Please, for my sake, for your own sake, for the sake of your children and their future, make that use. Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FOR EVERYONE!!! DUE TO CHRONIC AND ESCALATING interferences by ISPs (or others) which have made newsletter emails an extremely time-consuming and increasingly unreliable announcement mechanism, I have transitioned to alternative announcement methods. These include:
If you choose one of these social media options (or use them in addition to other means, as I wish you would), PLEASE get the full value out of them by diligently "liking" and "retweeting" or "sharing" or "reposting" my posts! That will significantly improve their visibility to others, and very much help the cause!! (Members of the state CtC Warrior forums in AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, MI, MN, MO, NE, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, VA, WA or WI, will continue to get the regular announcements if the membership is set to receive email updates.) NOTE: I will still not be engaging in correspondence by any of these alternative, social media means-- those wishing to correspond should continue to use email for this purpose. NOTE II: PLEASE help ensure that others in the CtC community know about this change in newsletter delivery!!
***** The craziness of the neo-con nutcases in Washington is starting to generate its predictable blowback, but on a much more dangerous scale than in the recent past. Based on relentless hostile rhetoric and steady efforts at military encirclement the Russian Federation Armed Forces Command has concluded that the United States intends to launch a pre-emptive nuclear attack on Russia. While this perception continues to be fed, the risk of a prophylactic Russian first strike exists and grows more perilous. The persistent, recently-escalated, plainly unfounded and deliberately provocative saber-rattling against Iran-- a long-time close ally and buffer-state of Russia's, the destabilization or regime-change within which would be another substantial threat factor-- has magnified the intensity of the peril. So, more than ever...
What You Need To Know If CtC Doesn't Spread Like Wildfire RIGHT NOW So The Nut-Cases Can Be Stripped Of Their Resources:
NOT THAT "DUCK AND COVER" would do you or your kids any good, of course... The Russian Federation has 7,400 nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them. China is coming on strong, too, these days. Perhaps you imagine the US has some magical technological advantage that will protect us when all the nut-case bellicosity leads to its inevitable outcome? Read this, this, this, this and this. And in any event, don't forget the inescapable issue of nuclear winter and fallout-- the world-killing harm from either of which doesn't require even a single Russian or Chinese warhead to hit a target. Really, it's this simple:
Spread CtC's revelations like wild-fire. Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend
***** On Criminal Complaints For Filing False IRs Getting practical on a core element of the "ignorance tax" scheme.
"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves." -Edward R. Murrow ***** “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” -James Madison *****
Thank goodness the sun is now shining...
A Review of CtC by Derek Cushman
You can also find this film at Regarding Trolleries (Deceitful efforts to discourage Americans from learning the truth about the "income tax") )
FOR ALL THE YEARS SINCE 2003 when CtC was first published, the government has engaged in a concerted effort to frighten people away from its truths. This effort involves official government websites and press releases touting an occasional court ruling that appears to be at odds with some CtC-revelation (but without details sufficient to expose the real substance of the ruling)-- and sometimes even more mendacious behavior. Click here for the rest of this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** Are the presentations and resources offered on this site and in my other work of any value to you? Tim Kendrick has posted a video on YouTube regarding donations. I didn't know what to do about it to begin with; I don't do what I do intending for anyone to feel obligated in any way. But of course, no one IS obligated. I will continue to make my work freely-available here, and in my books for only the cost of a cheap paperback. Thus, even though I post it here below, Tim's very thoughtful personal resolution and encouragement to others is just an invitation for consideration by those who may not be conscious of the fact that I can't do what I do without support. No one is to feel any pressure from it; if it moves anyone to act let it be solely because it seems right.
***** Why Does The Government Lie About 'Cracking the Code'? THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION is the key to the restoration of the republic and the rule of law in America. See it below. (NOTE: It's very important that the entire 24 minutes be viewed.)
This video can also be found on YouTube at Here are links to the two pages to which viewers are directed at the end of the film: The Crime of the Century and The Truth About The 16th Amendment. The other two mentioned in the film are this one (the "bulletin board" stack of 1,200 or so posted refunds and other victories in knowledgably applying the law; and this one (the collection of resisted claims and the outcomes of those little battles). PLEASE be a real activist about sending this link to every single person in your address book, and about sharing it through facebook, reddit, twitter, and any other distribution channel with which you are familiar. Send it to every journalist you can. It's time to really make something happen. Accompany your emails and posts with with a strong admonishment to watch the film through, and that doing so will show the viewer an individual-empowering, state-restraining truth about the income tax which the government has been trying to keep hidden from view for 75 years and which that person really needs to know. w. BY THE WAY, as is impossible to miss, I have neither the skills nor the tools to make even moderately good films. This is simply not my forte. Anyone able to do better is encouraged to talk to me about that. As is ALSO impossible to miss, though-- even in my amateur production-- reader video testimonials have GREAT POWER. Send me yours. Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend
***** How To Be A Leader In The CtC Community It's simple: KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TAX IN DETAIL KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE RESOURCES BE FAMILIAR WITH THE SCAMS, THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS, AND THE TROLL-POLLUTION TAKE CHARGE IN YOUR STATE FORUM, HELPING EVERYONE TO THINK CLEARLY AND STAY ON TOPIC All-in-all, just be the sort of person for others that you would go to yourself for trustworthy leadership. Leadership is a challenge. But it's not complicated, and you can do it. ***** The 'Watching the Watchmen Amendment' If you're not talking this one up everywhere and helping generate a buzz, you don't really want liberty and the rule of law... *****
Do you have a victory to share? Click here to learn how to do so.
If you're working on one, and just getting stonewalled or speed-bumped, you can still be recognized! Go here to learn what to do. Learn The Liberating Truth About The Tax NEW! Orders of twelve or more books now come with a free DVD on request containing six informative and inspiring videos-- 112 minutes in all. Click here for the details. ***** Did you miss the 'Set Your Church Free' commentaries? Ignorance of the true nature of the "income" tax has gagged, gutted and seduced-into-disgrace America's ministerial community. This must change.
Copy and post this one around, people!le!
Media Evasion Of CtC Must End, Now Time, unfortunately, is on the side of the well-funded disinformation specialists class
Are You Having Trouble Spreading The Word? SKEPTICISM (SOMETIMES INVOKED BY FEAR) IS TO BE EXPECTED when you're trying to explain to someone that everything they've been encouraged their whole lives to believe about something as entrenched and significant as the income tax is basically nonsense. So here's a way to help cut through the resistance: Ask your listener how he or she would react if you were to show an announcement from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue admitting that the tax doesn't apply to the earnings of most Americans and is misapplied most of the time because people don't understand how it works? Or how about if you showed a ruling from the Supreme Court saying the same? Now you just have to explain that you're going to show exactly those things-- but because the state really doesn't want people to know this, these things haven't been said quite as forthrightly as we would all wish. It's going to take a bit more work to take these admissions in than is sufficient for just reading a press release. But it'll be worth the effort... *****
Real Americans don't accommodate fog, lies and a sliding scale of adherence to the rule of law. Real American men and women stand up for the truth and the law, come what may, knowing that it is only by setting the bar at the top and enforcing it, come what may, that liberties are secured.
"Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated." -Thomas Paine
OUTREACH!!! JOB ONE, PEOPLE!!! SPREAD. THE. WORD. ONLY ONE THING WILL WIN YOU YOUR LIBERTY: Spreading the truth. Accordingly, I've assembled outreach resources into a new, dedicated page. Find it here, and please, USE THESE TOOLS!! I can't do this all by myself. "In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -George Orwell *****
“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” -James Madison How About You? Are You Governing Yourself? Get The Knowledge, Reclaim Your Power, And Stand With The Founders
There is little more important to the long-term health of America than how our children are educated..
***** Some Observations Regarding Educated And Accurate Filing
Have You Taken A Military, Law Enforcement or Public Office Oath To Uphold And Defend The Constitution? IGNORANCE TAX: An unnecessary income tax exaction suffered out of ignorance as to lawful objects of the tax and the means of its application by someone too lazy, frightened or misled to learn how it really works and to what it really applies.
'Don't Tread On Me' Polo Shirts Say It All!
More Than Two Thirds Of The Several States That Collect "Income" Taxes Have Now Acknowledged The Truth About The Law As Revealed In CtC, And Have Issued Complete Refunds Accordingly! See The Following Chart...
'The BOSTONIAN'S Paying the EXCISE-MAN, or TARRING & FEATHERING' (1774) (How our forefathers responded to arrogant "Rule of Law defiers"...)
HELP SPREAD THE LIBERATING TRUTH ABOUT THE TAX “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.” -Arthur Schopenhauer
Get your FREE* CtC bumper sticker and help spread the word! Just send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to Lost Horizons, Bumper Sticker Offer, 232 Oriole Rd., Commerce Twp., MI 48382 (*If you want to throw a few bucks into the envelope to help with costs, that'd be nice, but it's entirely optional...)
"Taxes are not raised to carry on wars, wars are raised to carry on taxes." -Thomas Paine Where To Find Things On This Site Law Professor James Duane Says: "Don't Talk To The Police. Period." ***** Films That Belong In Every Home Library ***** Ever Wonder How Much An Unrestrained FedState Would Like To Tap You For? ***** Warrior David Larson shares this beautiful little farce, wryly observing that, "Depositors have "..not lost one penny.." - OK we could agree on that simple statement about the purchasing power of that same penny 'not lost'?"
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Last Word "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." -Samuel Adams, Architect of the first American Revolution
OK, Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming:
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***** About The Author Pete Hendrickson is possibly the most effective lawyer in history, even while never having set foot in a law school, nor ever being a card-carrying member of "the bar". He is the first American in history to secure a complete refund of Social Security and Medicare ‘contributions’ withheld from his earnings (along with all other property taken for federal taxes); further, since 2003 students of his legal analyses and arguments in ‘Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America’’ (CtC), and its sequel, 'Was Grandpa Really a Moron?' have been routinely retaining and recovering billions of dollars which otherwise-- wrongly, but as a matter of course-- would have gone to federal or state government treasuries. This despite concerted efforts by government to suppress his work, and in some cases vigorously oppose the claims by his students. Hendrickson is also a widely-read essayist on matters of politics, public policy and law; many of these works are collected in his second book, ‘Upholding the Law And Other Observations’. He is a member of Mensa; an award-winning artist; and has paid his dues as a youth soccer coach. He is a long-time political activist as well, and has served as co-chair and platform convention delegate of Michigan’s largest county Libertarian Party organization; as a consultant to the National Right to Work Foundation and Citizens for a Sound Economy; as a member of the Heartland Institute; and as a member of the International Society for Individual Liberty. He is a frequent radio-show guest on stations across the country. Hendrickson's business career has included nearly a decade-and-a-half at the leading edge of the renewable-energy industry, both as Director of Purchasing and Materials Management and member of the R&D board at Starpak Energy Systems, the mid-west's then-largest solar heating and energy-recovery-and re-utilization company; and as founder and president of AFJ Inc., a high-efficiency lighting design, manufacture and installation firm. Beginning in the mid-1990s and continuing for the twelve years before his present full-time focus on the restoration of the rule of law in America, Hendrickson directed purchasing activities for the $84 million-a-year multi-family-housing division of the Farmington Hills, Michigan branch of Edward Rose and Sons, with responsibility for 18,000+ apartments, direct supervision of 35 technicians and agents, and incidental authority over several hundred divisional workers. He also ran the division's 10 cable television earth-station and distribution systems in four states, and designed and administered the company's website. On rather the other end of the spectrum, amidst these more mundane pursuits Hendrickson co-founded and was the primary creative force behind a small board- and card-game company that enjoyed a modest success for several years. Hendrickson makes his home in southeast Michigan, with his wife and two children. He is currently working on his next book. © All written and graphic material on this page and website are copyrighted by Peter E. Hendrickson, unless otherwise attributed. |