“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” -James Madison
Mid-Edition Update for February 27, 2017
My Vote For Scalia's Seat: Alex Kozinski Of The Ninth Circuit (But Gorsuch Doesn't Look Too Bad, Either...)
Featured In This Update: *** It's All About The Lawnmower and Don't Let The Tail Wag The Dog *** An Illuminating Snippet Of California Tax History *** Why I'm Not An 'Open Borders' Enthusiast *** A Notice For Educating Creators Of Improper Information Returns *** Thinking Outside The Box About Those Evil Rooskies *** Are There No Experienced Lawyers Who Will Help Me Stand Up For The Law? *** Trolls Against The Truth: A Dis-Information Campaign *** *** Watching The Watchmen- Updated *** BTW, Don't Miss These Items Of Interest: Please Help losthorizons.com Be As Effective As Possible *** Regarding State Group Membership *** The Educated American's Tax Filing Flow Chart *** *** *** *** A "Pragmatic" Perspective On The Tax And The Rule Of Law *** Illuminating Anniversaries For This Week *** *** And Hey! Don't miss the great stuff in the main page of this edition! ***** "The preservation of a free government requires, not merely that the metes and bounds which separate each department of power be invariably maintained, but more especially that neither of them be suffered to overleap the great barrier which defends the rights of the people. The rulers who are guilty of such encroachment exceed the commission from which they derive their authority, and are TYRANTS. The people who submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves nor by an authority derived from them and are slaves….." -James Madison The Fifteenth Upgraded Edition of CtC Is Now Available! *** "Resistance Is Futile" Ohhhh, they SO much want you to believe that... WELL, HERE WE ARE, halfway through 2017's primary season of truth versus lies. "Information returns" (W-2s, 1099s, and so forth) prepared in utter ignorance of their import and legal effect by accountants and business-owners across the country have arrived in millions of mailboxes. The pressure is on everyone to make a critical decision. Co-opted or simply naive media and public official voices will soon be giving friendly reminders to everyone with an exaggerated groan and a warm smile about the importance of tax-paying, and how nobody likes it much, but we've all got to do it. Every newspaper will shortly have an article or two on the lower half of the front page from the IRS or quoting the IRS about something or other so no one forgets the "junk-yard dog". The falsehood about the income tax originating in 1913 or being authorized by the 16th Amendment will be ubiquitous over the next seven weeks. Your mother will be urging you to fill out tax forms the way she always does them, and not make those nasty folks at the IRS angry. Balanced against all that is the plainly-revealed and thoroughly-proven truth about the real nature and scope of the income tax and the moral imperative invoked by this truth. Together, the two opposing forces make this time of year into what might also be called the "Sorting-Out Season". This is the time each year when Americans are divided into two classes. On the one hand are real Americans. They are the courageous and the responsible cadre. They are the "This great country isn't going down into lawlessness and despotism on my watch!" grown-ups. The concrete expressions of resolve by many of these good folks are proudly on display here, serving as uplifting examples to others. On the other hand are those who are nominally "Americans", but who really are subjects. Their personal civic authority has been entirely surrendered to the very parasites who eat out their substance and that of their children. These subjugated serfs are a "see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, name-no-evil" mob of irresponsible adolescents. They blithely (or timidly) stand by and do nothing except supply coal to the gravy-train-for-the-politically-connected that is carrying them downhill at ever-greater speed toward absolute ruin and the Hell-on-Earth horrors of the unconcealed, unrestrained tyranny that will inevitably follow. ENORMOUS EFFORTS HAVE BEEN MADE BY THE CORRUPT STATE to push everyone into the latter camp. Primarily this is done by trying to persuade Americans that undertaking their own study of the law is inappropriate-- indeed, pointless-- because the law belongs to the state and means only what those operating the state wants it to mean, no matter what it actually says. In fact, Americans are encouraged to believe that studying the law for themselves is not only pointless but outright dangerous. They are encouraged to believe that if they make that study and conclude that the law ISN'T the flexible instrument of those acting in the name of the state and instead means what it says and says what it means they risk being savaged for their trouble by the inhabitants of Washington and its myriad little fortresses which litter this once and future great country of ours. So (Americans are encouraged to believe) the best-- indeed, the only-- rational course is to just do whatever it seems those running the state want done, from the get-go, taking them at their word (or their implication) that they demand nothing more than what they really are authorized to demand. Pay no attention to the logic (and well-settled legal principles) that inform judicial declarations like these: "Whatever the form in which the government functions, anyone entering into an arrangement with the government takes the risk of having accurately ascertained that he who purports to act for the government stays within the bounds of his authority. ... And this is so even though ... the agent himself may be unaware of the limitations upon his authority." United States Supreme Court, Federal Crop Ins. Corp. v. Merrill, 332 US 380-388 (1947) “Persons dealing with the government are charged with knowing government statutes and regulations, and they assume the risk that government agents may exceed their authority and provide misinformation.” Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, Lavin v. Marsh, 644 f.2d 1378 (1981) Do what they want you to do and believe what they want you to believe (or at least profess what they want you to profess). Submit from the outset. It will be better for you, because resistance is futile... Everyone knows you can't fight City Hall; resistance is futile... It's OK to submit-- everyone else does; and anyway, resistance is futile... America is full of nothing but couch-potatoes and you're entirely alone; resistance is futile... What's the matter with you? Didn't you hear?! RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!!! Just lie back and get comfortable. It won't hurt a bit, as long as you don't struggle. (And this will remain true until you've let yourself be bled to the point where you CAN'T struggle. Then it will start hurting A LOT, because then resistance really WILL be futile, and those feeding on you won't have to worry about maintaining your cooperation and quiescence...) WELL, HERE'S REALITY CALLING from a bright horizon which might be hard to see through the fog of intimidation and lies: I wrote and posted the "resistance" essay above (now tweaked a bit) in 2011 while sitting in a federal prison for an elaborately-contrived conviction on bogus-- indeed, ridiculous-- charges of not believing what I have revealed about the tax. The assault on me was an attempt by corrupt federal actors in the executive and judicial branches to convince others that resistance to its then 70-year-old mis-application of the income tax laws is futile. This mis-application relied upon exploiting ignorance about the true nature of the tax-- an ignorance cultivated by these same corrupt actors and their past and present fellow-travelers over the lifetimes of several generations of Americans. The publication of 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America' in 2003 dispelled the ignorance and replaced it with knowledge. After learning the real nature of the tax to their complete and painstaking satisfaction, tens of thousands of upstanding men and women were putting that knowledge to use, reclaiming everything withheld or paid-in by them in income taxes of every kind-- federal, state, local, Social security and Medicare. By assaulting me, the corrupt government actors hoped to convince anyone naive enough to not read my work for themselves that it must be wrong and to forego even starting down the path to resistance by becoming educated. This hope relied on the conditioning to which many Americans fall prey whereby they imagine "officials" to be uniformly honest, well-meaning and abrim with respect for the rule of law. At the same time, the assault was meant to warn those already equipped with the knowledge (and who therefore couldn't be fooled about its correctness, and had no illusions about the saintliness of those responsible for the "ignorance tax" regime) that however right it was, using it would bring on the snarling junk-yard dog. In other words, that resistance is futile. SO, WHO WAS RIGHT? The corruptors, who tried to communicate that "resistance is futile"? Or me, when in 2010 I wrote that only serfs embrace the notion that "resistance is futile", and that the notion is false? Here's the tally: In the six years since I said resistance is anything but futile, and the government did its best to convince everyone otherwise, $billions more in improperly taken "income taxes" have been recovered or retained by CtC-educated Americans than had been before that "resistance is futile" assault. The corrupt actors have found themselves forced into outright forgeries, perjuries and frauds in their struggle to keep the vile "ignorance tax" house of cards upright in the cold wind of truth that has blown stronger and steadier all the while. At the same time, the regime responsible for the "ignorance tax" scheme has been facing exposure and widespread condemnation by virtue of an increasingly large and resolute cadre of heroes such as Edward Snowden, Thomas Drake, Chelsea Manning, Julian Assange, William Binney, Ron Paul and many others over the evils deeds it finances by way of the scheme. Among many other things this resistance has prompted a transformation in individual communication security which is now embraced by giants in that industry along with vast numbers of Americans, all in defiance of government demands. State governments are telling the federal behemoth to go pound sand on issues from unconstitutional gun control laws to unconstitutional drug control laws to unconstitutional civil asset forfeiture laws. Lap-dog federal judges are having their efforts to shore up these despotic abuses and many others shredded by widespread scorn in the public square. The American people have successfully resisted the statist-quo regime responsible for the "ignorance tax" scheme (and the many other offenses for which it is Leviathan's tap-root). Whether what we imagine to be an alternative put in place by that flexing of the resistance muscle will prove to be legitimate rather than just another wolf decked out in a better sheep-suit remains to be seen (and it isn't looking good). But the massive flexing and the heavily-opposed success happened, regardless. Successful resistance is transforming the world itself right now. The people of the UK have successfully resisted and sent packing the corrupt centralization of power in the European Union. Hell, the Cubbies even won the World Series last year, in a successful resistance to what most everyone had taken to be written in the very stars as their certain and perpetual fate! IN SHORT, RESISTANCE is anything but futile. So, go forth into these last seven weeks before April FOOL'S Day and choose your side (and help your neighbors, friends and family understand the choice that they inescapably face, as well). Are you going to stand with the grown-ups who understand that Heaven knows how to put a proper value on its blessings, and it would be a strange thing indeed if Liberty didn't command a high price, as Thomas Paine helped the Founders remember 235 years ago? Or are you going to "lie back and get comfortable", and bleed away in a peaceful but ultimately fatal bovine torpor? What will you teach your children? To stand beside you? Or to lie beside you? Will you teach them that the state belongs to the law? Or will you teach them that the law belongs to the state, and the state can make the law mean what it wants; that those who run the state are the law; that the Constitutional republic that is your children’s rightful heritage is dead, and that they will live their lives as ruthlessly exploited serfs because, you know, "resistance is futile"? It's your call... and you have to make it right now. "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." -Samuel Adams, Architect of the First American Revolution
"A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves." -Edward R. Murrow
"Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God." -Thomas Jefferson Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend The ever-excellent Brian Wright has a great compilation (with some of his own very useful supplements) of a few things I've posted recently concerning important "action items". Please give it a read. Making honest things happen with the media will make good things happen for all of us. It's All About The Lawnmower and Don't Let The Tail Wag The Dog Two key concepts concerning the "income" tax. Jurisdiction Is All About The Lawnmower ONE OF THE MOST PERSISTENT MISUNDERSTANDINGS about the United States income tax imagines it akin to tribute from a subject to a sovereign. Those misled by this erroneous notion come to believe that application of the tax is citizenship- or residency-related-- that is, that the application of the tax is based on where those deemed liable for the tax are located, or whether they are "citizens of the United States" (an expression imagined to have a special legal meaning in this context). This misunderstanding of the tax as "tribute" leads to further mistaken notions about "jurisdiction", and pointless arguments with taxing authorities about that subject. The "tax is tribute" believers spend endless energy pointing out jurisdictional limitations without ever addressing the one jurisdictional issue that actually matters. The fact is, the tax is NOT tribute, and the taxing authority is neither that of a king, nor applied based in any way upon status. This can be seen in the most concrete fashion possible by all the examples here, not one of which involves any argument, assertion, dispute or declaration concerning citizenship or residency. Instead, the tax is an excise, and the "income" that it reaches is simply a special class of receipts which are liable to tax due to the federally-privileged character of the activity which produced them. HERE'S A GOOD MODEL for understanding the reality of the tax: If you use a federally-owned lawnmower to cut other people's grass for money, the feds get to claim a piece of your gains, regardless of where you live or can be found, and regardless of who you are, in a citizenship sense or any other. The liability for the tax goes wherever the federal lawnmower goes, and arises wherever and whenever it is used to make a profit, regardless of by whom. Understanding the federal-privilege-excise nature of the tax also makes clear that to say, "I don't live within your geographical area of authority;" or, "I'm not one of your subjugated or duty-bound citizens," as is done by those who mistakenly imagine the tax to be tribute, is a meaningless response to an assertion of tax liability. All that such declarations do is make clear to the taxing authority that the speaker is clueless about the arena he or she is in-- it is the pasting of a "Kick me!" sign on one's own back. The only relevant response to an assertion of tax liability is either, "Yes, I did make money with your lawnmower," (followed by the calculation or acknowledgement of a tax owed) or, "Wrong; I didn't make any money with your lawnmower," (which is not to say one didn't make money mowing lawns, but only that if so, it was done with one's own equipment). Either one simply has to be done in a fashion legally cognizable by the tax agency being addressed, which is to say, by way of a return. See this CtC Quiz for some drill-down on this issue following the lawnmower model. Or, if you're a cyclist, you might find this alternative model of the tax dynamic more appealing. Don't Let The Tail Wag The Dog THE "IGNORANCE TAX" SCHEMERS encourage everyone to imagine that all economic activity happens within the "federal universe", and that all receipts are "income" unless exempted by Congress. This false paradigm, in turn, encourages the notion that it is by looking to statutory definitions and similar provisions of law that we discover whether our receipts qualify as "income", or prove that they do not. But this notion has things exactly backwards-- it is the tail wagging the dog. The fact is, one's non-federally-connected labor earnings don't fail to qualify as "wages" because they are not described in the statutes concerning "wages". Rather, it is because one's non-federally-connected earnings can't qualify as tax-relevant "wages" that they are not described in those statutes. What is described in the statute doesn't determine what is taxable; on the contrary, what is taxable determines what is described in the statute. Put another way, the statutes aren't the description of everything Congress chooses to designate as taxable "wages". Instead they are the description of every employment-related receipt Congress CAN Constitutionally describe as taxable "wages" (from which it then provides some number of exceptions in service to its own agenda). INDEED, EVEN IF THE STATUTES, or some construction of them (whether legislative, regulatory or judicial) APPEAR to describe unprivileged earnings as being within their scope, they really do not, because they cannot. In such an instance one can take it as a given that the disconnect is simply not superficially obvious. Thus, even if a statute were to be found that says, "Pete Hendrickson's earnings are "wages", and subject to a non-apportioned federal tax", this wouldn't mean that the Constitution had been overthrown, or that my unprivileged earnings are subject to a direct federal tax without apportionment. It would simply mean that somewhere else in the law must be buried a special definition of "earnings", or even of "Pete Hendrickson's earnings", that reconciles the apparent contradiction. Somewhere will be found a section that says, "For purposes of chapter ___, "Pete Hendrickson's earnings" includes Pete Hendrickson's federally-privileged earnings". Or one saying merely, "earnings includes federally-privileged receipts" etc.. In fact, even if a qualifying section DIDN'T exist, the construction that would have to be given to "Pete Hendrickson's earnings are "wages" and subject to a non-apportioned federal tax" would amount to the same qualified effect. Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution is still the law to which the federal government is subject. It still says that my non-privileged earnings (and yours) cannot be taxed by the feds other than through apportionment (because such a tax would qualify as a "capitation"). As is true of all law, no matter what a statute facially declares, it CAN'T have (or be held to have) a meaning in conflict with the Constitution. The statutes are the tail. It is the Constitution that is the dog. UNDERSTANDING THIS IMPORTANT aspect of the tax (and of the law in general) will help you immensely in dealing with the thicket of custom definitions, and the deployment of same by the tax agencies and legal departments that badly want you to be confused and uncertain of your ground. Knowing that whatever it may look like, the thicket must conform to the fundamental law, and must be held to do so no matter whether it is easy to see how it does or isn't easy to see how it does, will allow you to step right over the thicket. When confronted by a skeptic (or agenda-driven opponent) who challenges you to explain why your earnings don't fall within some definition or another-- whether it be the broad "Gross income is all income..." definition in section 61, or a more specialized definition of a subclass of "income", like that of "wages" at 3410(a) or 3121(a), you don't have to argue over what is said in those definitions. All that need be pointed out is that the "no capitation other than by apportionment" Constitutional prohibition remains in force, and thus, whatever those definitions may appear to say to your unschooled correspondent, what they DON'T and CAN'T say is that non-federally-privileged earnings or receipts are federally-taxable (or taxed) without apportionment. Keep this very clear in your mind, and teach it to others as you introduce them to the liberating truth about the completely benign "income tax" and educate them about the completely pernicious "ignorance tax" by which they have been victimized for their entire lives. (For a detailed discussion of this subject, see 'What "Income" Means, And Why' in 'Was Grandpa Really a Moron?'.
Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** A Few Folks With Good and Important Things To Say:
Find this film on YouTube at https://youtu.be/K0CYo57I3ks An Illuminating Snippet Of California Tax History SCHOLAR AND CALIFORNIAN GREG SUTTON has put together an excellent little analysis of data from the inception of his home state's "income tax" in its original form in 1935. Drawing on an exhaustive discussion of the new tax in a California Law Review article from July of 1936, Greg crunches the numbers and shows how they nicely illustrate and emphasize the limited scope of the state's income excise. See Greg's article here. Enjoy it for its own sake, and take it as inspiration, as well, people! I would love to see many more contributions of this kind, and I know there are many reading this who could step up and make them. Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend Why I'm Not An 'Open Borders' Enthusiast I know a certain contingent of my fellow libertarians will automatically bridle at that title, but hear me out... A Notice For Educating Creators Of Improper Information Returns It's just good neighborliness to let people know when they've gone wrong. THE EVER-OUTSTANDING TOM BOTTARO, ChFC, has produced a fine notice suitable (after a bit of customization) for educating anyone who has created, willfully or otherwise, false 1099 "information returns". Find it here. REMEMBER, friends don't let friends lie on tax forms. Get Tom's 'Tax Guide For Business Owners' and his 'Secrets of the Income Tax: What the IRS doesn't want you to know!' Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** Assessing The Damage From The Misapplication Of The Income Tax ***** Repeal Obamacare. PERIOD! No replacement for this steaming pile of socialism is needed or wanted. See this to learn why. (And if you didn't get this as an easily-shared tweet earlier, click here and choose "follow"!) Thinking Outside The Box About Those Evil Rooskies I WANT TO PROPOSE A NOTION that will sound weird, and even heretical, at first. But please, walk with me for a little while, friends, and let's see where we end up. Here's the notion: Americans need a strong, independent Russia. I know, shock! We can see how a strong, independent Russia might not be automatically bad for us, but good for us? Well, give me a chance here and I'll do my best to lay this out. THERE ARE TWO FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES I'm going to invoke as guidance down this path. First, there's the one well-stated in Acton's famous maxim that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The second ground on which my notion rests is a little less lofty of expression but just as valid-- a fish rots from the head down. So, Power. Corruption. Here?! 'Fraid so, Snow White. And the equally unfortunate reality is that when the Washington DC-based organization we call the United States is unchecked by any meaningful countervailing power in its exercise of influence and coercion, it is very powerful, and therefore very corrupt-- even approaching a state of absolute corruption. NOW, THE CORRUPTION TAKES HOLD FIRST in the executive branch. That's where foreign policy authority is concentrated and where the corrupting power is therefore wielded. But the executive branch is naturally very influential on the rest of the governmental structure. And as in our number two principle, the fish rots from the head down, with the corruption eventually infecting all of government. Worse, the executive branch is also the part of the state which interacts most with the American people (through, for instance, the DoJ, HHS, DoE, EPA, IRS, and all the rest of the "alphabet agencies). It thus has a huge influence on society as a whole, making America in general at risk of infection with the corruption to a greater or lesser degree. A LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE OF RECENT AMERICAN HISTORY bears out my premise. Today's very high but previously unknown degree of interaction between the federal executive branch and the people took hold only during the last 75 years. Over most of the preceding 140 years or so of our history most Americans had no contact of any kind with any federal official except the mailman. That high degree of obnoxious and imposed executive interaction with the American citizenry resulted from the corrupt abrogation by Congress of its Constitutionally-intended and naturally-restraining primacy in the government structure over that seven-and-a-half decades. This abrogation by Congress and accretion of power in the executive coincides with the United States growing into an 800-lb sole superpower beginning at the end of World War II.
Let's parse this out for clarity. We see the executive branch grow in power in foreign affairs over the last 75 years (and thus increasingly corrupt, per Acton's maxim) as countervailing powers-- of which Russia had been the most effective-- declined. During that same period Congress becomes increasingly corrupt, abrogating its Constitutional responsibilities about as fast as it receives the corrupt executive demands that they be surrendered. Simultaneously, American society grows increasingly corrupt, as evidenced by the tolerance with which this progressive Congressional corruption is met. (The "Cold War" is not the cause of the growth of the state during this period-- it was simply a pretext for the increasing exercise of executive foreign-policy authority during 42 of these years. The state grew in order to fuel that exercise. The proof of this point is simple and decisive. The Soviet Union collapsed into dust in 1989 and yet the growth of the United States (the federal apparatus) continued without pause, justified by new and ever-more inventive foreign-policy pretexts.) Projecting forward, assuming everything goes on as it has gone, and the United States executive branch becomes ruler of the world. Enormous power-- nominally only in the sphere of external affairs, as now, but leading to equally enormous corruption and aggrandizement and militarism, along with all the attendant evils that these impose domestically. Is it not clear that this is a bad thing? The ruler of the world does what it wishes, and laws don't stop it. Its power and influence erodes courage and honor in all others, including the Congress and courts which are meant to keep it in check and bound down to the Constitution. All others in various positions of authority become its sycophants. Individual liberty is soon a fading memory, as is the protection of the law. Not a pretty picture. Also, not a picture too far out of focus to today's discerning eye. SO, WHAT CAN KEEP THIS DYSTOPIA from being everyone's future? Well, the best solution is the Founders' most relied-upon Constitutional-enforcement mechanism-- individual regulation of the resources by which those in control of the state apparatus can seek to fulfill their lusts for power. But at the same time (or in the meantime) the presence of a countervailing foreign power on the world stage-- not a superior one, mind you, but just one strong enough to prompt an overall civility of character rather than arrogance-- might not be amiss. Russia is not only the sole candidate that could fit this bill, but it is a good candidate overall. Notwithstanding state propaganda to the contrary intended to justify the accretion of ever-more power to the executive, Russia is not at all aggressive. It hasn't been for nearly thirty years. Further, whether we deliberately show it the respect this proposal would require or not, Russia is, in fact, armed with more than 7,000 nuclear weapons, along with a big supply of biological weapons, chemical weapons and a big military apparatus. We have no choice but to either respect it out of prudence or do so out of necessity, and might as well make the good-neighbor choice rather than the crabbed one of paranoid hostility. At the same time, America is similarly armed for bear (no pun intended). We do not need to suppress or oppress our neighbors (so to speak) in order to be secure from the only kind of threats at which such suppression or oppression are aimed. We don't need to encircle Russia with bases or alliances, or bump it aggressively every time we pass in the hallways, in order to be very sure it will not attack us. In short, we have nothing to lose by a good-neighbor policy toward Russia. And as Americans who will otherwise find ourselves the ever-more enserfed subjects of a a lumbering behemoth of a government whose girth spills over from its center of growth in foreign lands onto these fruited plains, we instead have a great deal to lose by a "bad-neighbor" policy of eroding Russia's utility as a counterweight to that behemoth. NOW, OF COURSE I'M JUST SPITBALLIN' here. And I'm sure that some will be unable to accommodate any world-view in which the dominance of Washington, DC's denizens over all else is not seen as the naturally most desirable state of affairs. But let me remind those folks that what I'm proposing here is nothing more than what George Washington advised America in his farewell address: "...nothing is more essential, than that permanent, inveterate antipathies against particular Nations, and passionate attachments for others, should be excluded; and that, in place of them, just and amicable feelings towards all should be cultivated. The Nation, which indulges towards another an habitual hatred, or an habitual fondness, is in some degree a slave. It is a slave to its animosity or to its affection, either of which is sufficient to lead it astray from its duty and its interest. Antipathy in one nation against another disposes each more readily to offer insult and injury, to lay hold of slight causes of umbrage, and to be haughty and intractable, when accidental or trifling occasions of dispute occur. Hence frequent collisions, obstinate, envenomed, and bloody contests. The Nation, prompted by ill-will and resentment, sometimes impels to war the Government, contrary to the best calculations of policy. The Government sometimes participates in the national propensity, and adopts through passion what reason would reject; at other times, it makes the animosity of the nation subservient to projects of hostility instigated by pride, ambition, and other sinister and pernicious motives. The peace often, sometimes perhaps the liberty, of Nations has been the victim." Thomas Jefferson advised us to the same effect in his first inaugural address, counseling honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. John Quincy Adams, in his July 4, 1821 address on foreign policy, put it most plainly (and poetically): "America, with the same voice which spoke herself into existence as a nation, proclaimed to mankind the inextinguishable rights of human nature, and the only lawful foundations of government. America, in the assembly of nations, since her admission among them, has invariably, though often fruitlessly, held forth to them the hand of honest friendship, of equal freedom, of generous reciprocity. She has uniformly spoken among them, though often to heedless and often to disdainful ears, the language of equal liberty, equal justice, and equal rights. She has, in the lapse of nearly half a century, without a single exception, respected the independence of other nations, while asserting and maintaining her own. She has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even when the conflict has been for principles to which she clings, as to the last vital drop that visits the heart. She has seen that probably for centuries to come, all the contests of that Aceldama, the European World, will be contests between inveterate power, and emerging right. "Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own. She will recommend the general cause, by the countenance of her voice, and the benignant sympathy of her example. "She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself, beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy, and ambition, which assume the colors and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force. The frontlet upon her brows would no longer beam with the ineffable splendor of freedom and independence; but in its stead would soon be substituted an imperial diadem, flashing in false and tarnished lustre the murky radiance of dominion and power. She might become the dictatress of the world: she would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit." And in his 1960 farewell address, Dwight D. Eisenhower, a president who knew just what was going on in exactly the particular policy question of which I speak today, warned us, "Th[e] conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence – economic, political, even spiritual – is felt in every city, every Statehouse, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist." We'd be in pretty good company adopting a policy of simple, honest friendship with Russia, and the less arrogant demeanor that such a policy would impose on the United States. Something to think about, that's all. Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** Found on a facebook page-- apparently the "Millenials" aren't as disengaged as rumor sometimes has it...
BTW, those interested can see the latest motion filed in Doreen's case here Looking For A Litigator Who Wants To Do Well While Doing Good THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT presents details of a long-running (and still-ongoing) violation of the speech, conscience and due-process rights of two Americans. The offenses, in a nutshell, involve a federal district court attempting to dictate to these two folks-- word for word-- sworn "testimony" they are ordered to make in a legal contest with the government. Click the link below to read the brief. You'll find it thoroughly supported with relevant testimony by the chief perpetrator and other similarly unambiguous exhibits. The Civil Rights Lawsuit Documentation "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have the exact measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed on them, and these will continue till they have been resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they suppress." -Frederick Douglass "It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men." -Samuel Adams Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** Would You Do It?
"A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him." -Ezra Pound
***** Interested In Some Excellent CtC-Educated Radio?
***** A Michigan Version Of The "Watching The Watchmen" Amendment Has Been Proposed *****
Get this flyer as a printable .pdf here Get this flyer as a multi-piece printable .pdf here *****
Trolls Against The Truth: A Dis-Information Campaign UNLESS YOU'VE LOOKED, you can have no idea of the volume, intensity and mendacity deployed in the government's efforts to discourage Americans from learning what is revealed in CtC. It's truly astonishing. A lot of folks are aware of the show-trial events in which my wife and I have received state-engineered public beatings meant to scare people away from the truth about the "ignorance tax" scam. But many are unaware of the overall campaign. This is a shame, really, because a focused propaganda effort like this one is a very powerful acknowledgement of the significance of CtC's revelations. While the majority of Americans do not yet know how CtC protects them from the vampire state, the vampire itself certainly does. Dis-information campaigns like this one make that very clear.
FORMER CBS REPORTER SHERYL ATKISSON describes some aspects of this sort of dis-information campaign in the following video. Despite the annoying preliminary 15 seconds or so of advertising, her presentation is very much worth watching:
(H/T to Greg Belcher for finding and forwarding this great presentation.) Losthorizons.com is one of those websites specifically-targeted by the corrupt interests at Wikipedia described by Atkisson. The behind-the-scenes folks at that site won't allow links on their pages to anything posted at losthorizons.com, nor even just text corrections of misinformation in their pages about the income tax. That's the least of it. Click here for some specific discussion of the enormous scare campaign that's been actively spreading false information in hope of discouraging legitimate media attention, as well as men and women simply seeking the truth about the tax and liberty from the scourge of the "ignorance tax". PLEASE GIVE SOME SERIOUS THOUGHT to the fact that YOU being secure in your own freedom rests on others learning the truth as well, and recognize that it falls to you to help overcome the dis-information campaign. Post and share your videos; share your victories; help silence the agents-provocateur and distraction-injectors whose nonsense is discussed and debunked here; and widely (and frankly, impatiently) share this page, this page and this page, challenging everyone in your address book to disconnect the phone and the TV for an afternoon and get educated. Doing these things will be what makes it happen, Cap'n. Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** An Excellent New Video About The Government Effort To Suppress CtC Has Hit YouTube! DEREK CUSHMAN HAS POSTED a powerful presentation on government lies, propaganda and misinformation about CtC designed to discourage more Americans from reading the book and getting free of the misadministration of the tax:
You can also find this film on YouTube at https://youtu.be/V3_MViZDvo0 and on Vimeo at https://vimeo.com/175424277. Watch it and share it, folks. This film will help a lot of people who have been taken in by the lies understand how they've been manipulated, and prompt a proper desire to learn the truth about the tax. Well done, Derek! P.S. If there were a thousand videos out there debunking government lies and encouraging Americans to learn the truth like this one does, the "ignorance tax" scheme would collapse in a month. So, where's yours? Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend Please Help losthorizons.com Be As Effective As Possible! OVER THE LAST FEW YEARS I've heard from a number of folks that a firewall known as "Comodo" blocks access to this website. This is apparently a glitch in that program. This site is safe, as can be seen by going here.Please share this info with others in your own address book so it gets around-- obviously those suffering the ill effects of this defect in Comodo won't be able to see it here themselves until they go into their firewall settings and manually whitelist losthorizons.com. ALSO!!! Please go to the trouble of sharing the email you got alerting you to this new newsletter posting with as many people as possible. Over the course of time the ISP I use (Yahoo) is periodically put on "spam" blacklists. If I do a sending of newsletter announcements during such an interval, my address can get tagged that way, too, and my email can then end up disappearing into spam folders in the email systems of what are actually newsletter subscribers. Unless told to look for them and whitelist mail from @losthorizons.com, some of these folks won't ever know that this has happened. Pasted below are some how-to guides for several of the more popular email programs. Yours might be listed; if it is not, these steps might guide you through doing the whitelisting anyway, since there will be basic similarities among programs. Failing that, your program's "help" files or online info should be able to walk you through the whitelisting process. Yahoo: There are two things you can do: 1. Check your Yahoo! Bulk folder. If you see email from losthorizons.com, highlight it and click Not Spam. 2. Create a filter to automatically send email from losthorizons.com to your Inbox.
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AOL Web Mail: If you are using AOL web mail, simply reply to an email from losthorizons.com. Hotmail Live, Windows Live or MSN: Either, Check The Junk Folder: If email from losthorizons.com is in this folder, click Show content to view the body of the email. Click Mark as safe. Or, Manually Add to Safe List:
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WANTED! Your Article!! Sharpen those quills, people! MY FRIENDS, THIS NEWSLETTER NEEDS your creativity, your clear thinking, and your expressive energy! In short, this newsletter needs your journalism! I know that writing for public consumption isn't everyone's cup of tea. But those who CAN string a few words together can importantly serve the educated, activist community by writing and submitting thoughtful, well-researched and persuasive articles on certain topics for posting on these pages. Here are several topics for which submissions are desired:
Articles should be 1500 words or less, with working titles and author's name at the beginning. Composition should strive for two and three sentence paragraphs organized in the form of a theme paper. Intend to persuade and inspire, not browbeat. Format should be either .doc or .odt. All submissions selected for posting may be subject to editing. BTW, CtC Warrior Greg Sutton has just had a good educational/inspirational article published here. Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend *****
More Educated Americans Testify, Showing Why The Deep State Fears CtC "If the taxpayers of this country ever discovered that we operate on 98% bluff, the entire system will collapse." -Reported remark by an internal revenue service officer to Sen. Henry E. Bellmon (R. Okla.) on April 15, 1971.
"The Tax Code represents the genius of legal fiction... The IRS has never really known why people pay the income tax... The IRS encourages voluntary compliance, through FEAR." -Jack Warren Wade Jr., former IRS officer in charge of the IRS Nationwide Revenue Officer Training Program, in his book ‘When You Owe The IRS’ CtC-EDUCATED, AMERICAN HERITAGE-LOVING grown-up Joe Black shares his testimony here. Tom Romin shares his testimony here. Greg Sutton shares his here. Enjoy Robert Harvey's testimony here. Joe's, Tom's and Greg's and Robert's words, like those of others that can be found here, are solid examples of why the Deep State fears CtC. It's this simple: If you study CtC you will know the truth about the tax. Further, you will know that you know the truth, beyond any doubt. ONLY CtC will give you that certainty, because CtC is exclusively and uniquely complete and correct, as can be seen by any of thousands of different acknowledgements of every possible kind, from this to this to this to this. Most telling, in its own way, is the government robotically resorting for years now to the strawman of falsely ascribing to CtC the ridiculous arguments that "wages are not income" and that only federal, state and local government workers are subject to the tax. This false ascription is then used as the basis for claiming the book is "false and frivolous"-- a lame and transparent dodge begging the question of why the state won't acknowledge what the book REALLY says and then attempt to dispute THAT. Once you know the truth revealed in CtC, acting in accordance with that truth WILL liberate you from being an ignorance tax serf. This, the deep state fears mightily. FURTHER, ACTING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THAT deeply-known truth can NEVER legitimately qualify as any kind of a "tax crime", or for any penalties or fines. This is not only because what CtC teaches about the law and the tax is technically and legally correct, but also because all tax crimes are crimes of "intent" and all penalties rest for their legitimacy on "intent". An educated filing in sincere accordance with what is known and believed to be true and correct cannot be lawfully treated as invalid, criminal or subject to penalty. Any effort by the state to claim otherwise is inherently corrupt. Nor can any accurate and truthful filing be overcome by any lawful means, which is why the state is so focused on forcing Doreen to declare that she doesn't believe what CtC teaches, with the openly-declared hope that her doing so would discourage other Americans from acting on what they also believe. LIKE HENRY BELLMON WAS TOLD, the "ignorance tax" scheme relies on bluff-- pretending that the truth is what the government suggests that it is (despite what the law and the courts and every other authority have actually been saying about it for 150 years). And like Jack Warren Wade, Jr. says, the scheme relies on fear-- doing everything possible to make people afraid to act on their scheme-shattering knowledge of the truth. In short, the "ignorance tax" scheme can only survive if Americans can be bluffed into not seeking out the truth, and if those who learn that truth can be discouraged from acting on that truth. But those who know the truth, and know they know the truth, cannot not act. Acting on the truth is a moral imperative, as well as a legal imperative. The undaunted actions of those who know the truth are "calls" against the bluff. Each "call" ratchets-up the spread of the truth exponentially and forces state acknowledgement of that truth, one way or another; and each such acknowledgment takes America one step closer to freedom from the 75-year state-unleashing, people-restraining "ignorance tax" scheme. And THAT's why the deep state fears CtC. "Be the change you want to see in the world." -Mohandas Gandhi Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** I HAVE DONE MY BEST to lead this country to liberty from the mis-applied income tax. I have labored hard. I've shed a lot of sweat, a fair bit of blood and more than a few tears. But I seem to be pretty poor at that kind of work, because... Right now, having just been forced to deliver my beloved bride to a prison camp, I'm bleeding pretty heavily. And yet, when I have asked all of you for what I firmly believe is a necessary resource to move the ball downfield and give my darling wife (and all the rest of us) the best chance at justice and an end to the assault on the rule of law-- simple testimonial videos requiring nothing from any of you but the phone in your pocket and three minutes of speaking from the heart-- I have had only a handful of people answer my call. I CAN'T KEEP GOING THIS WAY. I have to be able to turn my attention away from writing new persuasive or skepticism-addressing articles week after week, and toward research, analysis and educational presentations that will benefit everyone already in this community. I need time to do some suing, and to bring together the resources and talent toward that end. As said, it is my firm belief that your testimonial videos are the resource that I need to make big things happen, and they are unquestionably the thing I need to allow me to turn my attention away from trying to get horses to drink at the waterhole to which I have led them. Your words, in your great numbers and all in your own different ways, will do that better than anything I write possibly could. And yet, you are not providing them, even despite my having been asking you for them for many years now (I renewed my entreaties as a front-page item just lately, in response to the media skepticism over what has been done to Doreen, but I first posted my request for these something along the lines of eight years ago...). Therefore, with enormous reluctance, I am making portions of this website restricted access only. People have been urging me to do this for years now, telling me I should impose a charge to access my work-product, so as to enable me to keep producing. I have never been inclined to do so. I ask for donations, and will continue to do that, and if they do not come, then I will conclude that my work is of no value to anyone, and I will close shop. But I now WILL charge a special something for access to some key portions of that work-- testimonial videos, as discussed, described and demonstrated here. STARTING TODAY, SELECTED PAGES CONSTITUTING primarily "legal resources" pages will require passwords for access, and to get a password, I need your video. Similarly, if an email comes my way asking for guidance or assistance, it had best have a video attached, if I don't already have yours posted. I hate to play it this way, but I want to win. I'll tell you a story from when I was coaching my kids in soccer. Both of my kids at a certain age in their careers had run into a wall common to all but the very exceptional. They had gotten to be pretty good, and they wanted to enjoy the benefits of their hard work. But the arrival of this interest coincided with a new self-consciousness which made them reluctant to risk failing and looking foolish. So, they were hanging back from seizing the main chance when it appeared, and driving for the goal. My solution was to post on the wall of our dining room a couple of simple points about self-discipline, the chief of which is this: You can't score a goal if you don't take a shot. That's how it is here, too. If you don't stand up, you are laying down, and you'll never score that goal. Here is what my kids live by now, in their own version of that lesson. I hear it from them all the time as they excel (accompanied by the sound of a father's breast swelling with pride): Go hard, or go home. You, too. Go hard, or go home. Send those videos. Do I ask for a lot? I want your victories to post, your financial support, your efforts spreading the word, and your beautiful faces and inspiring words, too. It IS a lot. But I'll let Frederick Douglas explain: "Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Fear nothing but God. Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** Give Yourself A 30% Raise: A New Flyer
Get this flyer as a .pdf here, cut out the sections and spread 'em around to EVERYONE. Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend What Makes YOU A Warrior For The Truth? We each have our reasons, and our story. It's time, and it's needed, for you to share yours with the world.
"The day we see truth and do not speak is the day we begin to die." -Martin Luther King, Jr. What does it for you? Is it simply because no moral and upstanding person has any choice when it comes to telling the truth over his or her signature, whether on tax forms or anywhere else?
Is it recognition of the critical importance of the rule of law, and the knowledge that if everybody leaves its caretaking to someone else, it will soon be lost to us completely?
Is it the money?
Maybe it's just simple respect for your own rights as a human being, who is not and cannot be not involuntarily subordinated to others?
Maybe it's just simple respect for your general civic responsibility to be the grown-up and enforce frugality and restraint on a big, powerful creature of our own devising which otherwise is like a badly-raised teenage boy given whiskey and car keys and let loose on the road to wreak havoc?
Or is it, perhaps, a more acute anxiety that if our bonfire of a state isn't damped, and quickly, it'll soon burn down the house around us all?
What IS it that firms up your jaw and stiffens your resolve?
It's time to take off the bushel and share your light!
I would like you to think about what it is that motivates you for a few moments (or all day, if you like), and then send me your thoughts. I want to put YOUR reasons to work inspiring folks who don't yet understand what this is all about.
In this day and age, the most effective way for you to share your thinking for the benefit of others is to video-record yourself talking about how you feel, and explaining what inspires and motivates YOU.
All you need is a webcam or cell-phone equipped with a camera. If you don't have, or know how to use, one of these, have a friend help.
If needed, write a little script for yourself. Better, though, to just speak extemporaneously, after spending a little time sorting out your thoughts and getting down into your heart. Perhaps make it a video of someone in your family, or a close friend, interviewing you.
Keep yourself to no more than 2 or 3 minutes, and keep in mind that the purpose is not to educate, but to INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE and ENERGIZE. Your video will be one of many to be shared.
You needn't feel any obligation to be profound, and you shouldn't try to explain anything about the law, other than to say that you have read it and you know it's on your side. You just need to be sincere, and uplifting. Your object is to make your audience want to have what you have, and to be where you are in your heart.
Keep in mind that you're speaking to an audience that doesn't yet know ANYTHING about the subject, and whose first reaction is, "This must be illegal; this must be dangerous; this is too good to be true." You want to pull that audience right past such things, and straight to a focus on truth, morality, and our American heritage of liberty and the rule of law.
Speak about rights. Speak about morality, and the obligation of a grown-up and responsible person to speak the truth and to enforce the Constitution. Speak about everyone's duty to give to God what is God's, always, and to Caesar only what is really Caesar's. Speak of your obligation to respect yourself, and to look out for the current and future well-being of your children and your fellow citizens. Speak of CtC, and what its information has done for your understanding and resolve. Show the book.
If you have had victories, describe them. Better still, show them, if possible.
Be clear about just what you accomplished: EVERYTHING back-- Social Security, Medicare and all; a "notice of deficiency" closing notice; an on-paper agreement or acknowledgment that your earnings weren't subject to the tax and everything withheld or paid-in was an "overpayment"; a transcript showing all $0s; or whatever happened.
When you speak of state victories, name the state. If you had to overcome balkiness from a tax agency before winning any victory, describe that, too!
If you're in a battle now, speak of your resolve to uphold the law, come what may. If you haven't yet begun to act, speak of your decision to do so, and your plans.
Remember, your purpose is to INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE and ENERGIZE.
If you're dealing with ongoing balkiness, describe that, too, if you wish-- but be sure to explain why you're not discouraged, and why you are not standing down, not slinking back into the barn, and not choosing to endorse the lies.
Mention what you do for a living, whether you're a doctor, homemaker, lawyer, trucker, IT guy or gal, or a retiree or student. Help people understand that the company of grown-up activist Americans they are being invited to join cuts across all demographics and all interests-- with the common denominator being respect for the law and love of the principles on which this great country was founded.
This is your chance to get a LOT accomplished.
We've all had frustrating occasions of trying to explain all this to a friend, neighbor, family member or co-worker, only to pile up against the wall of a mind not yet ready to listen and learn. Here is your chance to address a self-selected audience of folks who have themselves decided that it's time for them to begin paying attention, and have clicked on your testimonial for exactly that reason.
Further, think about this: You want judges, bureaucrats, CPAs, lawyers, the HR people where you work, your pastors, your neighbors and everyone else to acknowledge the truth about the tax openly and straightforwardly. How and why would these folks do this if YOU won't? You want these folks to learn the truth. Why would they even recognize that there is a truth to be learned if you won't attest to having learned it yourself? You've got to stand up, face forward and chin up and tell these folks that you have studied and checked and verified and seen the evidence and seen the government evasions and you know that the tax is not the capitation that the beneficiary government wants everyone to think it is but a benign, but strictly limited thing, and that they need to study and learn that, too. Again, if you have victories to show, that's nice, and powerful, too. But you don't have to have victories to display in order to declare your knowledge of what the law says. I've never flown around the world, but I've seen the evidence and considered the arguments, and I'm not hesitant to declare it a sphere... Even those of you who haven't yet studied CtC have surely read this short document, and have verified everything in it for yourself. You should therefore be declaring its veracity and its message, loud and proud. Again, if you won't say it, how can you hope that others will ever even bother to look at the facts? Be the change you want to see in the world, or there won't be any change. So, please make and send those videos right away! You can share them with me via a cloud-based drive space like OneDrive.Live.com or GoogleDrive, or mail DVDs to me at 232 Oriole St., Commerce Twp., Michigan 48382, or even email to me if each file is no more than 20 megs (and you can break a video up if need be-- I can reassemble them). Render as .mpg or mp4, if possible; if not, send them how you have them and I'll make them work.
Remember, the restoration of institutional respect for individual rights and the rule of law depends on enough individuals insisting upon it. Do your part to let those starting to rub the sleep from their eyes know that there is a community already waiting for their fellowship with open arms and open hearts and shining spirits.
See how some of your fellow warriors for the truth have done their parts in videos sent over the years, many of which are posted here.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead Post a comment on this article Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend
from Critical Inquiries for a New American Century
Bob’s Bicycles or Getting Free Of The "Income" Tax Scheme Is As Easy As Falling Off A Bike
To get an idea of how today's "income" tax scheme works, try this little exercise:
Think of the federal government as a guy named Bob, who lives down the street from you in a town that is really big on bicycles. Bikes get used for commuting, deliveries, shopping, etc.. In fact, other than walking, bicycles are the exclusive form of transportation in your town. Your neighbor Bob has a by-the-mile bicycle-renting business-- "Bob's Bicycles". Bob's Bicycles is far and away the biggest business in town. Part of Bob’s success is because he does a lot of contract business. However, Bob doesn't just get paid by riders who have signed an agreement with him, or even just those using Bob's bikes. Bob gets something every time anybody in town does any riding at all, through an odd combination of circumstances that took many years to come together.
Here's how it happened...
Bob's Bicycles was launched long ago by the great grandfather of the present Bob (Bob IV). Great Grandpa Bob started out not only with a main location for his contract business-- he also had the bright idea of setting up spots around town where he parked some of his bikes for use by the more occasional rider, on an "honor system". Anyone could take and use one of these bikes, but they were expected to keep track of their mileage, and send Bob a "1040 Mileage Ridden/Rent Due Form" (and the appropriate rent), periodically. The initial design of the form was like this:
I said that Great Grandpa Bob planned to deal with these occasional riders on the "honor system", and that's true. But he liked his money, too, and didn't want to miss anything that was due him. So, after setting up the "self-serve" locations, Great Grandpa Bob went around handing out "W-2, 1099 or K-1 Rider Reporting Forms" to every other business in town. The forms-- accompanied by notices that if Bob didn't get his rent from someone riding a bicycle in connection with any business, he would sue the company involved-- said:
Click here to enjoy the rest of this illuminating little parable (...and if you want to see a liberating transformation take place THIS YEAR, forward this file to everyone in your address book.) Post a comment on this article |
You Can’t Fight Well When You Don’t Know What You’re Fighting About
If you are having an argument with the IRS or any other tax agency,
You are being targeted because REAL EVIDENCE exists that YOU PERSONALLY HAD “INCOME” to which the revenue laws apply-- even though that evidence is almost certainly incorrect, and CAN be corrected.
There IS "A Law" By Which You Can Be Made Liable, And This Is How It Works
Now Learn How To Be Master Of The Situation
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Photographed on 1-70 in Missouri. America is waking up.
Do You Know What Happens When YOU Decide To "Let Someone Else Do It"?
"I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I should do and, with the help of God, I will do."
-Everett Hale
(...and every other person who ever really deserved liberty)
"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it."
-Daniel Webster
"A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves."
-Edward R. Murrow
Get this graphic as a printable/postable/mailable .pdf
Browse other transformational-truth-spreading tools
Test Your "Income" Tax IQ! CtC Warrior SanDiegoScott has put together a great little 20-question quiz to test your knowledge of the law regarding the United States "income" tax. Test yourself, test your friends and family! Test your accountant and tax attorney, and help them learn the liberating truth!!
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CtC Videos And Audio Resources
"Never must thou take up a false cry, or join hands with the guilty by giving false witness in their favor. Never must thou follow with the crowd in doing wrong, or be swayed by many voices so as to give false judgment; even pity for the poor must not sway thee when judgment is to be given."
-Exodus 23:1-3
Doing A Little High-Payoff Math
If each person receiving this newsletter each week distributed as few as 100 of any of the great outreach tools featured here to co-workers, friends, neighbors and family members (or just strangers on the street, in the mall, etc...), we could have SEVERAL MILLION new Americans suddenly introduced to the liberating truth about the tax!
Just like that! In one week!
C'mon, people, let's roll on this! |
“Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”
‑Dale Carnegie
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A Few Tips For Making Best Use Of This WebSite
When directed to a page by topic or link, read everything.
I know that this can mean the investment of a lot of time, attention and effort, but although some may imagine otherwise, I don't write as much as I do because I can't think of any other way to spend my time...
Furthermore, when you encounter a hyperlink within, or associated with, the text you are reading, follow it!
It is pretty common these days for web-based material to be littered with hyperlinks. Sometimes the purpose is to provide definitions or examples, in order to ensure that folks reading the original material aren't presented with a word or reference which they don't understand. Sometimes the links lead to illustrations pertinent to the original text.
It is common-- and perfectly understandable-- for folks who are confident that they are familiar with language or references within the main text they are reading to get in the habit of skipping over included links. I do it all the time, myself!
However, I very rarely include links for definitional or explanatory purposes; and when I DO make a link out of text in one page it is generally to another self-contained page, rather than merely illustrative material. These other pages contain material the clear understanding of which I deem highly important for the proper and complete understanding of the original page. (Links to CtC, the Victories pages, CtC Warriors and so on are obvious exceptions to this general rule. On the other hand, a link to the victory Highlights or 'Every Which Way But Loose' pages, which might seem like such exceptions, are not. The special selection of victories on those pages, and the filed docs and tax-agency correspondences included therewith, themselves constitute highly instructive material which merits careful attention. Thus care needs to be taken in all cases.)
Please make a habit of clicking on all provided links and at least looking briefly to ensure that the linked page is one with which you are completely familiar from another study session.
Finally, please keep in mind that, annoying though it may seem at first blush (but not, I trust, upon reflection), I constantly tweak material already posted. Obviously this doesn't mean that every page is in flux at all times, but it does mean that if you are directed to a page that IS familiar, it's worthwhile to read it through again if it's been a while since your last having done so.
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"Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves." -George Gordon (Lord) Byron |