The News Current Events and Continuing Education for November 28 through December 11, 2016 “Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” -James Madison
"There are two distinct classes of men...those who pay taxes and those who receive and live upon taxes." - Thomas Paine C'mon! CtC can't be right! You're crazy! If CtC were actually right, it would mean the government's been concealing and denying the truth for years on end, and everybody knows THAT would never happen... (Edward Snowden, come home! It was all just a bad dream; there really is No Such Agency!)
Do you know someone truly steeped in the Kool-Aid?
I mean someone who finds it easier to believe that the far-better-educated, far-more-suspicious-of-government Americans of a hundred years ago were complete morons who granted authority to the state to take whatever it wished from themselves and their posterity than to imagine that they themselves simply misunderstand the true nature of the income tax? Even while knowing that their beliefs about the tax are derived entirely from the representations of those who profit from those beliefs (like tax bureaucrats and "tax professionals")?
Do you know someone like that? Shake them awake with the latest (fourteenth) edition of CtC!
I'm delighted when anyone wishes to share what I have posted here with others! Sharing this page is an important means of moving toward the restoration of the rule of law-- PLEASE DO IT!! But I'd appreciate your doing so by directing your friends here themselves, rather than by copying and emailing the material.
*** The Newsletter is interested in your work! If you are a writer, scholar, or just a dedicated Warrior with a good story to tell, please consider sharing your words and your wisdom with our thousands of readers! Click here to learn how.
***** -Samuel Adams
This means always do what's right, fearlessly Tell the truth, always, and never suffer a lie to live. “When truth is replaced by silence, the silence is a lie.” -Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Has The IRS Forged Documents To Cover Up A Widespread Fraud? Oh, what a tangled web we weave... AN EXPERT FORENSIC DOCUMENT EXAMINATION suggests forgeries and perjured declarations by persons in the United States Internal Revenue Service and a Treasury Department legal office. The presentation of the questionable documents by a government attorney as exhibits in a lawsuit in Tax Court brought the whole ugly affair to light. The evidence available so far suggests that IRS workers and at least one IRS Office of Chief Counsel attorney created fake signatures on back-dated documents, and then executed sworn statements declaring the documents to have been timely-made years prior. As found by Board-Certified Forensic Document Examiner William Flynn of Affiliated Forensic Laboratory, Inc. after analyzing the questioned exhibits:
From "Conclusions", Laboratory Reports #12-3179.1, Dec. 10, 2012, and #12-3179.2, Oct. 8, 2015, Affiliated Forensic Laboratory, Inc., William J. Flynn, B.S., D-ABFDE Declarations were made under oath in filings in a 2011 lawsuit, Waltner v. Comm'r, US Tax Court #8726-11 L, that the fake signatures are those of various supervisory personnel at the tax agency and constitute "evidence" that seizures of property from Steve and Sarah Waltner had been authorized as required by law. The government's apparent need to contrive false documents strongly suggests that what was being "proven" is not true. BUT AS DISTURBING AS THESE APPARENT FORGERIES ARE ON THEIR OWN, there's a larger and darker picture here. The overall evidence suggests the questionable documents were made because the government's inability to produce real ones in this case threatened to expose an underlying fraud, by which a larger number of Americans have been victimized over the course of at least seven years. The Waltners were in court challenging assertions of so-called "frivolous [tax] return" penalties against them. Threats of penalties so labeled are directed in a seeming scattershot, random manner against some of the tens of thousands of men and women who have been routinely securing complete refunds of all federal and state income taxes for many years now-- Social security and Medicare taxes included-- in accordance with critical tax-law "fine print" first revealed to modern America in 2003 in a book titled Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America by researcher Peter E. Hendrickson. The fine print identifies what is actually subject to the tax. This proves to be a much more limited and specialized class of gains than the government wants Americans to realize. Those who have learned the tax law "fine print" have recovered or retained several billion dollars in the form of hundreds of thousands of refunds and other government acknowledgements since 2003. Unsurprisingly, the government wishes this information had never come to light and has been struggling to pull the shades closed. However, the information is accurate, and produces a constant stream of acknowledgements issuing from federal and state treasury departments in the form of refund checks. Thus, the revenue-hungry government's recourse in its efforts to discourage the spread and use of the inconvenient information has been a series of questionable practices, the most broadly-deployed of which are threats of "frivolous return" penalties. In the penalty scheme, $5,000 penalties are threatened, and sometimes even seized in response to returns the IRS doesn't like. Both had happened to the Waltners, who were subjected to a number of threats, as well as a diversion of money from a complete refund for 2009 against an alleged penalty for a different filing. The problem with the scheme is that the legitimate imposition of "frivolous return" penalties is statutorily-controlled. Such penalties can only be legally imposed if a return is based on a "frivolous position" identified by the Secretary of the Treasury on a list he is required to produce and publish for this purpose, as specified in section 6702(c) of Title 26 of the US Code. The "fine-print" filings are perfectly legitimate. There is no "position" appearing on the Secretary's list by which they can qualify for the penalties. Faced with the conundrum of very much wanting to discourage these inconvenient filings, but unable to do so legitimately, the IRS contrived a "workaround". The agency created a fake list of "positions". The fake list contains versions of all of the actual "positions" found on the legitimate list produced by the Secretary of the Treasury, but features one unique agency addition, labeled "Argument 44". While purportedly a "position" (or "argument") on which a filing could be based (as is true of all the legitimate listed positions, and as is required for any listed item to serve its statutorily-specified purpose), Argument 44 is actually just a description of a typical "fine-print" filing. Here is an example of an internal IRS record indicating the deployment of the "Argument 44" pretext in the assertion of an illegitimate "frivolous return" penalty (CVPN, for "civil penalty"):
IT IS UNKNOWN just how much actual property has been seized under this "frivolous return penalty" scheme, although the aggregate total known to this writer exceeds ten thousand dollars. The number of Americans threatened with the penalties unless they change the sworn testimony on their tax returns to something more to the liking of the IRS is at least in the several scores of individuals-- possibly even into the hundreds. Steve and Sarah Waltner have been the first to knowledgeably challenge the assertion of these penalties, a challenge that prompted the apparent government attempt to cover-up with forgeries and perjury. The Department of Treasury, through its Office of Chief Counsel, the IRS, and the Tax Court judge in the Waltners' case, who, though put on notice of the questionable documents by the Waltners treated them as real and ruled against the Waltners in their suit, has hunkered down into a stonewall mode. CLEARLY, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE have a great deal at stake in all this. If forgery and perjury have been deployed by government officials against citizens, this is far too much to tolerate. Of even more potential significance is the prospect of fraudulent "frivolous return penalties" meant to be covered up by forgeries and perjury. More significant still would be that all of these other corrupt things are done in order to suppress the spread of accurate but government-disfavored information about the 800 lb. gorilla in American personal and political life known as the income tax. Further, as will be seen in the notes below, the big picture here could involve more and deeper corruption than just what is shown in this focused slice discussed above, from which the veil has fortuitously slipped. The evidence suggests that the rot might extend to the US Department of Justice and some federal district and circuit court judges, as well. The new "drain the swamp" Trump administration should be urged to appoint a special prosecutor on January 22 and get all of this out into the sunlight. The American people deserve no less. ### NOTES: The complete forensic document examination report can be seen here, and the declarations for which the questionable documents were presented in support can be seen here. Or, see both as filed in the 9th Circuit as Excerpts of Record in support of the Appeal brief in case No. 16-71797. Document Examiner Wm. Flynn's curriculum vitae can be seen here. Links, documentation and a detailed explanation of the "Argument 44" scheme can be found here. ~1,200 examples of the hundreds of thousands of complete "fine-print" refunds secured over the last 13 years can be seen here. A selection of refunds and other successful applications of the "fine print" information only after focused tax agency resistance can be seen here. To start learning about the "fine print", click here. Have questions? Contact Pete Hendrickson here. THE OVERALL SUPPRESSION CAMPAIGN, BRIEFLY: Initially the government attempted to have the publication of Hendrickson's book enjoined. When these efforts quickly failed by early 2005, the suppression effort changed course. 2006 saw Hendrickson and his wife targeted by a crudely-contrived but widely-publicized "civil lawsuit" by which the federal government purported to reclaim complete refunds made to the Hendricksons a few years earlier of amounts withheld from them in 2002 and 2003. In the suit, the government claimed that the refunds were made by mistake. The suit was a complete sham. The government was not only unable to come up with even an IRS "examination report" disputing the Hendricksons' original refund claims, but it actually relied on a request in the suit for a court order commanding Hendrickson and his wife to make sworn declarations declaring themselves to owe taxes for the years involved (which would also comprise repudiations of Hendrickson's research). The couple was also to be made to conceal the fact that the perjurious statements were coerced and false. The command was issued as requested, by a judge who never even laid eyes on the Hendricksons (or anyone else in the course of the sham "proceedings"). However, the Hendricksons have refused to make these false statements, and even ten years on, the Department of Treasury agrees that no tax liability has ever arisen in regard to their earnings for those years. Unfortunately for the government, the "lawsuit" was so transparently bogus that no one aware of the tax-law fine print was even briefly deterred from making their own claims. So, the government moved on to plan "C"-- the "frivolous return" penalty scheme the apparent forgeries and perjury in the Waltner case seem to have been intended to cover-up. Nonetheless, even while pursuing the new "frivolous return" ploy, the government also leveraged the civil lawsuit affair into two subsequent kangaroo criminal trials. The first, apparently meant to hinder Pete Hendrickson's information-spreading efforts, took the form of an unsigned indictment (after a series of failures to secure the real thing) charging Hendrickson with not believing what he had said on his own refund claims. Highlights of this trial include the witnessless delivery of government documents from the aforementioned "civil lawsuit" to Hendrickson's jury, including a ruling written by the DoJ and merely signature-stamped by the complicit judge which "finds" that the Hendricksons had filed "false returns". There were also the refusal to allow any expert testimony in trial, and an instruction to the jury to use prosecution-written "substitutes" for statutory definitions of key terms central to the case, denying even a direct juror request to see the actual statutory language. Soon after Hendrickson rejoined the world after two years of durance vile his wife, Doreen, was charged with criminal contempt of court for refusing to create the false statements ordered at the government's request in the "civil lawsuit". In addition to the unprecedented charge of a crime for refusing to let sworn declarations of belief be dictated to her, Doreen's trial featured a government-requested instruction to her jury that the unlawfulness or unconstitutionality of the orders she was charged with resisting were not to be considered a defense to the charge (along with many other unique and disturbing things). Doreen spent nearly 16 months in prison, after her appeal was denied by a 6th Circuit panel featuring one of Donald Trump's "short-list" Supreme Court nominees. The denial was based on the proposition that the speech- and due process-rights violations inherent in the orders she resisted were somehow not transparent to the court, and therefore their constitutionality could not be challenged on appeal, with the same reasoning being applied to the unprecedented jury instruction. More details and complete documentation on the extraordinary history of this 13-year suppression campaign against information the federal and state governments routinely acknowledge as true and correct in the most concrete form possible-- billions of dollars in refund checks over the same 13-year period-- can be seen here. P.S. A sudden flurry of FOIA requests for more internal agency documentation of the "ARG44" fraud by victims has apparently alerted the IRS to the fact that it has been found out. The rogue agency has shifted into a "cover-up" gear, now refusing to respond to the requests, which had blithely been being fulfilled before the volume dramatically accelerated after Pete Hendrickson announced his interest in assembling plaintiffs for a class-action lawsuit over the scam. ***** “I didn’t say it would be easy, I just said it would be the truth.” -Morpheus
Make someone you love sweat bullets this year... (...and show them you think they're the greatest!) I think we'd all agree that sometimes the truth can be a pesky thing-- demanding, disturbing, and seriously inconvenient. The fact is, when you know the truth, you have to act on it, or be party to a lie; and when that lie is old, entrenched, vigorously defended and comfortingly familiar, the correcting truth can be very hard to learn, and even harder to act upon. That's why one of the most challenging gifts to receive this holiday season is a copy of 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America'. Learning the truth about the income tax means setting aside misconceptions nurtured for a lifetime. Acting on that truth means abandoning lifelong servility to the state through the offices of the IRS-- the one organization whose carefully cultivated reputation as a rabid junkyard dog is feared by everyone in America. Both of those things are really hard! However, those very same challenges also make 'Cracking the Code-...' the most rewarding gift to get or give this holiday season. After all, how better could you communicate to those you love the high degree of esteem in which you hold them? How more certain of your high regard could they be made, after such a display of your faith in their character? (Helping them stop unnecessary losses of up to 40% or more of their earnings each year goes over pretty well, too, by the way...) So, pass out a little panic this year. Then stand back and watch your special someone stand tall, like the real American he or she was born to be.
Care to post a comment on this article? Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend Word To The CtC Community Clarifying the message of the moment, II. BREXIT. DONALD TRUMP elected to the White House. The Cubbies taking the World Series. A Clinton or two on the road to prison. Does anyone still doubt that we are in a transformational moment? Don't doubt it. We are. The status-quo house of cards is reeling and rocking like it has not done even once for a moment in the 75 years of systematic, institutionalized misapplication of the income tax. Now is the time to stand up and make things happen, people. I URGE YOU ALL to re-visit and re-read the words posted here. Do what you are asked to do there. Visit this page, too, and go full-bore at spreading the word directly. It IS a transformational moment. It's a Restore the Republic moment. The principles of CtC are a necessary component of that restoration, and it is up to us to see to it that this is understood across America. The bad guys are reeling and rocking. The good guys need to get rocking and rolling. #CtC2RtR *** Autumn Hargrave Has Stepped Up For The Rule Of Law! RIGHT AFTER I POSTED THE CALL TO ACTION ABOVE, Warrior Autumn Hargrave proudly shared two victories secured last month. These are complete refunds of everything withheld and paid over to the state as "income" tax during 2013 and 2014, respectively, both include interest, and both issued in response to amended returns. Here is the refund for 2013:
The filing (and the notice showing the interest computation) can be seen here. Here is Autumn's refund for 2014:
The filing (and the notice showing the interest computation) can be seen here. GOT TO LOVE this fine, heroic American! Autumn has stepped up and acted to restrain the dangerous and corrupt state and uphold the rule of law, something desperately needed from everyone. Her victories join those of the tens of thousands of other awakened and activated Americans represented here, and is another step toward the restoration of the Founders republic and the true rule of law. Don't you wish your victories were proudly posted, too? It's easy. Stand up on behalf of the law, and then share the evidence. That's all there is to it! Care to post a comment on this article? Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend
So, Did You Fear A President Clinton? Do You Fear A President Trump? You ought to dread either one... IF THERE HAS BEEN ONE POSITIVE CONSEQUENCE of this latest election cycle, it is that a whole lot of Americans have been awakened to the fact that power in the hands of public officials is dangerous! Whether one's choice of the lesser evil might be, Clinton or Trump, the other evil on offer has starkly painted into his mind the perils of modern state power falling into undeserving hands. Generally, in past elections, opposition to the "other guy"-- the pick preferred by other folks but not you-- has hinged on policy issues. Though sometimes heatedly defended or assailed, and though often concerning important matters, the issues have generally been taken at one or another level of "academic" consideration. This year "position" and "opposition" have been on a self-preservation level. Whether you're for Clinton or Trump, you view the choice as one on which your very survival might depend. Being unable to tell today how it's going to turn out in December (when the actual election takes place), everyone has experienced a very cold feeling in the pit of the stomach from the thought that it might go the wrong way. That feeling of imminent dire peril is the gift of the remarkable 2016 presidential race. This year, for the first time, a lot of Americans are really, truly learning that to facilitate the near-Satanic power of the unrestrained state is to hang a Sword of Damocles over their own heads, and those of their children. As P.J. O'Rourke wittily and accurately said, "Giving money and power to politicians is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys." I'll add what is clearly implied but what I suspect many folks hadn't really realized until this year-- you and your kids are strapped into the back seat of that car. SO, LOTS OF FOLKS ARE REALLY GETTING THE MESSAGE FOR THE FIRST TIME that power in political hands is bad, stupid, dangerous. What we in the CtC community must do is help these folks-- our friends, family and acquaintances-- recognize the necessary solution to this now-understood grave threat: STOP GIVING THEM THE GAS!!! We in the CtC community must seize the moment. We must make a big push right now to show those about whom we care that it is their right and their duty to learn and declare the truth on every tax-related instrument they sign. At the same time, we must show those we love that learning and declaring the truth on every tax-related instrument-- and thereby cutting off the excessive fuel-supply to the state-- is their only real hope for safety. Otherwise there will always be a Leviathan plenty big enough to destroy them at best waiting in the wings for one dicey election to go the wrong way and bring the nightmare to life. A NUMBER OF YEARS AGO a statist thug made the observation that a crisis should never be allowed to go to waste. In his case he meant that a crisis should be used to grow the state and fasten it ever-more firmly on the American people. But that sword cuts both ways. This time, how about the good guys capitalize on the crisis and use it to shrink the state? Let's not forget, the "Cracking the Code" community has always also been the "Restore the Republic" community. So, CtC2RtR (#CtC2RtR)! That has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? NOTE: Click on Saruman's evil mug in the image above to see how the spread of CtC's revelations will act to RtR. Care to post a comment on this article? Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend Pointers For Pundits Focusing on the facts makes for great journalism. AS USUAL, COME THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR there will be a three-and-a-half month period in which many articles will be written about the income tax in the mainstream media. Every single one will suffer from mistaken information about the subject... Care to post a comment on this article? Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend ***** Doreen's Supreme Court Petition Gets Denied Even as yet another federal judge condemns the orders she was "convicted" for resisting... Have You Been Harassed By "Frivolous" Threats? Don't stand for it; it's time for a class-action lawsuit. ***** Thank goodness the sun is now shining...
A Review of CtC by Derek Cushman
You can also find this film at Regarding Trolleries (Deceitful efforts to discourage Americans from learning the truth about the "income tax")
The plane that gets the most flak is the one that's right above the target.
FOR ALL THE YEARS SINCE 2003 when CtC was first published, the government has engaged in a concerted effort to frighten people away from its truths. This effort involves official government websites and press releases touting an occasional court ruling that appears to be at odds with some CtC-revelation (but without details sufficient to expose the real substance of the ruling)-- and sometimes even more mendacious behavior. Click here for the rest of this article Care to post a comment on this article? Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend The Fourth Amendment Enforcement Locker Some things you've just got to do for yourself. ***** Are the presentations and resources offered on this site and in my other work of any value to you? Tim Kendrick has posted a video on YouTube regarding donations. I didn't know what to do about it to begin with; I don't do what I do intending for anyone to feel obligated in any way. But of course, no one IS obligated. I will continue to make my work freely-available here, and in my books for only the cost of a cheap paperback. Thus, even though I post it here below, Tim's very thoughtful personal resolution and encouragement to others is just an invitation for consideration by those who may not be conscious of the fact that I can't do what I do without support. No one is to feel any pressure from it; if it moves anyone to act let it be solely because it seems right.
Why Does The Government Lie About 'Cracking the Code'? THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION is the key to the restoration of the republic and the rule of law in America. See it below. (NOTE: It's very important that the entire 24 minutes be viewed.)
This video can also be found on YouTube at Here are links to the two pages to which viewers are directed at the end of the film: The Crime of the Century and The Truth About The 16th Amendment. The other two mentioned in the film are this one (the "bulletin board" stack of 1,200 or so posted refunds and other victories in knowledgably applying the law; and this one (the collection of resisted claims and the outcomes of those little battles). PLEASE be a real activist about sending this link to every single person in your address book, and about sharing it through facebook, reddit, twitter, and any other distribution channel with which you are familiar. Send it to every journalist you can. It's time to really make something happen. Accompany your emails and posts with with a strong admonishment to watch the film through, and that doing so will show the viewer an individual-empowering, state-restraining truth about the income tax which the government has been trying to keep hidden from view for 75 years and which that person really needs to know. BY THE WAY, as is impossible to miss, I have neither the skills nor the tools to make even moderately good films. This is simply not my forte. Anyone able to do better is encouraged to talk to me about that. As is ALSO impossible to miss, though-- even in my amateur production-- reader video testimonials have GREAT POWER. Send me yours. Care to post a comment on this article? Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend
***** How To Be A Leader In The CtC Community It's simple KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE TAX IN DETAIL KNOW WHERE TO FIND THE RESOURCES BE FAMILIAR WITH THE SCAMS, THE MISUNDERSTANDINGS, AND THE TROLL-POLLUTION TAKE CHARGE IN YOUR STATE FORUM, HELPING EVERYONE TO THINK CLEARLY AND STAY ON TOPIC All-in-all, just be the sort of person for others that you would go to yourself for trustworthy leadership. Leadership is a challenge. But it's not complicated, and you can do it.
Care to post a comment on this article? Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend
True American Joe Black Testifies And Shares Victories For Liberty And The Rule Of Law every American should... EDUCATED AMERICAN GROWN-UP JOE BLACK has stood up and acted to enforce the law upon its domestic enemies-- or, at least, upon agencies of the state whose operators seem to happily exploit ignorance and mis-apply the law at every chance for their personal benefit. Get inspired and encouraged by Joe's video sharing his spirit, his testimony and the acknowledgements he has secured:
Find more testimonial videos
here, and please, people, share these around as widely as
you can. To learn what, how and why to share your own testimony
(with or without mere practical victories to go along with the
far more important spiritual victories that are the real heart
CtC), click
to post a comment on this article?
Set a brushfire-- E-mail this newsletter to a friend Two Simple Questions For Every Silent
"Alt-Media" Journalist The silence of these folks is the
liberation bottleneck. Maybe this'll help, if enough people
HERE'S A SIMPLE QUESTION: The income tax is, and always has
an excise tax on privilege. This is established beyond any
controversy whatever by
repeated Supreme Court rulings, the words of the related laws,
and, since 2003, by
hundreds of thousands of acknowledgements by federal and state
tax agencies.
You, like most folks, have been fooled into inadvertently
agreeing that your economic activities are exercises of
privilege, thereby allowing the tax to be applied to your
earnings. Why is this so hard for you to admit?
HERE'S ANOTHER SIMPLE QUESTION: You and everyone else being
fooled into agreeing that your economic activities are
privileged and thereby allowing them to be taxed is
what enables the flow of wealth that finances all the bad things
done by the state o of which you complain in every column. Why
is this so hard for you to admit?
really feel that all these things of which you complain are so
bad, why are you not helping more Americans understand
true nature of the tax and the ill effects of it being misunderstood
and misapplied?
PRO TIP: By the
physics of the law, an indirect tax is necessarily a
privilege tax. Here's why: The distinction between a
direct tax and an indirect tax is incidence. A
direct tax arises by the direct imposition of the
taxer, without any election of the taxed (other than
that of authorizing the taxing power in the first
place). An
indirect tax arises by the taxed
choosing to to to to do
something by which the taxer's claim is then
created. The choice that is a valid object of an
indirect tax can't be anything done as an exercise
of an untaxable right. Nor can it be any activity of
necessity. A tax on anything done by necessity would
arise not by actual election of the taxed but simply
because the tax had been imposed by the taxer. Such
a tax, whatever it may be called, would be in actual
substance a direct tax, even if one that arose only
intermittently. Think of a tax on eating, for
example, or working, or engaging in trade with
others (all of which are things done by right as
well as by necessity, but you get the point). What is left as the
valid object of an indirect tax is the exercise of
privilege-- something done not by right, and
therefore done by the permission of the taxer (who,
due to being possessed of an ownership right in the
thing being permitted, is entitled to claim of
portion of the proceeds when the thing is profitably
used). "[Although the Legislature
may declare as privileges and tax as such for State
revenue purposes those pursuits and occupations that
are not matters of common right], the Legislature
has no power to declare as a privilege and tax for
revenue purposes occupations that are of common
Sims v. Ahrens
The 'Watching the Watchmen Amendment' If you're not talking this one up everywhere and
helping generate a buzz, you don't really want liberty and the
rule of law... PRO TIP: The
argument that a concept explicitly given a statutory
definition for purposes of this or that chapter or
"title" has the same meaning as the common word the
legislature has borrowed for its label-- which
meaning plainly didn't suit the legislature's
purposes, hence its replacement-- is a preposterous
reading of the law. “It is axiomatic that the
statutory definition of the term excludes unstated
meanings of that term.”
Meese v. Keene “[W]e are not at liberty to
put our gloss on the definition that Congress
provided by looking to the generally accepted
meaning of the defined term.”
In light of
the actual evidence, , those
who doubt or
deny the accuracy and correctness of
CtC just
because government officials make weaselly
representations against it are like the 16th-century Europeans who
were mystified by
Copernicus getting all those
astronomical predictions right even though the
church had said he was wrong.
NEW! Orders of twelve or more books now come with a free DVD
containing six informative and inspiring videos-- 112 minutes in
all. Click
here for the details.
Do you have a victory to share?
here to learn how to do so.
If you're working on one, and just getting stonewalled
or speed-bumped, you can still be recognized! Go
here to learn what to do. ***** Did you miss the 'Set Your Church Free' commentaries? Ignorance of the true nature of the "income" tax has gagged, gutted and seduced-into-disgrace America's ministerial community. This must change.
Copy and post this one around, people!
Media Evasion Of CtC Must End, Now Time, unfortunately, is on the side of the well-funded disinformation specialists class
Illuminating anniversaries of this week: December 9- In 1835,
revolutionary forces of what would become the Republic of Texas
capture San Antonio from Mexico. In 1946, the trial of Nazi
"doctors" who had engaged in human experimentation begins in
Nuremberg. In 1958, the John Birch Society is founded. In 1979
the eradication of smallpox is declared by the World Health
Organization. This is untrue, as both the United States and the
then-Soviet Union (and perhaps other states) retain supplies of
the virus for possible "use" at a future time.
Are You Having Trouble Spreading The Word? SKEPTICISM (SOMETIMES INVOKED BY FEAR) IS TO BE EXPECTED when you're trying to explain to someone that everything they've been encouraged their whole lives to believe about something as entrenched and significant as the income tax is basically nonsense. So here's a way to help cut through the resistance: Ask your listener how he or she would react if you were to show an announcement from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue admitting that the tax doesn't apply to the earnings of most Americans and is misapplied most of the time because people don't understand how it works? Or how about if you showed a ruling from the Supreme Court saying the same? Now you just have to explain that you're going to show exactly those things-- but because the state really doesn't want people to know this, these things haven't been said quite as forthrightly as we would all wish. It's going to take a bit more work to take these admissions in than is sufficient for just reading a press release. But it'll be worth the effort... *****
Real Americans don't accommodate fog, lies and a sliding scale of adherence to the rule of law. Real American men and women stand up for the truth and the law, come what may, knowing that it is only by setting the bar at the top and enforcing it, come what may, that liberties are secured.
"Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated." -Thomas Paine
OUTREACH!!! JOB ONE, PEOPLE!!! SPREAD. THE. WORD. ONLY ONE THING WILL WIN YOU YOUR LIBERTY: Spreading the truth. Accordingly, I've assembled outreach resources into a new, dedicated page. Find it here, and please, USE THESE TOOLS!! I can't do this all by myself. "In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act." -George Orwell *****
“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.” -James Madison
How About You?
Are You Governing Yourself? Get The Knowledge, Reclaim Your Power, And Stand With The Founders
There is little more important to the long-term health of America than how our children are educated..
Some Observations Regarding Educated And Accurate Filing
Have You Taken A Military, Law Enforcement or Public Office Oath To Uphold And Defend The Constitution?
'Don't Tread On Me' Polo Shirts Say It All!
More Than Two Thirds Of The Several States That Collect "Income" Taxes Have Now Acknowledged The Truth About The Law As Revealed In CtC, And Have Issued Complete Refunds Accordingly! See The Following Chart...
'The BOSTONIAN'S Paying the EXCISE-MAN, or TARRING & FEATHERING' (1774) (How our forefathers responded to arrogant "Rule of Law defiers"...)
HELP SPREAD THE LIBERATING TRUTH ABOUT THE TAX “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.” -Arthur Schopenhauer
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"Taxes are not raised to carry on wars, wars are raised to carry on taxes." -Thomas Paine
Where To Find Things On This Site
Law Professor James Duane Says: "Don't Talk To The Police. Period."
Films That Belong In Every Home Library
Ever Wonder How Much An Unrestrained FedState Would Like To Tap You For?
Warrior David Larson shares this beautiful little farce, wryly observing that, "Depositors have "..not lost one penny.." - OK we could agree on that simple statement about the purchasing power of that same penny 'not lost'?"
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Last Word "If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." -Samuel Adams, Architect of the First American Revolution
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