(Click on the underlined text to jump to each feature. To
return, use your browser's "back" button or the provided "Return to
Contents" links. Please keep in mind that
many more items of interest are to be found between featured
articles, so your most profitable course is to scroll through the
whole page...)
November 16- In 1776, Hessian mercenaries working for the
British capture Fort Washington, New York, from the American Revolutionaries.
In 1821, William Becknell first navigates what becomes known as the Santa Fe
Trail. In 1907, Oklahoma becomes the 46th sovereign American state and is
admitted to the union as such. In 1914, the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks
open for business. In 1965, the Soviet Union launches Venera 3, the first
spacecraft to land on another planet, toward Venus.
Anniversaries of interest for
each day of this week will be found throughout the newsletter
HEY, People! Please don't just
read what I post here (or anywhere), and nod your head sagely or
approvingly and then move on to other things. I don't post in order
to affirm your sense of things. I post in order to equip you with
perspectives and arguments with which to
educate others, and in the
expectation that you will forward my posts to other people (or
direct them to those posts). PLEASE do those things.
We won't win by YOU knowing what I
present. We will win by LOTS OF OTHERS knowing what I present.
Renewed C19 Panic-Propaganda Serves To Hamper
And Discourage Resistance To The Election Fraud
The hypnotic drumbeat is revved back up in the hope that it
still has its evil magic.
I HAVE BEEN RELUCTANT to ascribe motives to the C19
panic-mongering this year, although several seem clear enough. For
instance, some folks (Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, for example) stand
to make a lot of money selling vaccines to governments (and perhaps
directly to individuals).
But while following the money is easy, it's harder to pin
down political motivations for flogging this faux hobgoblin.
It has been tempting to assume the following:
THE INITIAL POLITICAL BUY-IN to the "crisis" narrative was organic:
the media having treated C19 as apocalyptic, the political impulse was
to join the chorus (to forestall the danger of being blamed if things
really did go south). Because Donald Trump chose a low-key posture as
his response, opposition Democrats-- primarily Democrat state governors
and their fellow-travelers-- felt compelled to go hard the other
"Going hard" involved chiming in on the apocalyptic
screeching, and then the issuing of allegedly-necessary "emergency"
edicts shutting down large portions of the country in order to "flatten
the curve" and prevent a supposed risk of swamping healthcare
Once the first "lockdowns" had been imposed and the affected populations had proven
compliant, the situation was recognized as ripe for exploitation. At
that point (goes the speculation), deliberate steps were taken to damage
the American economy on which Donald Trump would be relying in his
re-election effort by extending the "lockdowns".
An early indicator of this political calculation going into
action as a driver behind the (illegal)
executive "lockdowns", masking and "social distancing" edicts
was the reaction of these oppositional actors to the hydroxychloroquine
cure for C19 (HCQ). This thoroughly proven treatment was, and has
continued to be, actually prohibited from use in many of the areas under
the sway of Trump's opponents, simply because he touted its virtues once
he became aware of its successful use in French trials. (See more on
that here,
here and
here, and see a recent
summary of the data on HCQ
BEFORE LONG, the political actors responsible for the
"lockdowns" had created a serious problem for themselves. You
see, only 97
Americans had died of C19 during the first four months after the disease
began spreading in the USA-- and in which some 38 - 54 million Americans
had caught C19 and had it harmlessly runs its course (while also leaving
inert but
PCR-detectable residue in those many millions,
able to be misrepresented
as a "case").
But the pathologies
generated by the exaggerated panic-mongering, gubernatorial policies of
seeding nursing homes with residents infected with respiratory diseases,
and the suppression of HCQ succeeded in generating a rate of alleged
C19-related deaths of around 97 every 90 minutes during the following
two-and-a-half months. (See
that story and documentation here.)
At that point (early May), these state executive officials
had a lot of blood on their hands. It appears to have become obvious to
them that letting the apocalypse threat fade away would end badly, from
their point of view. So, the drums began to beat out the "Second Wave"
tune in order to keep the protective panic alive-- even while at the same time a lot of "mitigation
mandates" were eased up in the face of increasingly restive
populations and
a precipitous and persistent drop in the declared death rates
immediately commenced.
(It will be noted that in this latest CDC report
linked above, the total fatality figure for last winter has gone up by
11, from 97 in earlier compilations to 108 now. This was accomplished by the retroactive ascription of C19
as being involved in those
additional deaths last winter... Assign the adjustment as much validity as you wish.)
As in the initial "lockdown" theatrical, the alleged
mitigation measures imposed under the pretext of the "Second Wave" have
been random, contradictory, nonsensical and revised at unexpected
intervals, and all with complete opacity as to the purported "science"
and "data" behind any of them. These characteristics have the effect of
keeping their targets confused and distracted by having to focus on
constant adjustments to new conditions and by being induced to spend
attention on related discourse and grumbling, rather than having the
time and equilibrium to pause and say, "Wait a minute...!"
Moreover, the alleged mitigation measures relied upon
enforcement by co-opted private business owners, for the most part. This
made difficult the targeting of whatever ire and opposition DID find a
foothold in the afflicted population at large, with the front-line
offenders being ever-varying, diffuse, and often seemingly as much a
victim as the aggrieved, if not entirely faceless: "It's corporate
policy... there's nothing I can do, sir..."
All these aspects of the "lockdown" edicts (and those
concerning masking, and "social distancing", etc.) contribute
significantly to the difficulty of the victimized public in simply
organizing its thinking on the whole situation as individuals, much less
organizing en masse in opposition.
AT AROUND THE SAME TIME that the "Second Wave" narrative
was rolling out, a number of Democratic administrations-- most notably in
electorally-significant (battleground) states-- began taking steps to use
the C19 panic as a pretext for (often
unilateral-- and hence, illegal) introductions of universal
"mail-in" voting. This was done by way of ballots sent to all
voters on a state or districts registration rolls, many of which are
hugely out-of-date.
The obvious (and predicted, and borne-out) consequence of
thus putting into potential play many ballots ostensibly addressed to
ineligible (often dead) voters, which are easily completed and submitted
fraudulently (perhaps by holding back from the mail a portion of those
ballots, which can then be completed by the schemers as needed and added
to those being tabulated), would seem to have been the purpose of this
exercise. Certainly,
it was an outcome of the exercise...
(This thuggish and grossly-improper behavior should
surprise no one. After all, the Democratic Party leadership has been
working hard to convince its base that every member has been
systematically screwed by "The Man" for his or her entire life, and that
"The Man" is represented by the Republicans. It's only natural that
some, if not all, of those "victims" are perfectly willing to cheat
their way to power, in what they imagine is just the fair play of
Let's not forget that this "street fight justice"
perspective was widely expressed in the most overt terms not long ago,
until it was recognized as inconveniently straightforward.
Remember "By Any Means Necessary"?)
And that brings us to today, and a sudden new "lockdown"
wave, coinciding with no meaningful C19-related event. So-called "case"
numbers have been high for months (and are simply due to more tests
being done which detect the inert residue of millions of infections
long-since come and gone and indicating nothing more than an ever-larger
portion of the population being immune to the disease); fatalities
remain low.
Instead, the new "lockdown" wave coincides only with the
ongoing exposure of massive vote fraud by Democratic Political machines
in certain cities and states on behalf of the Biden campaign (and a few
senate candidates).
NOW, AS I SAID AT THE BEGINNING, I'm reluctant to ascribe
political motives to the C19 affair. But if I were to do so, I would not
hesitate at this juncture to posit that the current "lockdown" wave is
explicitly meant to hinder, disrupt, discourage and derail the
challenges currently being mustered by Trump supporters (and also by
Americans like me
who can't stand Trump but revere the rule of law).
Don't let this happen, people!!
Denounce every illegal "lockdown" order and refuse to play
along. Explain to every business owner that when they play along with
those orders they facilitate and participate in their illegality and the
erosion of the rule of law that comes with them.
Make clear to every panic-drum-beating, "Don't forget your
mask!"-smirking media shill you can reach that they are doing wrong, and
it is not going unnoticed.
In short, defend yourselves. Your future, and that of your
kids, is on the line.
"God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are
always ready to guard and defend it."
-Daniel Webster
of the widespread tendency of MSM outlets to report on whatever are the
latest edicts vomited forth by various governors or their surrogates in
state "public health" departments which presume to dictate the behavior
of the people, while never mentioning that all such edicts are illegal
and without any actual authority at all. Such omissions tag those
responsible as "fake news" peddlers, rather than actual journalists.
The pretense behind these omissions is that because the
courts which have ruled such edicts illegal specifically addressed those
issued in the name of a particular offender (such as a governor), those
issued by other executive-branch officials are yet to be condemned. This
is not true.
What these Supreme Courts have said in their
rulings is that ALL executive-branch officials (and anyone else not
constituting the duly-elected legislature) are incapable of legally
having, being given, or exercising the purported authority to issue such
edicts, regardless of the purported reasons for them. See the
background information here.
The issuance of every such edict
is illegal, and an expression of contempt for the rule of law.
Those involved should be denounced and duly prosecuted.
"All governments are run by liars and nothing they say
should be believed."
Every so often I feel it necessary to re-post this, and
never more than now...
I sure wish I could take credit for more than just tweaking
this a bit, but I can't. It was simply sent to me anonymously fifteen
years ago or more...
attempt to help everyone get along, restore some semblance of justice,
avoid any more riots, keep our nation safe, promote positive behavior
and secure the blessings of debt-free liberty to ourselves and our
great-great-great grandchildren, hereby try one more time to ordain and
establish some common sense guidelines for the terminally whiny,
guilt-ridden delusional, and other socialist snowflake bed-wetters.
Please, all of you in the latter category, pay
close attention!
whole lot of people were confused by the Bill of Rights and are so dim
that they require a Bill of No Rights. Wherefore, we offer the
You do not have the right to a new car,
big-screen color TV or any other form of wealth. More power to you if
you can legally acquire them, but no one is guaranteeing anything.
You do not have the right to never be offended.
This country is based on freedom, and that means freedom for everyone --
not just you! You may leave the room, turn the channel, express a
different opinion, etc., but the world is full of idiots, and probably
always will be.
You do not have the right to be free from harm.
If you stick a screwdriver in your eye, learn to be more careful, do not
expect the tool manufacturer to make you and all of your relatives
independently wealthy.
You do not have the right to free food and
housing. Americans are the most charitable people to be found, and will
gladly help anyone in need, but we are quickly growing weary of
subsidizing generation after generation of professional couch potatoes
who achieve nothing more than the creation of another generation of
professional couch potatoes.
You do not have the right to free health care.
That would be nice, but from the looks of public housing, we're just not
interested in public health care.
You do not have the right to physically harm
other people. If you kidnap, rape, intentionally maim or kill someone,
don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and kill you.
You do not have the right to the possessions of
others. If you rob, cheat, or coerce away the goods or services of other
citizens, don't be surprised if the rest of us get together and lock you
away in a place where you still won't have the right to a big-screen
color TV or a life of leisure.
You do not have the right to demand that our
children risk their lives in foreign wars to soothe your aching
conscience. We hate oppressive governments and won't lift a finger to
stop you from going to fight if you'd like. However, we do not enjoy
parenting the entire world and do not want to spend so much of our time
battling each and every little tyrant with a military uniform and a
funny hat.
You do not have the right to a job. All of us
sure want you to have one, and will gladly help you along in hard times,
but we expect you to take advantage of the opportunities in education
and vocational training laid before you to make yourself useful.
You do not have the right to happiness. Being
an American means that you have the right to pursue happiness -- which,
by the way, is a lot easier if you are unencumbered by an overabundance
of idiotic laws created by those around you who were confused by the
Bill of Rights.
Share these all, everywhere you can. Be your most
creative self in sending and "selling" these links. Do memes; make
gifs; respond to everything in the news that would be or have been
better had the state been small, or if Americans kept their money
for their own uses.
If you pay attention to the news and train yourself to
apply these perspectives, you will see a dozen things of which you
can make use in awakening other Americans to the virtues of having
the income tax correctly administered. Please, for my sake, for your
own sake, for the sake of your children and their future, make that
email inbox every Monday, go to
this page
and subscribe to the group-- leave all options
in their default states.
YOU CAN ALSO usually find (and share and retweet and repost) links
to new articles on the following platforms:
Twitter (click
to follow me and receive the announcement posts);
Facebook (click
here to "like" the losthorizons page and receive the
announcement posts);
GAB (click
to follow me and receive the announcement posts).
If you choose one of these social media options (or use
them in addition to other means, as I wish you would), PLEASE get
the full value out of them by diligently "liking" and "retweeting"
or "sharing" or "reposting" my posts! That will
significantly improve their
visibility to others, and very much help the cause!!
My RSS feed:
(Members of the
state CtC Warrior forums
in AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, MI, MN, MO, NE, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, SC,
TX, UT, VA, WA or WI, will continue to get the regular announcements
if the membership is set to receive email updates.)
NOTE: I will still not be engaging in
correspondence by
any of these alternative means-- those wishing to correspond with me should
continue to use direct email for this purpose.
NOTE II: PLEASE help ensure that others in the
CtC community know about this change in newsletter delivery!!
Not Letting This "Crisis" Go To Waste...
...an important action item opportunity.
FRIENDS, THE SPORADIC BITS OF EASING of the despotic measures to
which most of the country has been subjected this year should not be
allowed to bleed off the head of steam you probably had been developing.
The offenses happened, and they're far from over. Stay hot.
And while you are all warmed up, and while others, if
they're smart, are just as hot, I'd like you to send an email (and
Facebook post, or whatever) with the following content to everyone you
can (with a request that they pass it along, in turn):
[Name], over the last several months you've
watched as over-fed state power has been used to literally destroy
classical Western civilization and impose a new despotic paradigm. No
dissent or debate permitted-- no permission or agreement sought.
YOU KNOW where this will end up if the arrogant
state power being used to make this happen isn't radically diminished in
size, influence, resources and popular support, and exposed as an
opportunistic exploiter of legal ignorance (an ignorance which it has
been nurturing in the average mind for decades).
Those things having not yet happened, you
should be quaking in your boots-- and you probably are.
Isn't it time-- and past time-- for you to
begin helping to make those desperately-needed defensive changes take
place? There is only one way these things can happen short of a
who-knows-what we'll-end-up-with explosion of violence. I'm going to
show it to you.
When you're done with that reading, you'll know
what to do next.
BTW, REMEMBER, ALSO, THAT EVERY AMERICAN has lately been given a stark lesson in the fact
that government officials at all levels will lie to you and violate the
law without batting an eye. They will do so any time it serves their agenda, and
you don't call them out for it.
If you know anyone who has been persisting in denial on the
truth about the income tax, you know such nonsense is usually be
grounded in some version or another of, "That can't be true..." or "They
would never do something like that...". Now's the time to put a pin in
that delusional bubble.
As the C19 hoax has starkly shown, "that" certainly CAN be true, and they
certainly WOULD do something
like that.
Use this evidence in all your
outreach efforts.
"It is not the function of our Government to keep the
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to
keep the Government from falling into error."
-United States Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson
(Deceitful efforts to discourage Americans from
learning the truth about the "income tax")
CtC was first published, the government has engaged in a
concerted effort to frighten people away from its truths. This
effort involves official government websites and press releases
touting an occasional court ruling that appears to be at odds
with some
CtC-revelation (but without details sufficient to expose the
real substance of the ruling)--
and sometimes even more mendacious behavior.
Are the presentations and
resources offered on this site and in my other work of any value to you?
Tim Kendrick has posted
a video
on YouTube regarding donations. I didn't know what to do about
it to begin with; I don't do what I do intending for anyone to
feel obligated in any way.
But of course, no one IS obligated. I will continue
to make my work freely-available here, and in my books for only
the cost of a cheap paperback.
Thus, even though I post it here below, Tim's very
thoughtful personal resolution and encouragement to others is
just an invitation for consideration by those who may not be
conscious of the fact that I can't do what I do without support.
No one is to feel any pressure from it; if it moves anyone to
act let it be solely because it seems right.
All-in-all, just be the sort of person for others
that you would go to yourself for trustworthy leadership.
Leadership is a challenge. But it's not
complicated, and you can do it.
Are You Having Trouble Spreading The
EXPECTED when you're trying to explain to someone that
everything they've been encouraged their whole lives to
believe about something as entrenched and significant as the
income tax is basically nonsense. So here's a way to help
cut through the resistance:
Ask your listener how he or she would react if
you were to show an announcement from the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue admitting that the tax doesn't apply to the
earnings of most Americans and is misapplied most of the
time because people don't understand how it works? Or how
about if you showed a ruling from the Supreme Court saying
the same?
Now you just have to explain that
you're going to show exactly those things-- but because
the state really doesn't want people to know this, these
things haven't been said quite as forthrightly as we would
all wish. It's going to take a bit more work to take these
admissions in than is sufficient for just reading a press
release. But it'll be worth the effort...
energy you can, to school libraries, homeschool
families and community groups, your neighbors, your
family members, your pastors and
co-congregationalists, journalists, lawyers, CPAs,
members of congress, tax-agency workers, Wikipedia,
Anonymous, WikiLeaks, the Tax Foundation, everyone
in the "tax honesty" movement, the 9/11 truth
movement, other activist movements and everyone
you have only yourself to blame for your
troubles with the tax, and a whole lot else of which
you might complain. It's on you.
explaining what will be seen at the link-- cryptic
is bad; excited is good-- and then send this WMI
(weapon of mass instruction) far and wide.
Remember: Real Americans don't accommodate fog, lies and a sliding scale of
adherence to the rule of law. Real American men and women stand up for the
truth and the law, come what may, knowing that it is only by setting the bar
at the top and enforcing it, come what may, that liberties are secured.
"Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be
strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be
highly rated."
-Thomas Paine
Spreading the truth. Accordingly, I've assembled
outreach resources into a new, dedicated page. Find it
here, and please, USE THESE TOOLS!! I can't
do this all by myself.
"In a time of
universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary
Lockdown Despotism And The "Control Panel"
Why the Biden-Harris COVID-19 plan is so ominous.
by Dan Sanchez
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris recently updated their “plan
to beat COVID-19.” One passage is worth examining for the dangerous
mentality it betrays:
“Social distancing is not a light switch. It is
a dial. President-elect Biden will direct the CDC [Centers for Disease
Control] to provide specific evidence-based guidance for how to turn the
dial up or down relative to the level of risk and degree of viral spread
in a community, including when to open or close certain businesses,
bars, restaurants, and other spaces; when to open or close schools, and
what steps they need to take to make classrooms and facilities safe;
appropriate restrictions on size of gatherings; when to issue
stay-at-home restrictions.”
The passage brings to mind a warning given to
America long ago.
The warning was delivered in 1835 by Alexis de
Tocqueville, the famous French observer and admirer of the young
republic. In his classic book Democracy in America, de Tocqueville
included a chapter called, “What Sort Of Despotism Democratic Nations
Have To Fear,” in which he warned the American people of:
“...an immense and tutelary power, which takes
upon itself alone to secure their gratifications, and to watch over
their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and
mild. It would be like the authority of a parent, if, like that
authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks on
the contrary to keep them in perpetual childhood...”
Does the Biden/Harris “plan to beat COVID-19”
represent the kind of despotic power that de Tocqueville warned us
about? Let’s see.
Freedoms Trampled
Is the power “absolute”? Well not yet, at
least, since it refers to CDC “guidance” as opposed to federal mandates.
But governors and mayors have proven to be quite deferential to the CDC,
so its “guidance” has translated into state and local-level mandates
before and likely will again.
Is the power “immense”? Clearly. It covers the
opening and closing, not only of restaurants and bars, but of all
businesses. Thus, it claims sway over the country’s entire in-person
economy and commercial life, regardless of private property and
The plan covers, not only businesses, but all
spaces: that is, everything about the coming and going of Americans,
again irrespective of individual rights.
The plan also encompasses all gatherings
wherever they may occur, thus violating “the right of the people
peaceably to assemble,” as enshrined in the First Amendment.
The plan entails “stay-at-home restrictions,”
meaning the power to imprison at will Americans in their own homes,
violating the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, according to which
neither the federal government nor any state is allowed to “deprive any
person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”
So, yes, the plan is very immense, both in its
scope and impact.
SANCHEZ QUOTES RELEVANT AND USEFUL words from Toqueville, Mises and
Hayek. I'm going to add some to the same effect from C.S. Lewis, another
intellectual giant and deep lover of liberty:
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the
good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live
under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber
barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be
satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us
without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
Here's another observation going to the point by Daniel
"Good intentions will always be pleaded for any
assumption of power. The Constitution was made to guard the people
against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who
mean to govern well, but they mean to govern. They promise to be good
masters, but they mean to be masters."
And here are the three most concise statements of the issue
I know:
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human
freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves."
-William Pitt,
"The urge to save humanity is almost always a false front
for the urge to rule."
-H.L. Mencken,
"A nation of sheep begets a government of wolves."
-Edward R. Murrow
I hope the message from all of this is clear: The
continuing exploitation of fear by opportunistic politicians and others
must be recognized as intolerable, because it is so dangerous. The
failure of the American people-- each one as an individual with
individual moral agency-- to rise up against the tyrannies being
promoted under the pretext and pretense of C19 as some dire threat
justifying the abandonment of all our principles is an act of mass
Am I being clear enough?
Like Gulliver, while we sleep (or lie paralyzed with
indecision) tiny enemies of our liberty are sewing us to the ground more
and more inescapably, while murmuring soothing lies about doing it all
for our own good. Soon we will be entirely within their power and able
only to weep and curse our foregone opportunities at self defense.
Does this sound hyperbolic? Think back over what has
happened in America-- and indeed, much of the world-- since last March.
Had I spun to you the tale of those past 8 months back in January, you
would have scoffed and accused me of being hyperbolic-- even wild-eyed.
I WON'T GO SO FAR AS TO ADVOCATE any particular manner of
"rising up" (other than the most rudimentary and fundamental acts of
refusing to abide by any and all illegal "mandates", and denouncing as
visibly and persistently as possible those who issue them, promote them,
and enforce them-- those latter two being so-called journalists and
co-opted private businesspeople). But I will continue to remind everyone
that a key defense for the people against despotism is the power
individual Americans have over the purse from which all bad state
behavior is financed.
That defense was put in place by the Founders in
anticipation of just the sort of corruption that reigns today.
is an introduction document by which anyone can learn the
critical importance, the promise and the unstoppable character of the
"shrinking Leviathan" solution.
Read it through, yourself. Then share it as widely as you
Lincoln, in announcing his willingness to burn the Southern states to the ground in order to
keep them paying the tariff for the benefit of Northern interests in
his first inaugural address on March 4, 1861, paid at least lip
service to the Founders design of leaving control over the fuel
available to feed the fires Washington wants to light in the hands
of the individual citizenry when he said, "Doing this I deem to
be only a simple duty on my part; and I shall perform it, unless my
rightful masters, the American people, shall withhold the requisite
It's Way Past Time For You All To Queue Up!
[Y]ou really need to familiarize yourself with Pete
Hendrickson's absolutely magnificent work at his website and in
his book(s). He has, brilliantly and lucidly, "cracked the
code" regarding the federal income EXCISE tax(es)."
-Mark C. Phillips, JD
"...I find your work fascinatingly simple to understand."
-Jerry Arnowitz, JD
"Your book is a masterpiece!"
-Michael Carver, JD
"Received your book yesterday. Started reading at 11
PM, finished at 4 AM." "I have 16 feet (literally 16'
4.5") of documents supporting just about everything in your
book." "Your book should be required reading for every lawyer
before being admitted to any Bar." "I hope you sell a
million of them."
-John O'Neil Green, JD
“Thanks again for your efforts, Pete. They mean an awful lot
to a lot of people.” “…as an attorney, I am humbled by your
knowledge and ability in navigating the law. THANK YOU for
your hard work and sacrifice.”
-Eric Smithers, JD
"I am an attorney and want to give a testimonial to your
book, which I find to be compelling. I am exercising these
rights for myself and my adult children. I'm even considering
making this my new avenue of law practice."
-Nancy "Ana" Garner, JD
Learn what these colleagues already know, then step forward and
become part of a coordinated, mutually-supportive squadron
focused on developing strategy and deploying the law in
courtrooms across the country. There's a lot of suing that
needs doing right now.
Are you ready for a challenge that'll put some real meaning
behind all the effort you went through to get your credentials?
Send me an email.
Are You Ready For More Power?
"Peter Hendrickson has done it again! 'Upholding The
Law' does for individual liberties what 'Cracking the Code' did
for tax law compliance: exposes the reader to the unalienable
-Jesse Herron, Bill Of Rights Press, Fort Collins, Colorado
NEW! Orders of twelve or more books now come with a free DVD
on request containing six informative and inspiring videos-- 112 minutes in
all. Click
here for the details.
Do you
know someone truly steeped in the Kool-Aid?
I mean
someone who finds it easier to believe that the far-better-educated,
far-more-suspicious-of-government Americans of a hundred years ago were
complete morons who granted authority to the state to take whatever it
wished from themselves and their posterity than to imagine that they
themselves simply misunderstand the true nature of the income tax? Even
while knowing that their beliefs about the tax are derived entirely from
the representations of those who profit from those beliefs (like tax
bureaucrats and "tax professionals")?
Do you
know someone like that? Shake them awake with the latest (fifteenth)
edition of
CtC were actually
right, it would mean the government's been concealing and
denying and suppressing the truth for years
on end, and everybody knows THAT would never happen...
(Edward Snowden, come home! It was all just a bad dream; there really is
No Such Agency!)
Btw, a copy of
CtC from anywhere except the link above may not
be a current edition. CHECK. It matters. Also, there ARE no
e-book, Kindle or .pdf versions of
Don't get taken in by efforts to sell you-- or even give you for
free-- any such thing.
November 17- In 1734, Peter Zenger is
arrested for "seditious libel"-- publishing criticisms of the Governor of New
York. He was acquitted of the charge after his jury was informed of its
inherent authority to judge the legitimacy of the law under which Zenger was
charges, as well as the fact question of whether he had, in fact, done what the
law purported to prohibit. In 1777, the Articles of Confederation are submitted
to the several American States for ratification. In 1869, the Suez Canal
opens. In 1967, Lyndon Johnson reports to the American public that the United
States military is making progress in Vietnam. In 1970, Lt. William Calley goes
on trial for the My Lai massacre; the Soviet Union lands Lunokhod 1 on the
Moon-- the first extra-terrestrially deployed roving remote-controlled robot;
and Douglas Engelbart patents the mouse. In 1973, Richard Nixon tells the
assembled managing editors of Associated Press, "I am not a crook!" In 1989, a
police suppression of a peaceful student protest in Prague sparks the "Velvet
Revolution", which overthrows the more-than forty-year-old communist government
of Czechoslovakia in less than six weeks. In 2004, Kmart announces its purchase
of Sears, Roebuck and Co.. In 2019, the first known case of "COVID-19" appears
in Wuhan, China.
A Few Words About "Climate Change" Fraud
You NEED to defend yourself and your kids against this
now-high-inertia effort to destroy liberty.
H/T to Jonesy for circulating this fun little meme and video link.
Hey! If you're not getting the newsletter delivered
to your email inbox every Monday, go to
this link
and subscribe to the group-- leave all options in their default states.
November 18- In 1883, time zones for North America are agreed
upon by USA and Canadian railroad companies. In 1909, the United States sends
warships to Nicaragua after the capture and execution of two Americans
attempting to surreptitiously overthrow the existing government for the benefit
of U. S. commercial interests in the region. In 1978, the members of socialist
Jim Jones' 'People's
Temple Christian Church Full Gospel' drink the Kool-Aid in Guyana.
A Two-Minute Review Of CtC
David Bindel reminds us that there's either the rule of law, or
there isn't.
BEING-THE-STORM VIDEO was posted? This is easy to do, and very important
(plus it can get you some great LHC swag!). See
(and carefully read)
these guidelines and encouragements.
Every victim of the "ignorance tax", 'cause it's all
just statist consent-engineering propaganda.
Hey, Gamers!
ARE UNKNOWINGLY IMMERSED! Put down your controller and
You are surrounded by an actual battle between
villains, monsters and true heroes, all simply concealed
from you by
sophisticated spells which also keep you from
engaging in the fight.
There are real great deeds to be done,
and real treasures to be had for your efforts, and
frankly, your real future
is at stake. You just have to gain "the sight" in order to
penetrate the illusions.
losthorizons.com to get the counter-spells and get onto
the real field of battle!
PRO TIP: If I were the IRS and I wanted to
discourage people from rebutting allegations that
they had done things I can tax, and wanted to keep them from
successfully reclaiming withheld or paid-in money, I
would salt the "tax honesty" community with
passionate-seeming "legal researchers" who would
warn anyone whose ear they captured that filing a
1040 is a bad idea for one reason or another...
Illuminating Anniversaries of this week:
November 19- In 1493, Christopher Columbus lands in Puerto
Rico. In 1959, Ford Motor Co. announces the discontinuation of the Edsel. In
1969, Pele scores his 1,000th goal. In 1998, the United States House of
Representatives begins impeachment hearings against President Bill Clinton.
If you're not talking this one up everywhere and
helping generate a buzz, you don't really want liberty and the
rule of law...
In light of
the actual evidence, those
who doubt or
deny the accuracy and correctness of
CtC just because some government officials
denounce it are like the 16th-century Europeans who
were mystified by
Copernicus getting all those
astronomical predictions right even though the
church had said he was wrong.
Did you miss the 'Set Your Church Free'
Ignorance of the true nature of the "income" tax
has gagged, gutted and seduced-into-disgrace America's
ministerial community. This must change.
You're a
passenger on a riverboat that relies on regular
contributions of fuel from the passengers to
keep moving forward. You see an unsurvivable
waterfall ahead, and note a
soon-to-be-irresistible current growing stronger
each day. What does common sense suggest?
Test Your
"Income" Tax IQ!
CtC Warrior
SanDiegoScott has put together a great little 20-question quiz
to test your knowledge of the law regarding the United States
"income" tax. Test yourself, test your friends and family!
Test your accountant and tax attorney, and help them learn the
liberating truth!!
November 20- In 1789, New Jersey is the first of the several
States to ratify the Bill of Rights. In 1923, Germany issues a new currency to
replace its previous fiat currency, which has hyper-inflated well past the point
of absurdity. The new "Rentenmarks" exchange for the old "Papiermarks" at one
trillion to one. In 1945, the Nuremburg War Crimes trials begin. In 1969, the
Cleveland Plain Dealer publishes photos of the My Lai massacre. In 1985,
Windows 1.0 is released. In 2008, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hits its
lowest level since 1997.
“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a
people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power
which knowledge gives.”
"It is not the function of our Government to keep
the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the
citizen to keep the Government from falling into error."
-United States Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson
November 21- In 1620, the Plymouth Colony settlers sign the
Mayflower Compact. In 1783, the first untethered hot-air balloon flight is
made in Paris. In 1789, North Carolina becomes the 12th of the several
states to ratify the United States Constitution. In 1877, Thomas Edison
presents the world with the phonograph. In 1922, the first female U.S.
Senator takes her oath of office. In 1953, the most celebrated fossil in
the world, the skull of "Piltdown Man", is revealed to be a hoax. In 1985,
U.S. Navy Intelligence analyst Jonathan Pollard is arrested as an Israeli
spy. In 1995, the Dow closes above 5,000 for the first time. In 2019,
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is indicted on charges of bribery,
fraud and breach of trust.
'The BOSTONIAN'S Paying the EXCISE-MAN, or
TARRING & FEATHERING' (1774) (How our forefathers responded to arrogant
"Rule of Law defiers"...)
The willingness of some people to trade liberty for
convenience is without limit...
“All truth
passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently
opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.”
Illuminating Anniversaries of this week:
November 22- In 1718, the pirate known
as Blackbeard is killed off the coast of North Carolina in a fight with a
British warship. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas,
Texas. In 1987, two Chicago-area television signals are hijacked briefly by an
unknown pirate dressed as Max Headroom.
Last Word
"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We
seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that
feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget
that ye were our countrymen."
Adams, Architect of the first American Revolution
OK, Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming:
Is this newsletter of any value to you? If so, please
consider a donation
to help keep it available, or it soon won't be. Donations can
be sent to:
Hendrickson is also a widely-read essayist on
matters of politics, public policy and law; many of these works
are collected in his second book, ‘Upholding
the Law And Other Observations’. He is a member of Mensa;
award-winning artist; and has paid his dues as a youth
soccer coach. He is a long-time political activist as well, and
has served as co-chair and platform convention delegate of
Michigan’s largest county Libertarian Party organization; as a
consultant to the National Right to Work Foundation and Citizens
for a Sound Economy; as a member of the Heartland Institute; and
as a member of the International Society for Individual
Liberty. He is a frequent radio-show guest on stations across
the country.
Hendrickson's business career has included nearly a
decade-and-a-half at the leading edge of the renewable-energy
industry, both as Director of Purchasing and Materials
Management and member of the R&D board at Starpak Energy
Systems, the mid-west's then-largest solar heating and
energy-recovery-and re-utilization company; and as founder and
president of AFJ Inc., a high-efficiency lighting design,
manufacture and installation firm.
Beginning in the mid-1990s and continuing for the
twelve years before his present full-time focus on the
restoration of the rule of law in America, Hendrickson directed
purchasing activities for the $84 million-a-year
multi-family-housing division of the Farmington Hills, Michigan
branch of Edward Rose and Sons, with responsibility for 18,000+
apartments, direct supervision of 35 technicians and agents, and
incidental authority over several hundred divisional workers.
He also ran the division's 10 cable television earth-station and
distribution systems in four states, and designed and
administered the company's website.
On rather the other end of the spectrum, amidst
these more mundane pursuits Hendrickson co-founded and was the
primary creative force behind a small
board- and
card-game company that enjoyed a modest success for several
Hendrickson makes his home in southeast Michigan,
with his wife and two children. He is currently working on his
next book.