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Current Events and Continuing Education for May 24, 2021

“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”

-James Madison


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Features in this edition:

(Click on the underlined text to jump to each feature. To return, use your browser's "back" button or the provided "Return to Contents" links. Please keep in mind that many more items of interest are to be found between featured articles, so your most profitable course is to scroll through the whole page...)


There's a chance right now for a welcome reversal of a long-standing corrupt practice in Washington...

Clinton, Bush, Obama And Trump All Committed This Crime; Will Biden Do The Same?


Why is it that...

Challenging Questions On A Few Selected Current-Event Topics


Switching gears and going for some uplift:

It's Time To Celebrate Some More CtC Victories


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'The Ignorant World And What To Do About It'


Spotlights on the past that help bring clarity to the present:

Illuminating Anniversaries for this week


Click here for the current Mid-Edition Update posts

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"There are two distinct classes of men...those who pay taxes and those who receive and live upon taxes."

-Thomas Paine


You can't understand the present if you don't understand the past...

Illuminating anniversaries of this week:

May 24- In 1798, a popular rebellion against the British puppet "Kingdom of Ireland", inspired by the American Revolution and supported by Protestants and Catholics alike, begins.  In 1830, the B & O Railroad, the first revenue-generating federally-subsidized railroad, began service.  In 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge opens to traffic after 14 years of construction.  In 2000, Israeli troops begin leaving Southern Lebanon after 22 years of occupation.  In 2001, the Democrats regain control of the Senate for the the first time since 1994 when James Jeffords becomes an independent.


Anniversaries of interest for each day of this week will be found throughout the newsletter below.


Fear nothing but God's judgment as to your honesty and your courage


"It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."

-Samuel Adams

HEY, People! Please don't just read what I post here (or anywhere), and nod your head sagely or approvingly and then move on to other things. I don't post in order to affirm your sense of things. I post in order to equip you with perspectives and arguments with which to educate others, and in the expectation that you will forward my posts to other people (or direct them to those posts). PLEASE do those things.

We won't win by YOU knowing what I present. We will win by LOTS OF OTHERS knowing what I present.

Clinton, Bush, Obama And Trump All Committed This Crime; Will Biden Do The Same?

Current events make the otherwise predictable "Yes" a little less certain.

THE RECENTLY RENEWED STATE-SANCTIONED attempts to dispossess Palestinian homeowners in East Jerusalem and turn their property over to Jewish squatters-- just the latest in a long series of such abusive assaults, all illegal under international law (and all morally wrong without regard to the ethnicity or religion of any party involved)-- prompted understandable but ineffectual militant responses from previously-dispossessed Palestinians in the open-air prison of Gaza. This fierce-looking but nearly harmless barrage of what appear to be glorified fireworks (~4,000 rockets fired over ten days, causing only 13 casualties) was used as the excuse for a devastating series of attacks on the blockaded and impoverished Gazans by the vastly better-armed Israeli Defense Force, leaving hundreds dead amidst massive property devastation.

Much of the latest death and destruction in Gaza was carried out with weapons made, supplied, or subsidized by the US through annual handouts to Israel of military and cash aid. All of that aid-- since 1977, or at least since 1986 when details of Israel's nuclear weapons program were revealed-- has been illegal under the clear and plain language of the nuclear non-proliferation controls codified at 22 U.S.C. §§ 2799aa and 2799aa-1.

Nonetheless, a long succession of US presidents have systematically violated the law, and been allowed to get away with it unscathed. It's unlikely, but perhaps this latest widely-observed abuse of that aid by Israel against an essentially helpless and long-suffering Palestinian population will prompt Joe Biden to finally put an end to this corrupt tradition.

The Law

22 U.S.C. §§ 2799aa AND 2799aa-1 REQUIRE THE PRESIDENT to determine when any country is in possession of nuclear weapons and/or has acquired nuclear-weapons-related technology or shared nuclear-weapons-related technology, while having not subjected itself to International Atomic Energy Agency oversight and controls. Upon the dutiful making of this determination, all United States foreign aid to the errant country-- economic and military-- must cease.

Here is the language of 22 U.S.C. § 2799aa:

22 U.S. Code § 2799aa - Nuclear enrichment transfers

(a) Prohibitions; safeguards and management

Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, no funds made available to carry out the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 [22 U.S.C. 2151 et seq.] or this chapter may be used for the purpose of providing economic assistance (including assistance under chapter 4 of part II of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 [22 U.S.C. 2346 et seq.]), providing military assistance or grant military education and training, providing assistance under chapter 6 of part II of that Act [22 U.S.C. 2348 et seq.], or extending military credits or making guarantees, to any country which the President determines delivers nuclear enrichment equipment, materials, or technology to any other country on or after August 4, 1977, or receives such equipment, materials, or technology from any other country on or after August 4, 1977, unless before such delivery—

(1) the supplying country and receiving country have reached agreement to place all such equipment, materials, or technology, upon delivery, under multilateral auspices and management when available; and

(2) the recipient country has entered into an agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency to place all such equipment, materials, technology, and all nuclear fuel and facilities in such country under the safeguards system of such Agency.

(b) Certification by President of necessity of continued assistance; disapproval by Congress

(1) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, the President may furnish assistance which would otherwise be prohibited under such subsection if he determines and certifies in writing to the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate that—

(A) the termination of such assistance would have a serious adverse effect on vital United States interests; and

(B) he has received reliable assurances that the country in question will not acquire or develop nuclear weapons or assist other nations in doing so. Such certification shall set forth the reasons supporting such determination in each particular case.


(A) A certification under paragraph (1) of this subsection shall take effect on the date on which the certification is received by the Congress. However, if, within thirty calendar days after receiving this certification, the Congress enacts a joint resolution stating in substance that the Congress disapproves the furnishing of assistance pursuant to the certification, then upon the enactment of that resolution the certification shall cease to be effective and all deliveries of assistance furnished under the authority of that certification shall be suspended immediately.

(B) Any joint resolution under this paragraph shall be considered in the Senate in accordance with the provisions of section 601(b) of the International Security Assistance and Arms Export Control Act of 1976.

22 U.S.C. § 2799aa-1 covers much the same territory, but with its focus on a few different violative acts.

So, again, 22 U.S.C. §§ 2799aa and 2799aa-1 require the president to determine when any country is in possession of nuclear weapons and/or has acquired nuclear-weapons-related technology or shared nuclear-weapons-related technology, while having not subjected itself to International Atomic Energy Agency oversight and controls. Upon the dutiful making of this determination, all United States foreign aid to the errant country-- economic and military-- must cease.

As will be shown below, Israel thoroughly qualifies as being in possession of nuclear weapons, as well as having both acquired (by theft and espionage against the USA) and having shared nuclear-weapon technology (with what was at the time the noxious apartheid regime of South Africa, no less), all while having refused any kind of oversight or control. And yet it has long been far-and-away the biggest recipient of United States economic and military foreign aid.

The Relevant Facts

IT IS WELL ESTABLISHED THAT ISRAEL is a country about which the determination mandated by 22 U.S.C. §§ 2799aa and 2799aa-1 is required. Israeli nuclear technician Mordecai Vanunu revealed extensive details of his country's nuclear programs and arsenal in 1986. Prior to that the program had been less formally "outed" but was nonetheless known to exist-- indeed, as far back as 1963 John Kennedy was demanding access to Israel's Dimona reactor site due to suspicions that it was a secret nuclear-weapons facility. See here and here.

Not long after these increasingly impatient demands began to escalate Kennedy was conveniently disappeared into the ground-- that being the Israeli solution to Kennedy's pressure, according to Vanunu, with, my own research suggests, the assistance of CIA operative James Jesus Angleton. Lyndon Johnson, a fawning, religiously-deluded Israeli sycophant, was elevated to the presidency in Kennedy's place, and the inspection and oversight demands ceased.

Johnson was not just willing to turn a blind eye to Israeli acquisition and development of weapons of mass destruction. He was such an abject Israeli puppet that he actually assisted in the cover-up of the Israeli murder of 34 American sailors and wounding of 171 more on the USS Liberty while trying to sink that American naval vessel, presumably either to keep the Liberty from reporting on Israeli war crimes in the 1967 war or to blame its sinking on Egypt in order to pull the US into the war on Israel's side.

More to the immediate point, also during Johnson's "watch", American agents of Israel clandestinely secured large amounts of fissile material from American sources under false pretenses and transferred it to the rogue state.

Israeli spies continued to steal materials and knowledge over the subsequent decades (and not just nuclear secrets). During the same period, Israel shared the stolen nuclear technology with its sister apartheid regime in Boer South Africa.

By at least 2009, Israel had co-opted the US National Security Agency into handing over all data collected by the spy agency from 24/7 surveillance of every American-- in raw (that is, unredacted) form. A risible fig-leaf in the form of an Israeli promise to ignore and destroy material concerning American government officials will ease the concerns of only the extraordinarily gullible over what is obviously the acquisition by a foreign interest of the means to directly control American politicians, media moguls and other wielders of power and influence.

IN RECENT YEARS Israel has devoted its well-developed expertise at re-investing last year's foreign aid as this year's campaign contributions-- and its ability to intimidate, marginalize or blackmail the few American politicians who will not be bought-- into a broad, self-serving capture of American resources far beyond the already enormous economic and military foreign aid it receives.

Leveraging the bizarre and still unexplained events of 9/11, the little Middle Eastern state has induced the pissing away of $trillions taken from American men and women-- or saddled onto American children as debt-- along with the lives of tens of thousands of our young people, either dead or grievously wounded, and American moral stature world-wide as well. This treasure, blood and international respect has been spent on the facilitation of Israeli expansion through the violent destabilization and outright destruction of regional roadblocks and competitors in the form of Iraq, Libya and a seriously wounded but still surviving Syria.

The received and ridiculous story-line supporting all these American sacrifices has been that we are fighting "terrorists" "over there". Somehow these "terrorists" harbor a deadly hatred of our values and unique enmity for the United States, but are mysteriously disinterested in coming here to do anything about it.

That is, for some reason, we are to believe, these "terrorists" prefer that their own homes be the devastated fields of battle instead of ours. Guess they don't really hate us THAT much...

By a further remarkable coincidence, these "American values-hating terrorists" all happen to live exclusively in places "over there" which stand in the way of Israeli ambitions. None, somehow, happen to live in equally-Muslim Indonesia, or Azerbaijan, or Bangladesh, or anywhere else not inconvenient to Israel.

Current efforts are devoted to pushing the U.S. into violent aggression against Iran, as well, at the same but ever-more acute risk of a fatal confrontation with Russia that has attended the assault on Syria over the last several years. Iran is a target of particular Israeli interest due to its generous support of Lebanese defense against repeated Israeli invasions and long-standing plans to seize its neighbor's water resources.

What It All Means

THE POINT OF THE FOREGOING HISTORY LESSON, of course, is that not only is Israel a state prohibited from receiving US aid under 22 U.S.C. §§ 2799aa and 2799aa-1, but it is a particularly egregious violator of the practices condemned by these statutes. It is also plainly a violator which has clearly become utterly contemptuous of the America that has so steadily failed to punish it for its many and continuing offenses.

The legal obligation of the Biden administration to sanction Israel for these many and continuing offenses, in fidelity to the law and in defense of America's national dignity, is correspondingly stark and grave.

The question, then, is whether the law will prevail or the long-standing corruption will continue. I'm keeping a happy thought, based on the widespread condemnation of Israel being prompted by its current escalation of crimes against Palestinians dispossessed in 1948 (and their descendants) and the effect that disapprobation might have on the relevant political calculus.

STILL, WHILE PANDERING and outright subordination to Israel will generally be made more difficult (or breaking free from those habits will be made easier) by the abuses now being committed in Jerusalem and Gaza, no one in Washington will even think to deploy the sanctions mandated by 22 U.S.C. §§ 2799aa and 2799aa-1. Indeed, no one in Washington will even bring these provisions up, hoping that they are, and will remain, unknown to the American people.

Thus, the opportunity before us for dramatic correction of a decades-old presidential criminal practice won't be realized without some grassroots agitation and the sharing of this article with as many people as possible. Raise your voice and be the storm.

(At the same time, don't forget this: If the political class refuses to obey the law and cut off Israel's foreign aid, YOU AND I can make it happen all on our own.)

NOTE: In order to forestall (or debunk) the inevitable, ridiculous, and agenda-serving false charges of "anti-Semitism" sure to issue forth from some quarters in response to the article above, let me say this clearly:

I would take exactly the same position regarding Israeli policies and practices and the application of relevant law in regard to Israel if it were populated and run by Lutherans from Sweden. Likewise if the Israelis were Arabic Muslims and the Palestinians were Jewish. In neither of these cases, nor any alternative, would my article or views vary in any respect whatever.

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A Few Thoughts On Selected Current Events

Challenges, really...

WHY IS IT THAT EVERY UFO VIDEO of all those lately being released in great numbers by the Defense Department (along with assertions that UFOs have been seen on a daily basis near military installations for years) looks like it was filmed on a 1950s black-and-white hand-held Super 8? No color (unless it's the green of night vision equipment); blurry; static (no zoom)-- these things look like the reason every previous presentation of supposed UFO video was so easily dismissed as fake.

Supposedly these films are being shot from million-dollar military equipment, which must be assumed to have decent-quality cameras. Why are they not a tenth the quality my cheap little smart-phone would produce?


WHY IS IT THAT NO ONE has produced a comparative analysis of the net carbon footprint (or environmental impact) of the full-charge production (and pro-rated battery disposal) for an electric vehicle versus a tankful of gasoline (with maybe a sidebar detailing the footprint/impact of the necessary support infrastructure-- that is, charging stations-- build-out for EVs)?

Isn't that comparison a highly relevant issue, in light of the push in some quarters for not only a roll-out of EVs, but the ambition of replacing all gasoline-powered equipment with these electrics?


WHY IS IT THAT the 14,000 hours of video from the Capitol on January 6 of which we have recently learned have never been released to the public? When much politicking and even public policy decisions have been based on what purportedly happened in that place and on that day, it is self-evidently imperative that all that can be known about those events be in the public domain for public analysis and consideration.

Only an illegitimate agenda can be served by keeping the People in the dark, and it is a practice that not only screams of deception, but is guaranteed to produce suspicions and division.

BTW, IN LIGHT OF THE RECENT HOUSE VOTE for an investigative commission, let's again spend a few moments on the inaptness of the term "insurrection" for the events at the Capitol on January 6. It is my understanding that people went to the Capitol on January 6 in order to encourage Congress-- by their presence outside, as in any protest event-- to hear the evidence of election fraud some members had prepared for airing before the whole body prior to the decision of whether to certify the election results as offered by the states.

Those few folks who went inside the Capitol did so at the invitation of Capitol Police (or with their cooperation, at least). On that point, I assume the Capitol is normally open to visitors, and know of no reason why this should not have been the case on January 6, at least at the beginning of the protest.

Notably-- indeed, very importantly-- no one participating in the protest, or among those who went into the Capitol is even alleged to have possessed a weapon. Insurrections don't happen at the hands of unarmed people.

Some bad behavior was clearly committed by some of those who had entered the Capitol. But most just toured through and then left.

This raises the possibility that those behaving badly were actually deliberate agents provocateur, there to create the appearance of a violent riot by Trump supporters, the image of which could be exploited by those seeing political capital in the pretense that an "insurrection" had been underway. C.J. Hopkins reports instructively on a similar false flag event in Germany last August.

At some point, Ashli Babbitt was murdered by a Capitol Police officer for no apparent reason, leaving open the possibility that this was done in order to inject violent energy into the protestors in furtherance of the "insurrection" narrative. People mostly milling about peacefully aren't nearly as good for the spin cameras as people who have just been told that one of their number has been shot.

I'll admit to not knowing the timing of the Babbitt murder and any escalation in violence among the protestors, though, so perhaps this ascription of possible motive to that crime is ill-founded.

Nonetheless, I think I can safely say that, all-in-all, the body of evidence that we have says there was no "insurrection" underway. But I sure would like to see those 14,000 hours of video...


FINALLY... I SAW THAT the depraved character "Lil Nas X"-- the creature with a video on YouTube in which he is sodomized by Satan-- appeared as the musical guest on venerable Saturday Night Live last week. I have lately also seen snippets of similarly gutter-worthy drek by other modern-day "pop" stars being presented as the current mainstream of popular culture in America. Reflecting on these indicators, I was reminded of a prescient artist's rendering of the place at which we are arriving under the onslaught of "wokeness" and identity politics:


Hieronymus Bosch, 'The Garden of Earthly Delights', central panel

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It's Time To Celebrate Some More CtC Victories!

Leavening the all-too pervasive grim with some uplifting good.

IT IS WITH PLEASURE that I share the first victory in recovering taxes taken during 2020 today. This first victory of the season was a long time coming, compared to all of the previous 18 years-- the destabilization "lockdowns" predicated on the C19 story served to inject more than a few months-worth of molasses into even the tax agencies. Most everything is running late, and refund claims are no exception.

But we've finally gotten to that happy milestone, as will be seen.

First, though, let's enjoy a few other newly-shared and mostly just-won victories, albeit concerning 2019 and thus reflecting the aforementioned delays afflicting all things in America except the profits of vaccine makers and giant Silicon Valley corporations.

Jamie & Leslie Jaseph

JAMIE & LESLIE HAVE SECURED a fine victory recovering everything withheld from them and given over to the feds during 2019 against the possibility of an income tax liability-- plus interest. There having been no federal-connection involved in Jamie & Leslie's economic activities, no tax liability arose, and so:

Here is the filing that produced this fine victory for these good folks.


Dan & Jane Moore

DAN & JANE share their latest victory-- this one with the state of Virginia, and also involving a refund of everything withheld during 2019 (plus interest):

Here is the filing that produced Dan & Jane's new victory; and here is an exchange that preceded that victory in which the state briefly displayed a little resistance before quickly giving it up as a waste of energy.


Kevin & Halley Denning

KEVIN & HALLEY share their debut victory-- the return of the better part of everything withheld from them and given over to the feds during 2019, plus interest-- along with an admission of $0 tax owed, and a simple and ridiculous lie about the amount withheld.

Here is the check Kevin & Halley received in March:

...and here is the filing by which the refund was claimed. Note that the amount claimed for refund on line 17 of the return is $17,914.00.

NOW, HERE IS THE IRS ADMISSION that Kevin & Halley have no income tax liability (table at the bottom):

...and here is the portion from page 2 of the notice in which the IRS simply lies about the amount of withholding claimed on line 17 of their return:

What a cheap ploy, lying about this amount! Perhaps this is done in the hope that Kevin and Halley will be confused and imagine that what was withheld from them as Social security and Medicare is not refundable. Despicable, when the agency knows perfectly well that the law at 26 U.S.C. § 3503 requires such refunds when no tax is owed.


Jeff Cooper

JEFF SHARES A REFUND OF 2019 withholdings, as well (also with interest), and he also has a quirky story. Unlike the game being played with Kevin & Halley, discussed above, Jeff's strange tale is one I've never seen before, and I'm very interested in seeing how this all gets sorted out in the end.

Let's start with Jeff's refund check:

...and here is a notice Jeff received "explaining" the refund:

Here is the filing by which the refund was secured. What is to be noted is that Jeff's refund claim was actually for $26,176.03, the total withheld from him during 2019, with a self-assessment of $0. The questions, of course, are what prompted the assertions above about "Decrease in tax" and "increase in credit for tax withheld; and what happened to the $3,848.03 that is the difference between the $26,176.03 claimed and the $22,328.00 delivered?

Bizarrely, the IRS "Account" transcript for 2019 declares that Jeff's return self-assessed a $13,018.00 tax, and reported just $16,866.00 in withholding. This, according to the transcript, yielded a $3,848.00 overpayment-- which, according to the transcript, was sent to Jeff last July!

Are we having fun yet? Maybe we'll just have to chalk this one up to Corona-induced chaos...

We'll trust that Jeff will get this sorted out, and hope it doesn't turn out that someone issued him- or herself Jeff's partial refund as some sort of scam.


Michael Johnson

FINALLY, THERE'S MICHAEL JOHNSON, who has shared a completely uncomplicated complete refund from California, and the first one for 2020 posted on these pages!

Here is the refund:

...and here is the filing which produced this victory-- not so big a one, perhaps, but oh, so satisfying, as all of them are.


SO, HATS VERY MUCH OFF to Jamie & Leslie, Dan & Jane, Kevin & Halley, Jeff and Michael! Their great victories join those of the tens of thousands of other awakened and activated Americans represented here. Each constitutes another critical step toward the restoration of the Founders republic and the true rule of law.

Don't you wish your victories were proudly posted, too?

It's easy. Stand up on behalf of the law, and then share the evidence.

That's all there is to it!

BTW, DON'T YOU WISH YOUR INSPIRING BEING-THE-STORM VIDEO was posted, too? This is easy to do, and very important (plus it can get you some great LHC swag!). See (and carefully read in their entirety) these guidelines and encouragements.

Remember, it's all about upholding the law, and that is YOUR responsibility. Awakening others to this high and honorable duty is the best way to make it happen.

"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error."

-United States Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson

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Tools For Leveraging The CtC Superpower

You've got magic in your hands, if you will use it...


The Income Tax Law, In Seven Pages





Share these all, everywhere you can. Be your most creative self in sending and "selling" these links. Do memes; make gifs; respond to everything in the news that would be or have been better had the state been small, or if Americans kept their money for their own uses.

If you pay attention to the news and train yourself to apply these perspectives, you will see a dozen things of which you can make use in awakening other Americans to the virtues of having the income tax correctly administered. Please, for my sake, for your own sake, for the sake of your children and their future, make that use.



IF YOU'RE NOT ALREADY GETTING THE NEWSLETTER delivered to your email inbox, go to this page and subscribe to the group-- leave all options in their default states.

YOU CAN ALSO usually find (and share and retweet and repost) links to new articles on the following platforms:

  • GAB (click here to follow me and receive the announcement posts).

If you choose one of these social media options (or use them in addition to other means, as I wish you would), PLEASE get the full value out of them by diligently "sharing" or "reposting" my posts! That will significantly improve their visibility to others, and very much help the cause!!

  • My RSS feed:

(Members of the state CtC Warrior forums in AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, MI, MN, MO, NE, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, SC, TX, UT, VA, WA or WI, will continue to get the regular announcements if the membership is set to receive email updates.)

NOTE: I will still not be engaging in correspondence by any of these alternative means-- those wishing to correspond with me should continue to use direct email for this purpose.

NOTE II: PLEASE help ensure that others in the CtC community know about this change in newsletter delivery!!


Not Letting This "Crisis" Go To Waste...

...an important action item opportunity.

FRIENDS, THE SPORADIC BITS OF EASING of the despotic measures to which most of the country has been subjected this year should not be allowed to bleed off the head of steam you probably had been developing. The offenses happened, and they're far from over. Stay hot.

And while you are all warmed up, and while others, if they're smart, are just as hot, I'd like you to send an email (and Facebook post, or whatever) with the following content to everyone you can (with a request that they pass it along, in turn):

[Name], over the last several months you've watched as over-fed state power has been used to literally destroy classical Western civilization and impose a new despotic paradigm. No dissent or debate permitted-- no permission or agreement sought.

YOU KNOW where this will end up if the arrogant state power being used to make this happen isn't radically diminished in size, influence, resources and popular support, and exposed as an opportunistic exploiter of legal ignorance (an ignorance which it has been nurturing in the average mind for decades).

Those things having not yet happened, you should be quaking in your boots-- and you probably are.

Isn't it time-- and past time-- for you to begin helping to make those desperately-needed defensive changes take place? There is only one way these things can happen short of a who-knows-what we'll-end-up-with explosion of violence. I'm going to show it to you.

Read this little two-page document. Click on the links at the end.

When you're done with that reading, you'll know what to do next.

BTW, REMEMBER, ALSO, THAT EVERY AMERICAN has lately been given a stark lesson in the fact that government officials at all levels will lie to you and violate the law without batting an eye. They will do so any time it serves their agenda, and you don't call them out for it.

If you know anyone who has been persisting in denial on the truth about the income tax, you know such nonsense is usually be grounded in some version or another of, "That can't be true..." or "They would never do something like that...". Now's the time to put a pin in that delusional bubble.

As the C19 hoax has starkly shown, "that" certainly CAN be true, and they certainly WOULD do something like that.

Use this evidence in all your outreach efforts.

"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error."

-United States Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson

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Regarding Trolleries

(Deceitful efforts to discourage Americans from learning the truth about the "income tax")



FOR ALL THE YEARS SINCE 2003 when CtC was first published, the government has engaged in a concerted effort to frighten people away from its truths. This effort involves official government websites and press releases touting an occasional court ruling that appears to be at odds with some CtC-revelation (but without details sufficient to expose the real substance of the ruling)-- and sometimes even more mendacious behavior.

Click here for the rest of this article


Are the presentations and resources offered on this site and in my other work of any value to you?

Tim Kendrick has posted a video on YouTube regarding donations. I didn't know what to do about it to begin with; I don't do what I do intending for anyone to feel obligated in any way.

But of course, no one IS obligated. I will continue to make my work freely-available here, and in my books for only the cost of a cheap paperback.

Thus, even though I post it here below, Tim's very thoughtful personal resolution and encouragement to others is just an invitation for consideration by those who may not be conscious of the fact that I can't do what I do without support. No one is to feel any pressure from it; if it moves anyone to act let it be solely because it seems right.


How To Be A Leader In The CtC Community

It's simple:






All-in-all, just be the sort of person for others that you would go to yourself for trustworthy leadership.

Leadership is a challenge. But it's not complicated, and you can do it.


Are You Having Trouble Spreading The Word?

SKEPTICISM (SOMETIMES INVOKED BY FEAR) IS TO BE EXPECTED when you're trying to explain to someone that everything they've been encouraged their whole lives to believe about something as entrenched and significant as the income tax is basically nonsense. So here's a way to help cut through the resistance:

Ask your listener how he or she would react if you were to show an announcement from the Commissioner of Internal Revenue admitting that the tax doesn't apply to the earnings of most Americans and is misapplied most of the time because people don't understand how it works? Or how about if you showed a ruling from the Supreme Court saying the same?

Now you just have to explain that you're going to show exactly those things-- but because the state really doesn't want people to know this, these things haven't been said quite as forthrightly as we would all wish. It's going to take a bit more work to take these admissions in than is sufficient for just reading a press release. But it'll be worth the effort...


The Liberating Truth About The 16th Amendment

IF YOU'RE NOT SPREADING THIS LINK with every bit of energy you can, to school libraries, homeschool families and community groups, your neighbors, your family members, your pastors and co-congregationalists, journalists, lawyers, CPAs, members of congress, tax-agency workers, Wikipedia, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, the Tax Foundation, everyone in the "tax honesty" movement, the 9/11 truth movement, other activist movements and everyone else, you have only yourself to blame for your troubles with the tax, and a whole lot else of which you might complain. It's on you.

WRITE A NICE, FRIENDLY AND BRIEF introductory note explaining what will be seen at the link-- cryptic is bad; excited is good-- and then send this WMI (weapon of mass instruction) far and wide.

Remember: Real Americans don't accommodate fog, lies and a sliding scale of adherence to the rule of law. Real American men and women stand up for the truth and the law, come what may, knowing that it is only by setting the bar at the top and enforcing it, come what may, that liberties are secured.

"Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated."

-Thomas Paine




ONLY ONE THING WILL WIN YOU YOUR LIBERTY: Spreading the truth. Accordingly, I've assembled outreach resources into a new, dedicated page. Find it here, and please, USE THESE TOOLS!! I can't do this all by myself.

"In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

-George Orwell


Other Voices (followed by an important afterword)

The Ignorant World And What To Do About It

by Joakim Book

A spectre is haunting the Western world – the spectre of a grossly mistaken understanding of the world.

British kids have nightmares about the climate. Half of French respondents think it likely that climate change will cause “the extinction of the human race.” American teachers coddle students who have panic attacks when wildfires rage somewhere on the planet. Eco-anxiety has clearly gripped the Western world, but what’s worse is that most people have a dismal outlook on all of humanity’s progress, not just climate change.

Because slow changes don’t get noticed, and because humans use mental shortcuts to understand the world, we end up with a grossly misinformed view of what is. The late Hans Rosling, the Swedish professor of international health that most of us know as the excited man on YouTube (the one who explains the progress of the world with bubbles and giant blocks), dedicated his life to dispelling these misperceptions. The Gapminder Foundation that now carries on his legacy writes,

“Our ignorance surveys have shown that the general public is misguided about many basic global facts. Reliable global statistics exist for nearly every aspect of global development, but these numbers are not transformed into popular understanding because using and teaching statistics is still too difficult.”

Gapminder routinely asks 12 questions (sometimes with a thirteenth question on global temperatures, which most people tend to get right) about basic, uncontroversial, changes in global development – multiple-choice questions on things like demographic change, how many girls in poor countries finish primary school, and what’s happened to extreme poverty in the last twenty years.

The results are terrible, but it’s not a question of ignorance. If people genuinely didn’t know, by chance alone they’d pick the right answer a third of the time: this is the chimpanzee threshold. Instead, the average human gets 2.2 answers right. The results for some questions, like global life expectancy (50, 60, or 70 years?), ought to scare us more than any dismal vision of climate change. Having more than doubled since 1900, the global improvements in the last forty years seem to have passed most smart people by. Of students and faculty at top universities less than one in five manage to get this right – even Nobel Laureates underperform the chimps. The worst-performing groups were Swedish trade unionists (10% got the answer right) and Norwegian teachers (7% correct). In one memorable lecture, Rosling animatedly exclaimed “What in the world are you teaching the kids?!”

In that one line lies much of the problem for our continued misinformation about the world.

Media coverage inundates us with a constant flow of catastrophes from one part or the world or another, while overlooking the great non-events of the world. When super cyclones kill 128 people instead of the hundreds of thousands they used to or would have, we don’t even hear about them. When hundreds of thousands of people are lifted out of extreme poverty a day, every day, that’s no longer newsworthy. The result is, Gapminder notes, that “people end up carrying around a sack of outdated facts that you got in school (including knowledge that often was outdated when acquired in school).”

Counteracting that requires information and an updated framework for thinking about the world. To embrace the notion that things gradually get better – not worse – as we solve more problems, invent better things, and bring more people into the global marketplace. The return of such an optimist mentality (Rosling prefers ‘possibilist’) requires nothing more than accepting that “facts are better than myths – especially for understanding the world.”

Thou shalt not misinform


Click here to read the rest of this article

...and then proceed to the afterword below...



IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OVERESTIMATE the importance of the message being sent by Book in this excellent observation: The worldview of each upcoming generation of voters and potential activists dictates the conditions under which we will all live. No other consideration is really relevant.

After all, we can write constitutions and laws all day long, but they only are respected and enforced as we wish them to be if enough of those around us understand and respect them as we do ourselves.

Understanding and respecting a body of law is attendant on believing that body of law serves one's core interests. Those who have been infected with an hysterical sense of impending doom (or fear of any other profound threat, whether moral or physical) will not see a body of law designed in large part to restrain the collective-- which they have been taught is necessary to the accomplishment of big tasks-- as in tune with their interests. They will ignore that body of law or creatively distort it to suit those interests.

IT IS ALSO IMPOSSIBLE TO OVERSTATE Book's accuracy in placing the blame for the increasing threat to our cultural and political health at the feet of the education establishment-- mostly the public education establishment, but to a great extent that of many private schools as well, which use the same bent textbooks selected for use in government schools. (Blame also adheres to the media, which does nothing to counteract the nonsense with which kids' heads are filled, and instead amplifies that nonsense; and the political class, which happily exploits the falsely-generated anxiety, rather than engaging in actual leadership and offering correctives; but it is the schools that are the real problem.)

In light of that accurate insight into the root of the problem, and the accurate assessment of the high threat the problem represents, I will direct attention to the material explaining and advocating home-schooling, found here.

This is all a real big deal, and everyone should take action. But that is much simpler to do than many folks would think-- especially for the CtC-educated community, which is well-equipped to free one parent up from bread-winning and allow focused attention of the schooling. You CAN do it, and you'll find it all to be amazingly good, for you and for your kids.

AT THE SAME TIME, don't overlook the fact that widespread understanding of CtC's message will drain energy from the harm-generating education establishment itself, resulting in the marginalization of the harmful government schools, in particular. Like so many ills faced by modern Americans, defunding the state is a powerful, broad-spectrum palliative.

So, spread the truth about the tax while you make plans to spare your kids from the propaganda mills today's schools have become. Take full advantage of the points made here as to the one.

As to the other, take full advantage of the experience you and so many other folks have had for the last year+ of adjusting to the kids not going to institution schools, thanks to teacher's-union exploitation of the "pandemic" hysteria to obtain what has amounted, in many cases, to a paid, year-long near-vacation. Use that experience to firm up your own resolve, and to encourage family, friends and acquaintances to make the right choice, as well.

CARE TO COMMENT on this article (which is permalinked at this address)? Click here.

Set a brushfire-- E-mail this article to a friend

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A Little Extra

EVEN AS ARDENT A STATIST as Abraham Lincoln, in announcing his willingness to burn the Southern states to the ground in order to keep them paying the tariff for the benefit of Northern interests in his first inaugural address on March 4, 1861, paid at least lip service to the Founders design of leaving control over the fuel available to feed the fires Washington wants to light in the hands of the individual citizenry when he said, "Doing this I deem to be only a simple duty on my part; and I shall perform it, unless my rightful masters, the American people, shall withhold the requisite means..."

Held over great reading recommendations:

Disinformation-How it works

by Brandon Smith


The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

by Étienne de la Boétie


Return to contents


Lawyers: It's Way Past Time For You All To Queue Up!

[Y]ou really need to familiarize yourself with Pete Hendrickson's absolutely magnificent work at his website and in his book(s). He has, brilliantly and lucidly, "cracked the code" regarding the federal income EXCISE tax(es)."

-Mark C. Phillips, JD


"...I find your work fascinatingly simple to understand."

-Jerry Arnowitz, JD


"Your book is a masterpiece!"

-Michael Carver, JD


"Received your book yesterday. Started reading at 11 PM, finished at 4 AM." "I have 16 feet (literally 16' 4.5") of documents supporting just about everything in your book." "Your book should be required reading for every lawyer before being admitted to any Bar." "I hope you sell a million of them."

-John O'Neil Green, JD


“Thanks again for your efforts, Pete. They mean an awful lot to a lot of people.” “…as an attorney, I am humbled by your knowledge and ability in navigating the law. THANK YOU for your hard work and sacrifice.”

-Eric Smithers, JD


"I am an attorney and want to give a testimonial to your book, which I find to be compelling. I am exercising these rights for myself and my adult children. I'm even considering making this my new avenue of law practice."

-Nancy "Ana" Garner, JD

Learn what these colleagues already know, then step forward and become part of a coordinated, mutually-supportive squadron focused on developing strategy and deploying the law in courtrooms across the country. There's a lot of suing that needs doing right now.

Are you ready for a challenge that'll put some real meaning behind all the effort you went through to get your credentials? Send me an email.


Are You Ready For More Power?

"Peter Hendrickson has done it again! 'Upholding The Law' does for individual liberties what 'Cracking the Code' did for tax law compliance: exposes the reader to the unalienable truth!"

-Jesse Herron, Bill Of Rights Press, Fort Collins, Colorado

Click here for more information

And don't miss:

Was Grandpa Really a Moron

picks up where 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About The Income Tax' leaves off.

Click here for more information


Do you have a victory to share? Click here to learn how to do so.

If you're working on one, and just getting stonewalled or speed-bumped, you can still be recognized! Go here to learn what to do.

Learn The Liberating Truth About The Tax

NEW! Orders of twelve or more books now come with a free DVD on request containing six informative and inspiring videos-- 112 minutes in all. Click here for the details.



Do you know someone truly steeped in the Kool-Aid?


I mean someone who finds it easier to believe that the far-better-educated, far-more-suspicious-of-government Americans of a hundred years ago were complete morons who granted authority to the state to take whatever it wished from themselves and their posterity than to imagine that they themselves simply misunderstand the true nature of the income tax? Even while knowing that their beliefs about the tax are derived entirely from the representations of those who profit from those beliefs (like tax bureaucrats and "tax professionals")?


Do you know someone like that? Shake them awake with the latest (fifteenth) edition of CtC!

C'mon! CtC can't be right! You're crazy!

If CtC were actually right, it would mean the government's been concealing and denying and suppressing the truth for years on end, and everybody knows THAT would never happen...

(Edward Snowden, come home! It was all just a bad dream; there really is No Such Agency!)



Selected Features From Recent Editions:

A disturbing little exercise in reverse engineering:

Have American Educators Decided To Throw Real Teaching Under The Bus?


It's all about staying on subject...

Dealing With IRS Opportunism


Sorting out facts and despicable fictions:

On "Vaccines" And "Variants"


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'The Political Economy Of Fear'


It's a street-fight, with no rules honored by the opposition. So...

Are You Counting On The 2022 Elections To Set Things Right? Don't Be Naive.


Why are Biden and the MSM not asking you this question:

Are You Ready To Die For The Neo-Nazis In Kiev?


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'We Must Never Forget The Old Normal'


Nothing gets done without a reason, and when something appears inexplicable, that's often just because you haven't been sufficiently hard-nosed in your analysis.

Why Gretchen Whitmer Sent Sick People Into Nursing Homes Last Spring


Do you know why some folks are so enthused about them? It's because...

"Universal Mail-In Ballots" Are The Perfect Set-up For Election Fraud


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Cancel Public School'


Those getting vaccinated are signing their own death warrants, and possibly setting up the world for a real plague, says Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche.

An Eminent Virologist Sounds An Urgent Alarm Against Current Vaccines


Even though other things continue to demand attention, it is "tax time" again, so,

It's Time To Celebrate Some More CtC-Educated Victories For The Rule Of Law!!


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Why I Believe That Covid Derangement Syndrome Is Real'


We've been given a powerful tool, if we are smart enough to use it:

Brian Sicknick Was NOT Bludgeoned With A Fire Extinguisher On Jan. 6. What Does That Tell You?


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'The (New Normal) War on Domestic Terror'


It's nice to be able to share a bit of uplift right now:

A Truly Remarkable And Very Important Document From Six State Attorneys General


I have a few things to say about a few different topics of immediate importance, so...

A Low-Hanging-Fruit Salad


There's omelet to be made from the broken eggs littering the devastated American landscape, friends...

Not Letting This Crisis Go To Waste


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Covid Odyssey'


The "pandemic" is a lie and the official response is unlawful, so...

A Stinging Rebuke; And A Shameful Hypocrisy


The "pandemic" is a lie and the official response is unlawful, so...

Resolved: No More Playing Along With The "Lockdowns"


There's omelet to be made from the broken eggs littering the devastated American landscape, friends...

Not Letting This Crisis Go To Waste


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Let's Play A Disinformation Game'


Not wanting to sound strident here, but we have to talk about...

Sleepwalking Down The Nightmare Road To Serfdom


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Coronavirus Scandal Breaking In Merkel's Germany'


A big, welcome crack has appeared in the ice.

Is The Jig Up For The C19 Hoax? Could Be...


The propaganda drumbeat continues...

Regarding Overtaxed Hospitals, And Upcoming Vaccine Pressure


Persisting with the "Iranian nuke pursuit" pretense, we have been presented with:

Another Israeli Murder


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'The Germans Are Back!'


The excellent Glenn Greenwald steps up as a sterling example to all the rest.

How A Real Journalist Comports Himself


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Republicans And Democrats Will Never Deliver Peace'


A presentation of simple, indisputable facts that will change many answers to this question:

Have You Been Tolerant Of "Lockdowns" And Mask Mandates?


A nice new CtC-educated victory; a change in Form 4852; and an entertaining IRS evasion.

On The "Income Tax Front


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'The Absurdity Of Covid "Cases"'


A hundred-year-plus accomplishment which is still paying huge dividends:

The Big "Income" Con


A national embarrassment; and two much better things...

Regarding Last Week's "Presidential Debate", South Park Pandemic Special, And Outstanding Ruling By The Michigan Supreme Court


It's pop quiz time, so:

Let's Have A Show Of Hands...


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Will The Pandemic Panic Card Win In 2020?'


Coursing through contrived chaos calls for a quality roadmap, so...

Resources For Navigating The Nonsense


Always the happiest diversion:

Let's Celebrate Some More Victories!!


There's omelet to be made from the broken eggs littering the devastated American landscape, friends...

Not Letting This Crisis Go To Waste


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Trump Regime vs. The ICC: The Wrong Side Of "Sovereignty"'


Muster the courage to push past the Hallowe'en chorus long enough to recognize that,

Fear Is The Mind-Killer


As is my long-standing Labor Day tradition, I invite everyone to consider:

The Sublime Harmonies Of Social Justice In The Upcoming Worker's Paradise


The Site Map has been updated with a new item:

Notes Regarding Union State Income Tax Structures


There's omelet to be made from the broken eggs littering the devastated American landscape, friends...

Not Letting This Crisis Go To Waste


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Are You Ready For The "No One Could Have Known" Routine?'


Despite the somewhat hokey subtitle, this is:

A Video Very Much Worth The 1:15 of Watch Time


Because it's time to retire this deliberate distraction from the C19 coup-in-progress:

A Word About "Systemic Racism"


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Lockdown Restrictions Are A Test To See How Much Tyranny Americans Will Accept'


The despotically-inclined have found that no one will stand up against them when "public health" is the pretense du jour. But, c'mon, people!

Racism Is NOT A "Public Health" Issue


Despite the unfolding plan to shield incumbents from challengers (or perhaps, especially because of it)...

It's Time For An American "Pivot To Jorgensen"


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Crossing the Rubicon: The UK Slips Into A Repressive State'


Let's take a short break from the horrors being cemented into place by the largely unopposed C19 coup, and celebrate:

New Victories By CtC-Educated Real American Grown-Ups!


I have a short little non-negotiable list I'd like to share::

What DJT Needs To Do If He Wants Even A Chance Of Getting My Vote This Year


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'If Conservatism Doesn't Stand For Home, Then It Stands For Nothing'


Here's a disturbing but apt question, under the circumstances:

Are We Really Going Out With Just A Whimper?


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'No Courts, No Freedom, No Rights'


Still the question of the month:

How Stupid Do They Think We Are? Part II


Let's apply a little ancient wisdom here to see that,

Russia Paying Taliban To Thwart The "Peace Deal"? Not Likely.


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'The "Deadly" Hydroxychloroquine Scandal'


The question of the month:

How Stupid Do They Think We Are?


Trying to keep this important issue on point, I offer...

Some Follow-Up On The George Floyd Story


Real American grown-up Forrest Voss in Texas tells it like it is...

A Good Man Urges Americans To Put On Their Big Boy And Big Girl Pants


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Under Four Presidents, The Feds Have Ignored The Mandate To Report On Police Killings'


It's way past time that these issues were addressed...

The Digital Freedom Of Expression And Real Privacy Act


Michigan, Texas, and now Virginia and Kentucky

More "Lockdown" Liberty Keys Have Been Posted (And More On The Use-This-"Crisis" Action Item)


Jonesy in Wyoming tells it like it is...

A Good Man Urges Good Americans To Take Back The Soul Of Our Beloved Country


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Brave New Normal (Part 2)'


I'm so tired of feeling like I'm stuck on the set of a low-budget horror film... How about you?

What REAL America Looks Like


How the "lockdown" is getting locked down:

The Bad Guys Are Leveraging Fudged Fatality Figures


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Virus Of Mass Destruction'


There's a narrow window of opportunity in which vigorous action can prevent an oppressive "new normal", but...

I Need Your Help, Friends.


Since its courts have broken the ice and now assert "universal jurisdiction" to prosecute Syrians for allegedly torturing prisoners,

Will Germany Now Seek Extradition Of Gina Haspel?


Ours is a Constitutional system in which, by nature, there can be no "emergency government powers" over individual citizens.

What Is, And What Is Not, Within The Power Of The State


Warriors share new victories in shrinking Leviathan, offering us all:

More Points Of Light Amidst The Despotic "Lockdown" Darkness


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Brave New Normal'


Even during the "lockdown" America's liberation from its longest-lasting and most expensive hoax continues apace...

Business Owner Kiki Bittner Shares A Great Video!


Reasons and remedies for why...

The World Is Embracing The Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin Cure, But America Lags Behind


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'The Propaganda Of Terror And Fear: A Lesson From Recent History'


Georgia led the way. Then Colorado stepped up. Now:

Lights On In Ohio!


"Coronavirus", whatever else it might be, is just the hobgoblin du jour in the larger scheme of things;

The Only Disease Really Threatening America Is The Leviathan State


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'FDA Must Approve Hydroxychloroquine NOW!'


Code-cracking on behalf of a great hero in the struggle for popular sovereignty over the runaway State.

Saving Julian


Other Voices (with an important afterword)

'Humanity Is Making A Very Important Decision When It Come To Assange'


There's more to the Constitution than the political class would like the rest of us to understand:

The Fourth Branch


Back-door Barr; the assault on Assange; Anti-Israel versus Anti-Semitism; and no, the health of the Great Lakes is NOT a "national security" issue...

Observations And Comments On Current Events


From when the rot was less advanced,

A Welcome Tartness From A Chief Judge Of The Fifth Circuit


More very welcome thunder in the air...

The Lights Go On In Colorado!


Been holding your nose on election day?

This Year, Nobody Has To Vote For The Lesser Of Two Evils


Delivering this debunk can have a big payoff, folks:

A History Lesson For Pundits And Professionals


There's a really good reason...

Why I Write About Politics And Public Policy


Folks, you really need to read this one all the way to the end:

The Virtual Certainty Of Foreign Interference In The 2020 Election


We've all been victims of a monstrous subterfuge:

The Cowbird State


Nick Audette has shared video and documents concerning...

A Nice Victory For A New Warrior


Real American grown-ups are at work (and Samuel Adams is smiling down on them):

The Day The Lights Went On In Georgia!


Ruben Varela shares some good news:

A Nice Tax Court Victory Over A Fake "Frivolous Return Penalty"


And let's not stop with billboards...

Tools For Leveraging The CtC Superpower


Matthew Bossard tacks up some more victories; and he's not alone, of course.

Leviathan Takes More Hits


And yet, it moves...

The Galileo Factor


A great victory after years of IRS harassment, threats and intimidation by an educated American who turned the corrupt agency...

Every Which Way But Loose


Fascinating material on a pernicious effort to destroy liberty:

A Few Words About "Climate Change" Fraud


The ice continues to crack, and it won't last much longer if enough people jump on it all at once.

A Recent Win In Tax Court, And More Remedies For Bogus NODs


This really is a simple enough thing...

Hendrickson's Axiom of Special Definitions


From the 'Garbage In Yields Garbage Out' Department:

Debunking The '1870s Income Tax Repeal' Myth


In the hope of countering long-running government efforts to sow confusion on the subject:

A Few Words About The Constitution


At least these "ladies" are honest...

A Word From The United Bitches Of America


Let's look at a wildly misunderstood (or misrepresented) issue:

Why Donald Trump Should Be Impeached


It is so easy to prove that...

The Government Knows Perfectly Well That CtC Is 100% Correct


An updated and ever-more important commentary:

What America Really Gets From The "Ignorance Tax"


See Prior Editions In Their Entirety:

Newsletter Archives


Get All Newsletters As They Are Published:

Newsletter Delivery Options



My My interview by Lana Lotkeff for Radio 3Fourteen can be found here.

Find my YouTube channel here.


The upgraded Fifteenth Edition of CtC is Now Available!

Btw, a copy of CtC from anywhere except the link above may not be a current edition. CHECK. It matters. Also, there ARE no e-book, Kindle or .pdf versions of CtC. Don't get taken in by efforts to sell you-- or even give you for free-- any such thing.

Get The Short, Easy Intro To The Liberating Truth About The Tax


Illuminating anniversaries of this week:

May 25- In 1787, the convention called to revise the Articles of Confederation-- primarily by authorizing the federal creation to claim a piece of the action when its property, powers and privileges were profitably exploited (duties, excises and tariffs), to impose apportioned taxes on the states, and to regulate the commerce of state governments with each other, with foreign nations and with the Indian tribes-- begins.  In 1837, Quebec revolts against British rule.  In 1961, John F. Kennedy proposes landing an American on the moon before the end of the decade.  In 1977, 'Star Wars', the first installment in a wildly-popular six-part story of rebellion against an arrogant imperialist Leviathan, is released.  In 2012, SpaceX's 'Dragon' becomes the first private spacecraft to reach the International Space Station.  In 2018, political prisoner Doreen Hendrickson, suffering her second prison imprisonment for refusing to swear to belief in the truth of government-serving false statements on orders of a federal court at the request of the Department of Justice (sic), is released.  In 2020, a man named George Floyd dies while in police custody in Minneapolis. Floyd had several times a toxic dose of fentanyl in his system, and chronic heart problems as well, but his death, which came after he resisted arrest and was restrained on the ground pending the arrival of EMS (at his own request), was ascribed to the restraining officer(s). Riots erupted across American in response, under the leadership of members of the Democrat Party and an organization called 'Black Lives Matter'.


A Few Words About "Climate Change" Fraud

You NEED to defend yourself and your kids against this now-high-inertia effort to destroy liberty.

Watch this fascinating 12 minute video on how climate data are misrepresented.

Then share this link with everyone you can

H/T to Jonesy for circulating this fun little meme and video link.


Hey! If you're not getting the newsletter delivered to your email inbox every Monday, go to this link and subscribe to the group-- leave all options in their default states.


Which Storm Is It Going To Be For You? 1776's? Or 1984's?

Choose wisely and well, and may the FOURCE be with you.


No one can guarantee success in all they do in life. But anyone can guarantee that they DESERVE success in anything they do.


Rick Van Camp's Excellent Outreach Letter


Notes And Tips For Educated Filers


Illuminating Anniversaries of this week:

May 26- In 1868, President Andrew Johnson escapes impeachment for allegedly disregarding a Congressional enactment (the Tenure of Office Act) by a single vote.  In 1879, the invading British military gained control of Afghanistan, formalized under the Treaty of Gandamak.  In 1896, Nicholas II, the last tsar of Russia, begins his reign.  In 1927, Ford ceases production of the Model T.  In 2004, the New York Time publicly admits to contributing to Bush administration lies about Iraq being in possession of "weapons of mass destruction".


A Two-Minute Review Of CtC

David Bindel reminds us that there's either the rule of law, or there isn't.

HEY! SAYING IT AGAIN!! DON'T YOU WISH YOUR INSPIRING BEING-THE-STORM VIDEO was posted? This is easy to do, and very important (plus it can get you some great LHC swag!). See (and carefully read) these guidelines and encouragements.


Eric Copenhaver With A Great Video Testimonial


Learn how (and why) to share YOUR testimony, here.


The Best Response To Tax Agency Bad Behavior

This simple step will make a world of difference in how things end up.


IRS Desperation Gets Truly Bizarre As CtC Warriors Continue To March Forward

A "Notice of Deficiency" for... $0. The most imaginative writer in Hollywood couldn't dream this stuff up.


JFK conspiracy? No problem... Income Tax conspiracy? C'mon, man, don't be silly! How could that ever happen?!

Cognitive dissonance in action.


Do You Know Who Pays For All That "Patriot Theater" At The Stadium?

Every victim of the "ignorance tax", 'cause it's all just statist consent-engineering propaganda.


Hey, Gamers!


You are surrounded by an actual battle between villains, monsters and true heroes, all simply concealed from you by sophisticated spells which also keep you from engaging in the fight.

There are real great deeds to be done, and real treasures to be had for your efforts, and frankly, your real future is at stake. You just have to gain "the sight" in order to penetrate the illusions.

Visit losthorizons.com to get the counter-spells and get onto the real field of battle!


PRO TIP: If I were the IRS and I wanted to discourage people from rebutting allegations that they had done things I can tax, and wanted to keep them from successfully reclaiming withheld or paid-in money, I would salt the "tax honesty" community with passionate-seeming "legal researchers" who would warn anyone whose ear they captured that filing a 1040 is a bad idea for one reason or another...


Illuminating Anniversaries of this week:

May 27- In 1933, the Federal Securities Act, requiring securities sold in interstate (state-to-state) commerce to be registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, is enacted.  In 1935, the United States Supreme Court unanimously declares the "New Deal" "National Industrial Recovery Act" unconstitutional.  In 1997, the same court rules that Paula Jones can pursue her sexual harassment suit against President Bill Clinton while he is in office.


The 'Watching the Watchmen Amendment'

If you're not talking this one up everywhere and helping generate a buzz, you don't really want liberty and the rule of law...


In light of the actual evidence, those who doubt or deny the accuracy and correctness of CtC just because some government officials denounce it are like the 16th-century Europeans who were mystified by Copernicus getting all those astronomical predictions right even though the church had said he was wrong.


Did you miss the 'Set Your Church Free' commentaries?

Set Your Church Free

Ignorance of the true nature of the "income" tax has gagged, gutted and seduced-into-disgrace America's ministerial community. This must change.


You're a passenger on a riverboat that relies on regular contributions of fuel from the passengers to keep moving forward. You see an unsurvivable waterfall ahead, and note a soon-to-be-irresistible current growing stronger each day. What does common sense suggest?


Test Your "Income" Tax IQ!

CtC Warrior SanDiegoScott has put together a great little 20-question quiz to test your knowledge of the law regarding the United States "income" tax. Test yourself, test your friends and family! Test your accountant and tax attorney, and help them learn the liberating truth!!

Click here to take the test

Click here for more Tax IQ tests


Illuminating Anniversaries of this week:

May 28- In 1503, James IV of Scotland and Margaret Tudor of England are married and a "Treaty of Everlasting Peace" between the two countries is executed.  The peace lasts ten years.  In 1774, the first American Continental Congress convenes.  In 1930, the Chrysler Building-- then the tallest in the world-- opens in New York City.  In 1934, the first quintuplets who will go on to survive infancy are born to Oliva and Elzire Dionne.  In 1952, the right of women to vote is recognized in Greece.  In 1964, the Palestine Liberation Organization is formed.  In 1996, Hillary Clinton's "Whitewater" business partners-- James and Susan McDougall and Arkansas Governor Jim Guy Tucker-- are convicted of fraud.  In 2012, the rampant infection of Iranian computers with the joint Israeli-US malware cyberweapon 'Flame' was announced.


“Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives.”

-James Madison

How About You?

Are You Governing Yourself?

Get The Knowledge, Reclaim Your Power, And Stand With The Founders


There is little more important to the long-term health of America than how our children are educated...



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Some Observations Regarding Educated And Accurate Filing


Have You Taken A Military, Law Enforcement or Public Office Oath To Uphold And Defend The Constitution?

Renew Your Promise


IGNORANCE TAX: An unnecessary income tax exaction suffered out of ignorance as to lawful objects of the tax and the means of its application by someone too lazy, frightened or misled to learn how it really works and to what it really applies.


"It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error."

-United States Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson

The Choice Is This Stark

Wear this new T-Shirt proudly, and tell the enemies of the law that if they don't like Constitutional limits, they should find someplace else to live!


Illuminating Anniversaries of this week:

May 29-  In 1660, after the death of Cromwell, the English monarchy is restored with the enthronement of Charles II.  In 1736, Patrick Henry is born.  In 1790, Rhode Island becomes the 13th of the several states to ratify the current United States Constitution.  In 1848, Wisconsin is admitted to the union as the 30th of the several states.  In 1913, Stravinski's 'Le Sacre du Printemps' premiers in Paris and provokes a riot.  In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay reach the summit of Mt. Everest.  In 1954, the first "Bilderberg Conference" begins.



'The BOSTONIAN'S Paying the EXCISE-MAN, or TARRING & FEATHERING' (1774) (How our forefathers responded to arrogant "Rule of Law defiers"...)


The willingness of some people to trade liberty for convenience is without limit...

Regarding "Tax Reform"



“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident.”

-Arthur Schopenhauer


Illuminating Anniversaries of this week:

May 30- In 1431, Joan of Arc is burned at the stake as a heretic.  In 1539, de Soto lands in Tampa Bay.  In 1854, Kansas and Nebraska are organized as United States territories, a first step toward eventually becoming two of the several American states.  In 1859, "Big Ben" sounds the hour for the first time.  In 1911, the first Indianapolis 500 ends, with Ray Harroun taking first place in his 'Marmon Wasp'.  In 1989, Chinese student protestors unveil the 33-foot-tall "Goddess of Democracy" statue in Tiananmen Square.


Last Word

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."

-Samuel Adams, Architect of the first American Revolution


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232 Oriole St.

Commerce Twp., MI 48382

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About The Author

Pete Hendrickson is possibly the most effective lawyer in history, even while never having set foot in a law school, nor ever being a card-carrying member of "the bar". He is the first American in history to secure a complete refund of Social Security and Medicare ‘contributions’ withheld from his earnings (along with all other property taken for federal taxes); further, since 2003 students of his legal analyses and arguments in ‘Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America’’ (CtC), and its sequel, 'Was Grandpa Really a Moron?' have been routinely retaining and recovering billions of dollars which otherwise-- wrongly, but as a matter of course-- would have gone to federal or state government treasuries. This despite concerted efforts by government to suppress his work, and in some cases vigorously oppose the claims by his students.

Hendrickson is also a widely-read essayist on matters of politics, public policy and law; many of these works are collected in his second book, ‘Upholding the Law And Other Observations’. He is a member of Mensa; an award-winning artist; and has paid his dues as a youth soccer coach. He is a long-time political activist as well, and has served as co-chair and platform convention delegate of Michigan’s largest county Libertarian Party organization; as a consultant to the National Right to Work Foundation and Citizens for a Sound Economy; as a member of the Heartland Institute; and as a member of the International Society for Individual Liberty. He is a frequent radio-show guest on stations across the country.

Hendrickson's business career has included nearly a decade-and-a-half at the leading edge of the renewable-energy industry, both as Director of Purchasing and Materials Management and member of the R&D board at Starpak Energy Systems, the mid-west's then-largest solar heating and energy-recovery-and re-utilization company; and as founder and president of AFJ Inc., a high-efficiency lighting design, manufacture and installation firm.

Beginning in the mid-1990s and continuing for the twelve years before his present full-time focus on the restoration of the rule of law in America, Hendrickson directed purchasing activities for the $84 million-a-year multi-family-housing division of the Farmington Hills, Michigan branch of Edward Rose and Sons, with responsibility for 18,000+ apartments, direct supervision of 35 technicians and agents, and incidental authority over several hundred divisional workers. He also ran the division's 10 cable television earth-station and distribution systems in four states, and designed and administered the company's website.

On rather the other end of the spectrum, amidst these more mundane pursuits Hendrickson co-founded and was the primary creative force behind a small board- and card-game company that enjoyed a modest success for several years.

Hendrickson makes his home in southeast Michigan, with his wife and two children. He is currently working on his next book.

© All written and graphic material on this page and website are copyrighted by Peter E. Hendrickson, unless otherwise attributed.