(Click on the underlined text to jump to each feature. To
return, use your browser's "back" button or the provided "Return to
Contents" links. Please keep in mind that
many more items of interest are to be found between featured
articles, so your most profitable course is to scroll through the
whole page...)
Though it may sound odd to begin with, hear me out:
October 28- In 1886, the Statue of
Liberty is dedicated by President Grover Cleveland. In 1918, Czechoslovakia is
granted independence from Austria-Hungary. In 1919, Congress passes the
Volstead Act over Woodrow Wilson's veto, by which Prohibition would begin two
months later. In 1922, Mussolini's fascists march on Rome and take over the
government of Italy. In 1929, the markets keep falling (Black Monday). In
1962, US President John F. Kennedy and Soviet Premier Nikita Khruschev reach an
agreement for the removal of American-targeted nuclear missiles from Cuba, in
exchange for a pledge of no American invasion of the island nation and the
eventual removal of American missiles targeting the Soviet Union from Turkey and
Italy. In 2005, Lewis (Scooter) Libby is indicted on perjury and obstruction of
justice charges over his efforts to shield Bush administration officials from
consequences related to the Valerie Plame affair. Eventually convicted, Libby's
prison sentence was promptly commuted by George W. Bush.
Anniversaries of interest for
each day of this week will be found throughout the newsletter
Please don't just
read what I post here (or anywhere), and nod your head sagely or
approvingly and then move on to other things. I don't post in order
to affirm your sense of things. I post in order to equip you with
perspectives and arguments with which to
educate others, and in the
expectation that you will forward my posts to other people (or
direct them to those posts). PLEASE do those things,
especially in recognition of the fact
that my posts are heavily suppressed. They will NOT get out
if you don't get them out.
Remember, we won't win by only YOU knowing what I
present. We will win by LOTS OF OTHERS knowing what I present.
BTW, join me on The Shields Report
the first Saturday of every month at 5PM EDT!!
India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia and United
Arab Emirates held its 16th summit meeting, in Kazan, Russia.
Leaders of member countries were joined by dozens of heads of
state from other countries seeking membership status, including,
perhaps most interestingly, NATO member Turkey.
The original BRICS member-nations already
represented more than 40% of the world population, and more GDP
than the G-7 by last year. Now, with Russia having emerged as
Europe's largest economy, 5 more nations added to the
coalition this past January, 13 new members scheduled for
admission and dozens more seeking invitations, the domination of BRICS over Western alliances is
even more pronounced.
Highlights of the just-concluded 2024 summit
include framework development toward a commodities-exchange
economic structure among member nations (which will exclude the
US dollar as a factor in international commerce within the
alliance and end its perverted employment as a weapon).
There was also further and more serious discussion
of the participants adopting a gold-standard currency; peaceful
resolution of border tensions that have plagued India and China
for decades; and condemnation of the crimes of Israel and its
Western enablers against Palestinian and Lebanese victims.
Remarkably and very admirably also given space on the agenda was
a resolution on behalf of the protection and preservation of big
cats and their habitat.
Notably, too, last week's summit served as an
opportunity for a strengthening of financial and military ties
among Russia, China and Iran. All told, the 2024 BRICS summit
reflected a steady transformation of the world, and also the
best hope for a restoration of the American experiment as
virtuously conceived by our Founders and the Framers of the US
SO, I DESCRIBE BRICS as possibly America's best
hope in the title of this commentary, even though BRICS is a
competitor to all the global strategic and financial
institutions erected and relied upon by the United States. Here
is why:
It is only by the arising of a strong,
competing financial alliance with related infrastructure
that the phony and corrupt financial institutions in the
West-- like fiat-currency-issuing central banks, for
example-- will be exposed, rejected as the disasters they
are, and ultimately undone. Want to be rid of the Fed? Cheer
on the emergence of the BRICS gold-standard currency and its
commodities exchange. Likewise,
Want to be disinfected of the multitude of
cultural pathologies increasingly afflicting the West over
lo, these last several decades? Cheer on the growing
influence of more traditionally-grounded cultures made
possible by the growing success and stature of those
cultures on the world stage made possible through the
ascendancy of BRICS. Similarly,
Want to see a dramatic reduction in the red sea
of stifling and Constitutionally-defiant regulations visited
upon us by the "administrative state"? Cheer on the
competitive pressure that will be brought to bear by a BRICS
alliance that shakes the rest of the world free of an
American economic hegemony which has been enabling such
indulgent and productivity-harming inefficiencies. Speaking
of the ill effects of unchecked hegemonic power,
Want to see American domestic politics begin to
crawl out of the swamp of foreign-influence corruption in
which it has been mired since the early 1960s? Cheer on the
strengthening of the military alliance inherent in the BRICS
structure, which will make impossible the US's current
practice of lumbering about the world like a drunken,
violent 8,000 lb. gorilla at the behest of whatever interest
group has bought Congress, and thus will remove the
incentive for all of today's political bribery and public
gaslighting. As a related benefit,
The rise of BRICS will mean the closure of
those 800 very expensive military bases around the world, as
the host nations turn away from yesterday's overbearing
hegemon either toward non-alignment or membership in BRICS
themselves. This will be accompanied by a general reduction
in what will eventually be recognized as pointless
absurdly-high and fiscally-ruinous military budgets in the
US and the freeing-up of manpower needed to defend US
borders and deal with the deportation of the army of illegal
and unassimilated foreigners invited into our country by its
enemies over the last several years.
The fact is, the US has been striving for
consolidated global power-- a goal implicitly condemned by
America's Founders and the Framers of the US Constitution. Those
brilliant statesmen recognized the critical importance, to
liberty and the real rule of law, of decentralization and
diffusion of power-- principles inconvenient to, and rejected
by, the current ruling elite in America and elsewhere in what we
call The West.
The rise of BRICS as a competitor to current
Western cultural, financial and military hegemonic ambitions is
a form of the vote-with-your-feet federalism very deliberately
built into the USA's founding structures. Just as is intended
here at home by those founding structures, the rise of BRICS
will provide a global alternative target for the devotion of
resources, the existence of which imposes pressure for honesty
and competence here at home in order to remain competitive in a
field of viable options.
Don't get me wrong. I don't want BRICS to win any
competitions at American expense. I want America to flourish,
and to win every contest.
And let me be clear about this, as well: much of
what is done culturally and politically in some BRICS member
states is abhorrent (even while, on the other hand, much done in
some BRICS member states is admirable).
But as has been shown during the past
increasingly-corrupt thirty years of America's "unipolar
moment", America will not flourish at all absent the clarifying
and cleansing pressures of real competition by which its
practices and institutions are impelled to true, objective
Now, do you want this
article to make a difference? It only will
Please do that.
Use the permalink address
given above or below to post on social media. Or use the
"e-mail this article" link to send it to
someone else by that method.
My endorsements, of a sorts, for what they're
FOR THOSE FEW WHO MIGHT CARE about my opinions on
these matters, I will take a moment here to say that I will be
casting my ballot for Donald Trump for president, and generally
for all republican candidates on the ballot in other races.
Likewise, I will be voting for the conservative options in all
nominally non-partisan races.
I do not make these choices because I think each of
these candidates are virtuous men or women, deserving on their
own merits of my vote, but in many cases merely because the
alternative of another four years of Democrat control of either
the White House or either branch of Congress-- to which we must
look for legislation undoing the legislative offenses of the
past four years-- is intolerable.
That said, I will cast these votes hoping that
during the time from November 5th through the inauguration of
the newly-elected administration the political entity calling
itself Israel is removed from the world stage-- preferably by
peaceful abandonment of its members, but any manner will do. This is because the one
area in which a Trump administration is certain to be as bad as
the Biden administration has been, and a Harris administration
would be, and all-in-all seriously harmful to American
well-being and moral rectitude is in its guaranteed
subordination of real American interests to those of that
foreign political entity.
Likewise, the corruption of the new congress,
whatever its members' partisan labeling, is certain while Israel
remains to be pandered to, and gaslit about, and offered on its
altar for the burning the speech rights of American citizens
(and those of the world, for that matter).
Ukraine is similarly concerning, though to not
nearly the same degree, at this point. Nonetheless, as with the
Israel problem, it must be hoped that by January 20, 2025,
Russia has brought matters in Ukraine to an even further settled
state than they are already, against which any efforts to
dislodge would be manifestly unavailing, pointless, and
counter-productive, and allowing for an immediate and enduring
abandonment of the neo-cons' ill-conceived trouble-making in the
All told, the 2024 electoral landscape is an ugly
national embarrassment. But we must do what we must, and hope
for the best (while energetically spreading
truth about the tax so as to diminish the stakes of these
lately always noisome affairs).
Now, do you want this
article to make a difference? It only will
Please do that.
Use the permalink address
given above or below to post on social media. Or use the
"e-mail this article" link to send it to
someone else by that method.
Share these all, everywhere you can. Be your most
creative self in sending and "selling" these links. Do memes; make
gifs; respond to everything in the news that would be or have been
better had the state been small, or if Americans kept their money
for their own uses.
If you pay attention to the news and train yourself to
apply these perspectives, you will see a dozen things of which you
can make use in awakening other Americans to the virtues of having
the income tax correctly administered. Please, for my sake, for your
own sake, for the sake of your children and their future, make that
email inbox, go to
this page
and subscribe to the group-- leave all options
in their default states.
YOU CAN ALSO usually find (and comment, share and repost) links to
new articles and posts on X
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If you choose the social media option (or use it in
addition to other means, as I wish you would), PLEASE get the full value out of
them by diligently "sharing" or "reposting" my posts! That will
significantly improve their
visibility to others, and very much help the cause!!
My RSS feed:
(Members of the
state CtC Warrior forums
in AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, MI, MN, MO, NE, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, SC,
TX, UT, VA, WA or WI, will continue to get the regular announcements
if the membership is set to receive email updates.)
NOTE: I will still not be engaging in
correspondence by
any of these alternative means-- those wishing to correspond with me should
continue to use direct email, as
specified here, for this purpose.
NOTE II: PLEASE help ensure that others in the
CtC community know about this change in newsletter delivery!!
Not Letting This "Crisis" Go To Waste...
...an important action item opportunity.
FRIENDS, THE SPORADIC EASINGS of the despotic measures to
which most of the country has been subjected under
since the onset of the
COVID-19 hobgoblin narrative should not be
allowed to bleed off the head of steam you probably had been developing.
The offenses happened, and they're far from over. Stay hot.
And while you are all warmed up, and while others, if
they're smart, are just as hot, I'd like you to send an email (and
Facebook post, or whatever) with the following content to everyone you
can (with a request that they pass it along, in turn):
[Name], since March of 2020 you've
watched as over-fed state power has been used to literally destroy
classical Western civilization and impose a new despotic paradigm. No
dissent or debate permitted-- no permission or agreement sought.
YOU KNOW where this will end up if the arrogant
state power being used to make this happen isn't radically diminished in
size, influence, resources and popular support, and exposed as an
opportunistic exploiter of legal ignorance (an ignorance which it has
been nurturing in the average mind for decades).
Those things having not yet happened, you
should be quaking in your boots-- and you probably are.
Isn't it time-- and past time-- for you to
begin helping to make those desperately-needed defensive changes take
place? There is only one way these things can happen short of a
who-knows-what we'll-end-up-with explosion of violence. I'm going to
show it to you.
When you're done with that reading, you'll know
what to do next.
BTW, REMEMBER, ALSO, THAT EVERY AMERICAN has lately been given a stark lesson in the fact
that government officials at all levels will lie to you and violate the
law without batting an eye. They will do so any time it serves their agenda, and
you don't call them out for it.
If you know anyone who has been persisting in denial on the
truth about the income tax, you know such nonsense is usually be
grounded in some version or another of, "That can't be true..." or "They
would never do something like that...". Now's the time to put a pin in
that delusional bubble.
As the C19 hoax has starkly shown, "that" certainly CAN be true, and they
certainly WOULD do something
like that.
Use this evidence in all your
outreach efforts.
"It is not the function of our Government to keep the
citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to
keep the Government from falling into error."
-United States Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson
(Deceitful efforts to discourage Americans from
learning the truth about the "income tax")
CtC was first published, the government has engaged in a
concerted effort to frighten people away from its truths. This
effort involves official government websites and press releases
touting an occasional court ruling that appears to be at odds
with some
CtC-revelation (but without details sufficient to expose the
real substance of the ruling)--
and sometimes even more mendacious behavior.
Are the presentations and
resources offered on this site and in my other work of any value to you?
Tim Kendrick has posted
a video
on YouTube regarding donations. I didn't know what to do about
it to begin with; I don't do what I do intending for anyone to
feel obligated in any way.
But of course, no one IS obligated. I will continue
to make my work freely-available here, and in my books for only
the cost of a cheap paperback.
Thus, even though I post it here below, Tim's very
thoughtful personal resolution and encouragement to others is
just an invitation for consideration by those who may not be
conscious of the fact that I can't do what I do without support.
No one is to feel any pressure from it; if it moves anyone to
act let it be solely because it seems right.
All-in-all, just be the sort of person for others
that you would go to yourself for trustworthy leadership.
Leadership is a challenge. But it's not
complicated, and you can do it.
Are You Having Trouble Spreading The
EXPECTED when you're trying to explain to someone that
everything they've been encouraged their whole lives to
believe about something as entrenched and significant as the
income tax is basically nonsense. So here's a way to help
cut through the resistance:
Ask your listener how he or she would react if
you were to show an announcement from the Commissioner of
Internal Revenue admitting that the tax doesn't apply to the
earnings of most Americans and is misapplied most of the
time because people don't understand how it works? Or how
about if you showed a ruling from the Supreme Court saying
the same?
Now you just have to explain that
you're going to show exactly those things-- but because
the state really doesn't want people to know this, these
things haven't been said quite as forthrightly as we would
all wish. It's going to take a bit more work to take these
admissions in than is sufficient for just reading a press
release. But it'll be worth the effort...
energy you can, to school libraries, homeschool
families and community groups, your neighbors, your
family members, your pastors and
co-congregationalists, journalists, lawyers, CPAs,
members of congress, tax-agency workers, Wikipedia,
Anonymous, WikiLeaks, the Tax Foundation, everyone
in the "tax honesty" movement, the 9/11 truth
movement, other activist movements and everyone
you have only yourself to blame for your
troubles with the tax, and a whole lot else of which
you might complain. It's on you.
explaining what will be seen at the link-- cryptic
is bad; excited is good-- and then send this WMI
(weapon of mass instruction) far and wide.
Remember: Real Americans don't accommodate fog, lies and a sliding scale of
adherence to the rule of law. Real American men and women stand up for the
truth and the law, come what may, knowing that it is only by setting the bar
at the top and enforcing it, come what may, that liberties are secured.
"Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be
strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be
highly rated."
-Thomas Paine
Spreading the truth. Accordingly, I've assembled
outreach resources into a new, dedicated page. Find it
here, and please, USE THESE TOOLS!! I can't
do this all by myself.
"In a time of
universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary
If Israel Attacks Iran,
Russia Is Not Going To Stay On The Sideline
"An Attack on Iran Would be an Act of
Political Folly"
by Mike Whitney
[NOTE: While this article was published
about two weeks ago, and Israel has already attacked Iran once
again, with a mostly harmless attempt at targeting 20 locations
in three districts which resulted in a broad demonstration of
Israel's (and its backers') impotence, this article remains timely
and worthwhile-- read on, please. -PH]
"I don’t think there is an implicit
obligation for the United States to follow like a stupid mule
whatever the Israelis do. If they decide to start a war, simply
on the assumption that we’ll automatically be drawn into it, I
think it is the obligation of friendship to say, ‘you’re not
going to be making a national decision for us.’ I think that the
United States has the right to have its own national security
policy.” —Zbigniew
The US foreign policy
establishment used to include men who were capable
of strategic thinking. No more. What passes for
strategic thinking now is the endless reiteration of
Israeli talking points uttered by retired generals
who are owned by the weapons industry and the
Israeli lobby. These men—who represent the views of
an infinitesimal percentage of the overall
population—are an essential part of the larger
machine that prepares the public for intervention,
escalation and war. Their current assignment is to
convince the American people that Israel’s impending
attack on Iran serves America’s national security
interests which, of course, it doesn’t. In fact, the
country is being boondoggled into a bloody
conflagration that will, in all probability,
precipitate a sharp decline in US global power
followed by a swift end to the so-called American
All of this was forecast by
one of America’s most scholarly foreign policy
analysts, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who delivered a
warning on the topic of Iran more than a decade ago
in an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times. Here’s what he
….an attack on Iran
would be an act of political folly, setting in
motion a progressive upheaval in world affairs. With
the U.S. increasingly the object of widespread
hostility, the era of American preponderance could
even come to a premature end. Although the
United States is clearly dominant in the world at
the moment, it has neither the power nor the
domestic inclination to impose and then to sustain
its will in the face of protracted and costly
It is therefore high time for
the administration to sober up and think strategically,
with a historic perspective and the U.S…. It’s time to cool the
rhetoric. The United States should not be guided by emotions or
a sense of a religiously inspired mission… our choice is either
to be stampeded into a reckless adventure profoundly
damaging to long-term U.S. national interests or to
become serious about giving negotiations with Iran a genuine
Treating Iran with respect and within a
historical perspective would help to advance that objective.
American policy should not be swayed by the current
contrived atmosphere of urgency ominously reminiscent of what
preceded the misguided intervention in Iraq.
Been there, done that, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Los Angeles
Well-said. One can only
wish that the lamebrain pundits on cable news would
circulate the article among themselves.
Like him or hate him, Brzezinski
provided a coherent, well-researched analysis that
dispassionately evaluated whether the costs of a particular
operation were greater than the benefits. In this case, there is
simply no comparison. The US is rushing towards a conflict that
serves no national interest, that it can’t win, and that will
have a catastrophic impact on the nation’s future. Here’s
Brzezinski again:
We do not need to increase the scale of
the conflict in the region because an increase in that
conflict involving the Iranians …would likely reignite the
conflict in Iraq, would set the Persian Gulf ablaze, would
increase the price of oil 2-fold, 3-fold, 4-fold...Europe
would become even more dependent on Russia for its energy…. So,
what is the benefit to us?
All I know as an analyst of
international politics is (a war with Iran) this would
be a disaster. And, frankly, I think it will be a
disaster for us more than for Israel because, as a result of the
war…. we will be forced out of the region...
because of the dynamic hatred that develops. And, have no
illusions about it, if the conflict spreads, we’re going to be
alone… And if we are driven out, how much would you bet
on the survival of Israel for more than five or ten years?Zbigniew
Brzezinski, Real News Network, 2:15 min
So, it would not just be
disastrous for the United States, but disastrous for
Israel as well, which—absent Washington’s
“unconditional” support—would wither on the vine in
5 or 10 years. Perhaps, there are some who would
disagree with this analysis? Perhaps there are some
who think that a tiny belligerent colony at the
heart of the Arab world—that has made every effort
to make itself a damned nuisance for the last 75
years—could survive without US assistance?
It’s possible, I suppose.
But not likely. This is from an article at NBC News
on Saturday:
U.S. officials believe Israel
has narrowed down what they will target in their response to
Iran’s attack, which these officials describe as Iranian
military and energy infrastructure.
There is no indication that
Israel will target nuclear facilities or carry out
assassinations, but U.S. officials stressed that the
Israelis have not made a final decision about how and when to
The U.S. does not know when Israel’s
response could come but officials said the Israeli military is
poised and ready to go at any time once the order is given….U.S.
and Israeli officials said a response could come during the Yom
Kippur holiday. ..
The U.S. is poised to defend its assets
in the region from any immediate counterattack from Iran but is
not likely to provide direct military support to the operation.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke
with his Israeli counterpart, Yoav Gallant, last night and they
discussed broad strokes about an Israeli response. However, it’s
not clear that Gallant provided any concrete details.
NBC News
On Saturday, more than 10
articles appeared on Google News with the exact same
byline: “Israel has narrowed down what they will
target.” The impression this mantra is supposed to
create is that Israel’s blatant act of aggression is
actually a measured and thoughtful act of
self-defense. What a joke; and what a humiliation
for the Biden administration who are not even
informed as to how their bombs, their jets, their
refueling aircraft, and their logistical support are
going to be used. When did the US become such a
spineless patsy that allows itself to be pushed
around by the gangsters in Tel Aviv? It’s shocking.
What’s lost in the
hullabaloo surrounding Israel’s upcoming attack on
Iran, is the fact that Russia has been stealthily
conducting its own diplomatic campaign aimed at
strengthening Iran’s defenses and preparing for the
hostilities ahead.
On Friday, Putin met with
Iranian President Massoud Pezeshkian in Ashgabat,
Turkmenistan to discuss the deteriorating situation
in the Middle East and the probability of a regional
war. The carefully choreographed meeting was
intended to show that Russia regards Iran as both a
friend and ally who can depend on Russia’s support
if hostilities break out. Hours earlier, Russia’s
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issued an ominous
warning that an Israeli strike on Iran’s civilian
nuclear facilities would constitute a “serious
Speaking at a news conference in Laos,
Lavrov emphasized that—according to the International Atomic
Energy Agency—Iran has remained compliant with current
regulations and has not diverted any nuclear material to banned
weapons programs. (Israel’s spurious claims on this matter are
pure propaganda.)
If any plans or
threats to attack the Islamic Republic of Iran’s
peaceful nuclear facilities are realized, it would
indeed be a very serious provocation.
ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI was no paragon of virtue, being the
sort who appeared perfectly willing to visit the sins of the fathers on
their sons-- a sin of its own for anyone with responsibility for
charting foreign policy. But he DID have the virtues of clear eyes and a
strategically-disciplined mind, even if his personal passions might have
sometimes turned those virtues toward score-settling.
Brzezinski's insights as presented in Mike
Whitney's piece, above, reflect those clear eyes and disciplined
mind, and Whitney does well to offer them as cautionary guidance
for current US decisions. The observations of
Will Schryver
with which Whitney brings things more particularly up-to-date as
his article continues are also well-taken.
As outlined in my lead article in this newsletter,
the world is changing, right now. Indeed, as regards the ability
of the US to safely continue to carry water for abusive, rogue
entities like Israel-- or to pursue its own little war-mongering
projects like the one currently battering Ukraine and the
American taxpayer into kindling in a vain effort to damage
Russia-- the change has already
happened. Washington cannot
safely continue these projects, and its refusal to face this
uncomfortable fact is causing America's foundation to be washed
away from beneath her.
Indeed, thanks to mindless dismissal of warnings
like those of Brzezinski (and many others) our beloved country
is one single impatient decision by any of several state leaders
in the Middle East away from a major invitation to disaster.
If Iran or Turkey (or a revolution-turned Egypt or
Jordan) should reach a point of no more restraint in the face of
the ongoing genocide against the Palestinians and decisively
begin to unload upon Israel, within hours a half-dozen other
states in the region would enthusiastically join in. Any US
response on Israel's behalf would result in the US naval assets
and military bases throughout the region being promptly wiped
out, however bravely our soldiers and sailors might attempt to
defend themselves.
Assuming Washington would then eschew a meaningless
retaliation with nuclear weapons (which it would know full well
would be met with equal or greater destruction in the US, while
yielding no strategic benefit), all it could and would do is
stand down in humiliation and ruin, never again to be shown any
respect or afforded any perquisites of place. Thus would begin a
death of a thousand cuts, delivered with contempt and scorn
(amongst which would be the rapid collapse of the dollar).
Our only hope to avoid this fate would be to stand
down and then quietly turn away and steam home upon the first
salvo of missiles headed for Tel Aviv. The odds of that wise
reaction are poor, and will grow poorer the longer the world has
to wait for that first salvo, during which delay the US is
likely to increase its commitment of resources and reputation to
this lost and unworthy cause.
In short, America teeters at the edge of the abyss.
We teeter there because corrupt political and media communities
have prostituted themselves to a grotesque little apartheid
statelet armed with lots of money with which to buy support and
suppress opposition (much
of it given to that statelet by American victims in the first
We teeter there, too, because of an unholy sway
shamelessly exercised by that grotesque little apartheid statelet over a chunk of Americans raised from the crib to
bizarrely believe that God Himself wants everyone to sacrifice-- even unto
their own physical and moral ruin, without stint or question or qualm
whatever the horrific crimes that are asked of them-- for the benefit of
those calling themselves Israelis. This imagined obligation
arises on the basis of a divine promise purportedly made 3,000+
years ago to an obscure little tribe of primitives in the Middle
East, which somehow went unnoticed and uninvoked all that time
until now.
SADLY, THERE IS LITTLE that can be done in
the short term to rescue our beloved country from the
institutional corruption that has brought us to this pass. One
hope that we might have is that a large-enough portion of the
American population quickly learn
truth about the income tax and begin saying "NO!" along with
the CtC community, such that Washington was suddenly bereft of
the resources to continue its death-spiral project in the Middle
East (and in Ukraine, as well).
Such a turn of events might result in American
military assets being withdrawn from the danger zones before
being chased out, allowing us to save face and perhaps begin the
resetting of our international stature while a bit of good-will
or respect for us remains.
It's possible. A long shot, sure, but it is
possible, especially now, with the US Supreme Court
having just reaffirmed its 108-year-old ruling
in Brushaber v. Union Pacific RR. Co.,
acknowledging the truth about the income tax
revealed in
CtC and making the spreading of the word to more
and more Americans easier than it ever has been, by far.
Remember, the arising and sustenance of
the Leviathan state monster used-- directly and
indirectly-- to wreak all the death and destruction
in the Middle East and Eastern Europe is a direct result of
the successful mis-administration of the US income
tax laws. This began primarily in the early 1940s with the
adoption of the Current Tax Payment Act of 1943
amidst the tumult of WWII, and after a couple of
decades of corrupt misrepresentation of the 16th
Amendment's purpose and effect, despite that
misrepresentation being squarely in defiance of
history of the amendment and multiple express Supreme
Court rulings on the subject.
Shrinking that
Leviathan state monster merely involves the
reversing of that misadministration-- something that
can be done by individual Americans, acting
one-by-one, with no help or approval of any
government official. Each such act makes use of
state-restraining tools baked into the
Constitutional cake by the Founders and Framers, and
each such act WILL make a difference, however small.
Most important, each such act will absolve the actor
from the dishonor of participation in the heinous
crimes their resources would otherwise finance.
All that is required is some knowledge
(which can be gotten
and some courage-- the latter of which naturally
blooms in the hearts of real Americans when given
the nourishment of the former. As the saying goes,
America is the Land of the Free because it is the
Home of the Brave.
You can find all of this
here, along with links to some additional
relevant resources.
Read that material, and then become an
agent of change. Urge everyone you know to do both
of these things, as well.
Seriously, people. It's time to stop
whistling past the graveyard and start using the
powerful and important tools with which our wise
ancestors equipped us.
ARTICLE to make a difference? It only will
Please do that.
Use the permalink address
below to post on social media. Or use the
"e-mail this article" link to send it to
someone else by that method.
Lincoln, in announcing his willingness to burn the Southern states to the ground in order to
keep them paying the tariff for the benefit of Northern interests in
his first inaugural address on March 4, 1861, paid at least lip
service to the Founders design of leaving control over the fuel
available to feed the fires Washington wants to light in the hands
of the individual citizenry when he said, "Doing this I deem to
be only a simple duty on my part; and I shall perform it, unless my
rightful masters, the American people, shall withhold the requisite
It's Way Past Time For You All To Queue Up!
[Y]ou really need to familiarize yourself with Pete
Hendrickson's absolutely magnificent work at his website and in
his book(s). He has, brilliantly and lucidly, "cracked the
code" regarding the federal income EXCISE tax(es)."
-Mark C. Phillips, JD
"...I find your work fascinatingly simple to understand."
-Jerry Arnowitz, JD
"Your book is a masterpiece!"
-Michael Carver, JD
"Received your book yesterday. Started reading at 11
PM, finished at 4 AM." "I have 16 feet (literally 16'
4.5") of documents supporting just about everything in your
book." "Your book should be required reading for every lawyer
before being admitted to any Bar." "I hope you sell a
million of them."
-John O'Neil Green, JD
�Thanks again for your efforts, Pete. They mean an awful lot
to a lot of people.� ��as an attorney, I am humbled by your
knowledge and ability in navigating the law. THANK YOU for
your hard work and sacrifice.�
-Eric Smithers, JD
"I am an attorney and want to give a testimonial to your
book, which I find to be compelling. I am exercising these
rights for myself and my adult children. I'm even considering
making this my new avenue of law practice."
-Nancy "Ana" Garner, JD
Learn what these colleagues already know, then step forward and
become part of a coordinated, mutually-supportive squadron
focused on developing strategy and deploying the law in
courtrooms across the country. There's a lot of suing that
needs doing right now.
Are you ready for a challenge that'll put some real meaning
behind all the effort you went through to get your credentials?
Send me an email.
Are You Ready For More Power?
"Peter Hendrickson has done it again! 'Upholding The
Law' does for individual liberties what 'Cracking the Code' did
for tax law compliance: exposes the reader to the unalienable
-Jesse Herron, Bill Of Rights Press, Fort Collins, Colorado
Do you
know someone truly steeped in the Kool-Aid?
I mean
someone who finds it easier to believe that the far-better-educated,
far-more-suspicious-of-government Americans of a hundred years ago were
complete morons who granted authority to the state to take whatever it
wished from themselves and their posterity than to imagine that they
themselves simply misunderstand the true nature of the income tax? Even
while knowing that their beliefs about the tax are derived entirely from
the representations of those who profit from those beliefs (like tax
bureaucrats and "tax professionals")?
Do you
know someone like that? Shake them awake with the latest (sixteenth)
edition of
CtC were actually
right, it would mean the government's been concealing and
denying and suppressing the truth for years
on end, and everybody knows THAT would never happen...
(Edward Snowden, come home! It was all just a bad dream; there really is
No Such Agency!)
Btw, a copy of
CtC from anywhere except the link above may not
be a current edition. CHECK. It matters. Also, there ARE no
e-book, Kindle or .pdf versions of
Don't get taken in by efforts to sell you-- or even give you for
free-- any such thing.
October 29- In 1929, Black Tuesday
marks the completion of the manifest onset of the Great Depression-- the first
major symptom of the disease known as "The Federal Reserve". In 1969, the first
computer-to-computer link is established in the ARPANET (precursor to the
internet). 21-year-old Al Gore, in his third month in the Army, is busy
learning to spin stories for 'Stars and Stripes' at the time.
A Few Words About "Climate Change" Fraud
You NEED to defend yourself and your kids against this
now-high-inertia effort to destroy liberty.
H/T to Jonesy for circulating this fun little meme and video link.
Hey! If you're not getting the newsletter delivered
to your email inbox every Monday, go to
this link
and subscribe to the group-- leave all options in their default states.
October 30- In 1922, Benito Mussolini is named Prime Minister
of Italy. In 1938, Orson Welles broadcasts his 'War of the Worlds' hoax about
an invasion from Mars causing a certain amount of panic and proving that some
people will believe any outlandish nonsense if it's asserted with enough
audacity and via established mainstream media channels. In 2014, Sweden becomes
the first European Union country to recognize the State of Palestine.
A Two-Minute Review Of CtC
David Bindel reminds us that there's either the rule of law, or
there isn't.
BEING-THE-STORM VIDEO was posted? This is easy to do, and very important
(plus it can get you some great LHC swag!). See
(and carefully read)
these guidelines and encouragements.
Every victim of the "ignorance tax", 'cause it's all
just statist consent-engineering propaganda.
Hey, Gamers!
ARE UNKNOWINGLY IMMERSED! Put down your controller and
You are surrounded by an actual battle between
villains, monsters and true heroes, all simply concealed
from you by
sophisticated spells which also keep you from
engaging in the fight.
There are real great deeds to be done,
and real treasures to be had for your efforts, and
frankly, your real future
is at stake. You just have to gain "the sight" in order to
penetrate the illusions.
losthorizons.com to get the counter-spells and get onto
the real field of battle!
PRO TIP: If I were the IRS and I wanted to
discourage people from rebutting allegations that
they had done things I can tax, and wanted to keep them from
successfully reclaiming withheld or paid-in money, I
would salt the "tax honesty" community with
passionate-seeming "legal researchers" who would
warn anyone whose ear they captured that filing a
1040 is a bad idea for one reason or another...
Illuminating Anniversaries of this week:
October 31- In 1517, Martin Luther posts his 95 theses on the
door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. In 1864, Nevada is admitted as the 36th
of the United States of America. In 1892, Arthur Conan Doyle publishes 'The
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes'. In 1913, the first transcontinental highway in
the USA is completed. In 1968, claiming progress in the Paris peace talks,
Lyndon Johnson announces a halt to most military activity in Vietnam in order to
improve the electoral chances for the Democratic ticket in the upcoming
election. In reality, the war will go on for another six-and-a-half years.
If you're not talking this one up everywhere and
helping generate a buzz, you don't really want liberty and the
rule of law...
In light of
the actual evidence, those
who doubt or
deny the accuracy and correctness of
CtC just because some government officials
denounce it are like the 16th-century Europeans who
were mystified by
Copernicus getting all those
astronomical predictions right even though the
church had said he was wrong.
Did you miss the 'Set Your Church Free'
Ignorance of the true nature of the "income" tax
has gagged, gutted and seduced-into-disgrace America's
ministerial community. This must change.
You're a
passenger on a riverboat that relies on regular
contributions of fuel from the passengers to
keep moving forward. You see an unsurvivable
waterfall ahead, and note a
soon-to-be-irresistible current growing stronger
each day. What does common sense suggest?
Test Your
"Income" Tax IQ!
CtC Warrior
SanDiegoScott has put together a great little 20-question quiz
to test your knowledge of the law regarding the United States
"income" tax. Test yourself, test your friends and family!
Test your accountant and tax attorney, and help them learn the
liberating truth!!
November 1- In 1604, Shakespeare's 'Othello' is
performed for the first time. In 1611, 'The Tempest' debuts. In 1765,
the British parliament imposes the 'Stamp Act' on the American
colonies. In 1794, the first United States silver half-dollar is
minted. In 1848, the first women's medical school opens. In 1982,
Honda opens the first Asian car manufactory in the USA.
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a
people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power
which knowledge gives."
"It is not the function of our Government to keep
the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the
citizen to keep the Government from falling into error."
-United States Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson
November 2- In 1772, Samuel Adams and Joseph Warren form
the first Committee of Correspondence. In 1783, George Washington delivers
his 'Farewell Address to the Army'. In 1889, North Dakota and South Dakota
are admitted as the 39th and 40th of the United States of America. In 1917,
the Balfour Declaration announces British support for the establishment of a
national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, with the stated
understanding "that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and
religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities".
'The BOSTONIAN'S Paying the EXCISE-MAN, or
TARRING & FEATHERING' (1774) (How our forefathers responded to arrogant
"Rule of Law defiers"...)
The willingness of some people to trade liberty for
convenience is without limit...
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed,
second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident."
Illuminating Anniversaries of this week:
November 3- In 2003, the first-ever
complete refund of every
penny withheld from an American in connection with the "income" tax-- Social
Security and Medicare 'contributions' included-- is secured from the federal
government. In 2016, the Cubbies win the Big One-- ending a 108-year drought.
In 2020, the manufactured
"COVID-19" hysteria is
leveraged to facilitate a massive election fraud, culminating ultimately in
the assumption by Democrat candidate Joe Biden of the presidency of the United
Last Word
"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude
greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We
seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that
feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you; and may posterity forget
that ye were our countrymen."
Adams, Architect of the first American Revolution
OK, Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Programming:
Is this newsletter of any value to you? If so, please
consider a donation
to help keep it available, or it soon won't be. Donations can
be sent to:
Hendrickson is also a widely-read essayist on
matters of politics, public policy and law; many of these works
are collected in his second book, �Upholding
the Law And Other Observations�. He is a member of Mensa;
award-winning artist; and has paid his dues as a youth
soccer coach. He is a long-time political activist as well, and
has served as co-chair and platform convention delegate of
Michigan�s largest county Libertarian Party organization; as a
consultant to the National Right to Work Foundation and Citizens
for a Sound Economy; as a member of the Heartland Institute; and
as a member of the International Society for Individual
Liberty. He is a frequent radio-show guest on stations across
the country.
Hendrickson's business career has included nearly a
decade-and-a-half at the leading edge of the renewable-energy
industry, both as Director of Purchasing and Materials
Management and member of the R&D board at Starpak Energy
Systems, the mid-west's then-largest solar heating and
energy-recovery-and re-utilization company; and as founder and
president of AFJ Inc., a high-efficiency lighting design,
manufacture and installation firm.
Beginning in the mid-1990s and continuing for the
twelve years before his present full-time focus on the
restoration of the rule of law in America, Hendrickson directed
purchasing activities for the $84 million-a-year
multi-family-housing division of the Farmington Hills, Michigan
branch of Edward Rose and Sons, with responsibility for 18,000+
apartments, direct supervision of 35 technicians and agents, and
incidental authority over several hundred divisional workers.
He also ran the division's 10 cable television earth-station and
distribution systems in four states, and designed and
administered the company's website.
On rather the other end of the spectrum, amidst
these more mundane pursuits Hendrickson co-founded and was the
primary creative force behind a small
board- and
card-game company that enjoyed a modest success for several
Hendrickson makes his home in southeast Michigan,
with his wife and two children. He is currently working on his
next book.
� All written and graphic material on this page and
website are copyrighted by Peter E. Hendrickson, unless otherwise attributed.