Btw, a copy of
CtC from anywhere except the link above may not
be a current edition. CHECK. It matters. Also, there
ARE no e-book, Kindle or .pdf versions of
CtC. Don't get taken in by efforts to sell you--
or even give you for free-- any such thing.
November 18- In 1883, time zones for North America are agreed upon by USA
and Canadian railroad companies. In 1909, the United States sends warships to
Nicaragua after the capture and execution of two Americans attempting to
surreptitiously overthrow the existing government for the benefit of U. S.
commercial interests in the region. In 1978, the members of socialist
Jim Jones' 'People's Temple
Christian Church Full Gospel' drink the Kool-Aid in Guyana.
Anniversaries of interest for
each day of this week will be found throughout the newsletter mid-edition update
"The preservation of a free government requires, not
merely that the metes and bounds which separate
each department of power be invariably maintained, but
more especially that neither of them be suffered to
overleap the great barrier which defends the rights
of the people. The rulers who are guilty of such
encroachment exceed the commission from which they derive
their authority, and are TYRANTS. The people who
submit to it are governed by laws made neither by themselves
nor by an authority derived from them and are slaves….."
-James Madison
Only One Thing Can Prevent
CtC's Revelations From Crushing Leviathan
That Achilles' heel? Those revelations
not being spread quickly enough to enough Americans.
CtC is not at least as widely-known as, for
instance, Edward Snowden's revelations. After all,
CtC's revelations concern abusive government
behavior of far more acute significance to every
single American.
As important and wrong as they are,
most people would be at a loss to show how they have
been victimized in any personally-practical way by
the systemic Fourth Amendment violations revealed by
Snowden. What
CtC reveals, on the other hand, is the 100%
concrete, completely quantifiable, indisputably-improper daily impoverishment of every American
virtuously resorting for his or her well-being to
"economic means" rather than "political means".
The former is a matter of principle.
It's hugely important, of course, and merits all the
attention and outrage Snowden's courageous
whistleblowing has prompted.
But the latter is as immediate, as
intensely personal and as serious as a heart attack.
(Indeed, in many ways literally so. Think, for
instance, of cases in which the extractions
accomplished by the "ignorance tax" scheme hold a
victim or his kids back from the level of
health-care that otherwise would be within reach. Or
when they keep a future accident victim driving a
less-safe car. Or when they finance abuses of people
in foreign lands who thereby become enemies of all
And so on, and so forth.)
CtC's revelations actually include the quick and
easy remedy to the immediate, acute and ubiquitous
harms perpetrated by the ignorance tax scheme-- a
remedy that
will also solve the problems Snowden revealed,
when individually-implemented by enough Americans.
That remedy has been implemented
steadily by tens of thousands of American men and
women for more than 16 years now with
fully-documented, mind-blowing success. The
$billions recovered or retained over the course of
500,000+ invocations of
CtC's revelations emphasize the complete
accuracy of those revelations, and that the scheme
by which so much harm is done by Leviathan is, in
fact, just a scheme-- and completely vulnerable to
the well-instructed attentions of the brave and the
knows about Snowden and what he has exposed, but
even the most diligent researcher would come up
empty from an effort to find not only a single
honest article about
CtC in the so-called "mainstream media, but even
a single honest article on the subject in any
high-volume "alternative media" website or
publication? What the hell is going on?!
This is a genuine question, not just
rhetoric or posturing. Is it possible that
fear of becoming a target of IRS abuses for being a
conduit for
CtC's revelations paralyzes these journalists
and pundits? I find that facially-plausible (albeit
grossly shameful), until I reflect on the fact that
some of the folks persistently silent about
CtC have proven willing to go to prison on
behalf of other whistle-blowing.
Is it possible that these folks have
somehow managed to remain oblivious to
CtC's utterly unprecedented and glaringly-bright
track record, and so don't know what they are
overlooking in their reporting? That's hard to
believe (and not only because about 50 leading
lights of the "alternative media" get sent every one
of my newsletter emails every week, although I have
no way of knowing whether any actually make it into
anyone's inbox...). But maybe it's true-- after all,
the vast majority of
CtC-awakened Americans are
suicidally shy and quiet.
Perhaps it's
the "Irwin Effect"... Perhaps it's the
poison-pen voices of "tax honesty" luminaries, some
of whom have the ears of some of the "alt-media"
pundits, and have persistently and self-servingly
CtC in order to protect their status in that
community (and sometimes, their prosperity).
OR, IS IT THAT THESE potentially
game-changing but currently-sidelined voices harbor
the notion that the truth about the income tax
somehow doesn't matter and won't avail
liberty-loving Americans?
Do they believe that, "They'll just
print the money" or "They'll just change the law", or
do they
suffer some other mistaken but enervating idea of
the same sort, having never looked past it far
enough to learn that it has been addressed and
debunked (such as, in the case of the one example
above, here
here, and in the other,
All of these possible reasons for what
could be push-us-over-the-top voices playing ghost
(and only one of whom stepping up could be enough of
a catalyst-- yes, it is that close) are a shame.
Indeed, an outright tragedy, really, because a huge
number of lives are being harmed-- some
irremediably-- by the persistence of the ignorance
tax scheme.
CtC's revelations ARE the actual solution to the
out-of-control state. And they are
the ONLY actual solution, since faced with any
other resistance or remedy short of armed rebellion
Leviathan will simply pave its path out of the
problem with the enormous wealth put into its hands
by the ignorance tax.
But those liberating and
republic-restoring revelations will only work their
magic if they are spread widely, and before the
burgeoning police-state/slave state metastasizes
much further.
We are already living in an environment
in which cash is being pushed out of the
marketplace. Surveillance is ubiquitous.
command-and-control economy is, to varying degrees,
the platform centerpiece of many mainstream
presidential aspirants. Internal passports are
scheduled for implementation in October of 2020. The courts are
thick with
As much as it is disturbing to
contemplate, there IS a point of no return, and we
are rapidly approaching it.
Even the Founders' wisdom in embedding
state-restraining mechanisms in the Constitution
will be unavailing in the face of a sufficient
degree of fascism, socialism or totalitarianism by
some other name getting a secure-enough grip on
American lives and minds.
Dark words? You bet. Frankly, every
American should be a nervous wreck over having
failed so far to light some candles, throw some
sparks, and fan the flames into at least a modest
November 19- In 1493, Christopher Columbus lands in Puerto Rico.
In 1959, Ford Motor Co. announces the discontinuation of the Edsel. In
1969, Pele scores his 1,000th goal. In 1998, the United States House of
Representatives begins impeachment hearings against President Bill
Have You Encountered A
Commentary (Or Commentator) Criticizing US
Involvement In Ukraine (Or In Bolivia; Or Its Abuse
Of Julian Assange; Or...)?
Did you know what to do?
DID YOU? Did you promptly buttonhole
that commentator, present him or her with
this little two-page document explaining that
they must spend the five minutes to read it because
it presents the thoroughly-proven actual and
exclusive solution for the problem they decry?
That's what you should have done, and
what you should do in the future.
The more passionate your interlocutor,
the more passionate should be your response to him
or her, up to, and including (should it come to
"Apparently you don't really mean
anything you say when you condemn the immorality (or
unwisdom) of ___________, 'cause you appear to be
prepared to continue to finance it personally. And
you're not going to stop even though you've just
been shown beyond any rational dispute or skepticism
that halting that financing is your valid and
acknowledged legal option; and that not stopping is
not only an act of hypocrisy and cowardice, but is
also to engage in now-deliberate and knowing false
testimony on tax forms, which is ILLEGAL."
You've got a fistful to work with,
people. Play your cards!!
November 20- In 1789, New Jersey is the first of
the several States to ratify the Bill of Rights. In 1923, Germany issues a new
currency to replace its previous fiat currency, which has hyper-inflated well
past the point of absurdity. The new "Rentenmarks" exchange for the old "Papiermarks"
at one trillion to one. In 1945, the Nuremburg War Crimes trials begin. In
1969, the Cleveland Plain Dealer publishes photos of the My Lai massacre. In
1985, Windows 1.0 is released. In 2008, the Dow Jones Industrial Average hits
its lowest level since 1997.
Remember 'War Games'?
THIS VIDEO PROJECTS THE PROGRESS of a nuclear exchange between Russia and
the United States. It's frightening, as it should
be, as well as sobering and instructive. My only
criticisms are, first of all, that it fails to
account for the imbalance that will now be present
in any such exchange due to
the new Russian
hypersonic weapons.
Secondly, the video fails to account
for China's contribution to the exchange against the
US, which is a virtual certainty. China knows that
if Russia goes, and the US survives, it goes soon
after. So, that will not be allowed to happen.
Want to get these Lost Horizons
newsletters delivered to your inbox?
Click here and subscribe to the group. Leave all
options at their default settings. Done!
The Entire Legal And
Practical Truth About The Income Tax In Three Short
Focus on these simple points and
you can teach anyone the truth about the tax.
1. The income tax is an
2. Excise taxes are taxes
on the gainful exercise of privileges.
3. You probably didn't earn your
money by exercising any taxable privilege (or earned very
little that way).
November 21- In 1620, the Plymouth Colony
settlers sign the Mayflower Compact. In 1783, the first untethered hot-air
balloon flight is made in Paris. In 1789, North Carolina becomes the 12th of
the several states to ratify the United States Constitution. In 1877, Thomas
Edison presents the world with the phonograph. In 1922, the first female U.S.
Senator takes her oath of office. In 1953, the most celebrated fossil in the
world, the skull of "Piltdown Man", is revealed to be a hoax. In 1985, U.S.
Navy Intelligence analyst Jonathan Pollard is arrested as an Israeli spy. In
1995, the Dow closes above 5,000 for the first time.
A treasure hunter produces some
treasure of his own.
containing the text of my newsletter email of May 8,
2014. The newsletter email had begun with an excerpt
of a story sent to me by a happy warrior shortly
before that date.
My latter-day correspondent told me he
had found the old email in his
state group archives and asked if by chance I
had the rest of the story posted so he could read it
all. Although my currently posted archives don't go
that far back, I dug around in the older files and
found the rest of the story, which I sent along with
my compliments. The next day, the little bit of
trouble to which I had gone was well and truly
repaid when my correspondent sent his very virtuous
Here, then, is the original posted
story from the May 9, 2014 Newsletter, complete,
followed by the reply I received, which I hope
everyone will read:
Dear Pete,
I have some great
experiences I would like to share with you, as well
as let you post them where you would like on your
I wrote you about two
months ago when my fiancé and I were trying to buy a
house and studying the best way to get around
providing proof of “income” from tax returns that
had been requested to approve the loan. Right before
we started this process, I had filed
my fiancé's return correctly, as well as sent in
the paperwork to request a refund of the taxes his
company had withheld during the past year. My fiancé
had been in the military, so we were getting a VA
loan for our house. I was a little concerned about
this process, just because it was the first time I'd
done it and I didn't know if being a government loan
would mean we would get harassed more. I wasn't sure
I knew enough yet to be able to fight it in this
time-constrained deal.
I will never forget the day
we walked into the lending company and handed them
the last three years of tax returns they'd
requested. This was the first year I'd filed
correctly for Jake. He showed “income” from the year
before on his returns he'd filed through H & R
Block, but nothing from the year previous, because
he was out of the military and going to school.
The look on the lender's
face was priceless when he saw 0 income. He laughed
in my face when he saw the amount of refund being
requested. He quizzed me on what I was doing. I
informed him that the Federal Income Tax doesn't
apply to most earnings and this is why. Perhaps I
should have taken a gentler approach, because I
instantly became known as “One of those
non-taxpayers.” For the rest of the meeting, I
endured much ridicule and jokes. He even sent out an
email to all of his 50 something colleagues to see
if anyone else had ever encountered a “Non-Tax
Payer” before and how to handle it.
Towards the end of the
meeting, he asked his secretary to make copies of
all the documents we had. She'd over heard what was
going on and when he asked her opinion, she curtly
responded, “I'll just keep it to myself.” Once she
got back with the papers and had a chance to look at
the return herself, she very rudely told us, “I'm
going to tell you right now, you're not going to get
this loan, unless you file and pay taxes like every
other American.” That really fired me up. I was
shaking from anger and couldn't wait to leave.
Instead, I simply informed them I would bring in our
seventeen thousand dollar refund check to show them
once we got it. Of course, they said it'd be years
before we'd see a cent, if any at all.
The lender had asked me to
provide a statement about why I did taxes this way
and quote the tax code that proved it was legal. I
put together a couple pages of quotes from Lost
Horizons website, as well as the tax code
referencing who income tax is for and the
definitions of “employee” and “employer”. I also
included many Supreme Court rulings. A few days
after they'd received the documentation and read it,
the lender, loan officer and everyone else involved
in deciding if we would get the loan simply told us
they would proceed with the loan and just put on the
paperwork that we hadn't yet filed 2013's returns.
The rest of the process went very smoothly and as of
April 7, 2014, we are happy home owners!
Now for the refund: Last
Tuesday, I was out running errands, when Jake sent
me a text to see if I'd be home soon. When I got
home, he asked me to come into his office, where he
held up a check. All I saw was Treasury all over it
and panicked for a second that they'd sent us a
notice with a fine. Once my eyes adjusted, I
realized it was our refund of $17,241.00! Even
though I'd read and believe what Pete has researched
and written, there was still an overwhelming feeling
of amazement when that check did arrive. I thought
for sure the IRS would send a rebuttal before simply
agreeing to pay the refund. We even received the
refund within six weeks of filing!
When Jake took the check to
the bank, the teller's eyes got wide and he said,
“Wow, that's a substantial refund check, if you
don't mind me saying.” Jake replied that he didn't.
The teller then asked how he did it. Jake's response
was excellent, “That's what happens when your fiancé
studies the tax code for fun.”
I want to give you a huge
thank-you for all the time, effort and research that
has gone into your work to allow others to easily
come to the truth with taxes. I still have much to
learn, but it is something I enjoy and will continue
to inform others. This experience was a huge
learning curve as well as a boost in confidence to
know I can do this!
IN 2014, "Hats off to Jake and Heather, whose fine
victory joins all the other examples posted on
the Bulletin Board, and whose excellent
warrior-work uplifts everyone!!" But wait, there's
My correspondent who
had asked to see this story in its entirety wrote
back with a reply that is just as heart-warming, and
just as powerful a call to virtue on the part of
everyone else as was Heather's. Here it is (slightly
edited for brevity):
It would be amazing to have
everyone’s personal experiences documented somewhere
regarding life through the eyes of a CtC filer.
It’s my goal to document living life in the State of
California while having little to no tax liability and share
that with everyone out there who is burdened by all
the tax.
I feel as if people can
read and understand, but it is the fear that stops
most from proceeded with putting what they learn
into action. I think a community and seeing others
live it out with proof will be more powerful than
anything else. I always need someone ahead mentoring
me and I need to mentor another behind me.
I’ve been in the process of putting an offer in for
some land and I’m currently in the loan process.
The loan process is already pretty complicated due
to it being a lot loan and few banks even want lend
on this. The “lender” has asked for previous 2
years of tax returns and I provided them along with
4852s and our IRS account transcripts to show
confirmation of what was put on the 1040. He is
pretty confused on how we have $0 income shown on
our 1040. He has never seen anything like this in
his decades of working in finance.
I have given
him a quick cursory summary of Title 26 SS 3121,
3401 and 7701. He seems genuinely interested in how
we have non-taxable events. I was concerned he
would put the kibosh on the communication and not
want to touch this loan scenario within a 10ft pole
due to the very nature of people’s fear of the IRS.
Ultimately, I would like to educate this VP
Regional Manager on the tax code and if possible get
the loan funded without being categorized as a “tax
protestor”. I will probably proceed with showing
him the most relevant definitions and their meanings
along with the citations in the code.
the money, here?! As he says, WOULDN'T it be amazing
to have every
CtC-educated -activated and -dedicated
American's personal experiences posted, to show
others that there really is a land of the free and
home of the brave still gracing this continent? I'm telling you, it would.
Indeed, many
of you know full well just how amazing and powerful
such testimonials can be. Many of you
got here yourselves on the uplift provided to YOU
by someone who started walking the walk before you,
shared some of that journey.
Write it up if you wish, like Heather
did, or as in
this nice alternative example (but full names
must be used, now. I no longer have any toleration
for people who aren't fully on their feet, and act
as though they're doing something to be ashamed of,
or for which they are unwilling to stand up squarely
and defend).
Videos are even better (and also can
qualify you for special privileges).
Here's a
nice example of a "history" video, which is really
just an extended version of a typical testimonial
video, going more for the "Here's how becoming
educated has affected my life" point.
this for the details on how to make qualifying films
of either variety.
(And seriously, read that post carefully. A lot of
folks seem to have a misunderstanding of what these
videos are meant to be about.)
BTW, my correspondent went on to ask me
for suggestions as to things he could provide this
lender to help him understand without being too
technical or off-putting. My advice?
Bob's Bicycles, followed by
this and
"It does not take a majority to
prevail... but rather an irate, tireless minority,
keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds
of men."
DON LA VIGNE, a long-time warrior
and real American grown-up, shares a nice and inspiring
testimonial on what
CtC has done for him for over nine years now:
"Like a muddied stream or a polluted fountain
is the righteous man who gives way before the wicked."
-Proverbs 25:26
"A nation of sheep begets a government
of wolves."
CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE how abysmally
stupid someone would have to be to continue to doubt
or deny that
CtC has revealed the actual, complete and insurmountable
truth about the income tax in light of the overwhelming
mountain of
practical and
logical evidence to the contrary? (Not to mention
outright lies and even
ludicrous hoaxes the executive and some corrupt
members of the judiciary have been caught at in desperate
efforts to conceal the truth...)
Plainly any such denier must either be
abysmally stupid or be an abysmally corrupt government
official or other person who sees him or herself as
benefitting from the lies about the tax by which America
has suffered for 75 years now.
Isn't this true?
An old joke, but in regard to this deceiver,
not a laughing matter at all.
““When principles that run against your
deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle
is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must,
at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions
bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your
"Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never did and it never will. Find out just what any
people will quietly submit to and you have the exact
measure of the injustice and wrong which will be imposed
on them, and these will continue till they have been
resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The
limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of
those whom they suppress."
-Frederick Douglass
"It does not take a majority to prevail...
but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting
brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."
-Samuel Adams
"A slave is one who waits
for someone to come and free him."
…The US may be
the only country in the world where people working
in the non-federal private sector must commit
perjury in order to owe and pay ‘God’s things
to Caesar’?
If you work in the
private sector, stop falsely swearing that your
private-sector earnings are federal “income”1.
Perjury is a crime. Exercise the law’s
provision for protecting your private-sector
earnings from the 154-year-old2 indirect
excise known as the federal income tax.
Rebut fraudulent allegations made by your payers
regarding the legal nature of your work and
the earnings derived therefrom, so that you
pay only your fair share. Join the hundreds
of thousands of honest, law-abiding Americans
who have been doing so for more than a decade.
Learn how for free at
1--“We must reject…
…the broad contention submitted in behalf of
the government that all receipts—everything
that comes in—are income…”.
United States Supreme
Court, So. Pacific v. Lowe, 247 U.S. 330, (1918)
2—The income tax in
the United States was first instituted into
law on July 1, 1862, during Lincoln’s presidency
under the excise laws of the United States.
The preamble to the 1939 Internal Revenue Code
traces its roots to this original income tax
It's not what many folks like to
imagine or argue...
The President, Vice President and all
civil Officers of the United States, shall be
removed from Office on Impeachment for, and
Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high
Crimes and Misdemeanors.
United States Constitution, Article
II, Section IV
PRETTY SIMPLE WORDS, in that section
above. But a lot of folks misunderstand them
nonetheless, and incorrectly imagine that some kind
of crime needs to be proven in order to validly
impeach a federal office-holder. Nothing could be
further from the truth.
The reason for the misunderstanding is
that people typically translate old language styles
into modern meanings, when those styles incorporate
words still in use today. In such cases we easily
forget that 232 years ago, the words, though spelled
and pronounced the same, had different or more
nuanced meanings.
"Misdemeanor" is a good example. Today
"misdemeanor" is a term endlessly put in front of
modern Americans as simply the lesser category of
criminal offense than its "felony" counterpart. Any
other meaning of the word-- such as the one in use
when the Constitution was written and ratified-- is
pushed out of the modern mind.
"High crimes" is quirkier, in that we
don't formally call felonies "high crimes". But we
think of them that way, in part because of the
relevance of "felonies" in modern criminal law
practice to "misdemeanors". Because the latter is an
actual criminal category which, in that context,
means what might well be called "low crimes", it is
easy to translate "high crimes" as being another way
of saying "felonies".
Under the influence of these modern
usages and associations, then, today's eyes can
readily imagine "high Crimes and misdemeanors" in
the Constitution to mean (and be confined to) actual
criminal offenses. But it is not so.
"misdemeanor" simply means "bad behavior", with no
inherent criminal aspect at all. The first
definition of "misdemeanor" in the Random House
College Dictionary, Revised Edition, reads, "1.
misbehavior, or an instance of it.."
No more does "high Crimes" mean merely
"felonies". Rather, the phrase-- though certainly
embracing such conduct as would qualify for any and
all felony indictments today-- refers also,
and more particularly in the Constitutional context,
to the class of offense of which only those in high
office are capable. That is, to offenses against the
public trust and public weal.
You needn't take my word for it. Though
as odious a figure as ever disgraced a public office
in American history, and a horrendously evil
influence on the choice of path taken by the United
States down through the centuries, Alexander
Hamilton, like the other authors of the Federalist
Papers, nonetheless stands as a valid and
authoritative source for the meaning and intent of
many provisions in the pre-Bill of Rights
Like them or not, the Federalist Papers
had a great and inarguable influence on what was
understood by Constitutional language in the minds
those who ratified the instrument, and thus can be
looked-to for clarification of the ratifier's
intent. Only the expressions of and during the
actual ratification proceedings in the various
legislatures of the states carry more weight in this
regard (with due respect to be given in some case to
Madison's Notes on the Constitutional Convention, in
which are sometimes to be found expressions on the
intent of the Framers concerning items not discussed
Hence, we can resort to Hamilton's
words in Federalist 65 to discern the meaning of
"high Crimes and Misdemeanors", and there we find
this: "The subjects of [the impeachment power's]
jurisdiction are those offenses which proceed from
the misconduct of public men, or, in other words,
from the abuse or violation of some public trust.
They are of a nature which may with peculiar
propriety be denominated POLITICAL, as they relate
chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society
Going on, and arguing for the propriety
of the trial being conducted by the Senate,
"What, it may be asked, is the true spirit of the
[impeachment] institution itself? Is it not designed
as a method of NATIONAL INQUEST into the conduct of
public men? If this be the design of it, who can so
properly be the inquisitors for the nation as the
representatives of the nation themselves?"
Further, Hamilton points out, the
several state governments which have incorporated
impeachment as a legislative prerogative, and Great
Britain, "...seem to have regarded the practice
of impeachments as a bridle in the hands of the
legislative body upon the executive servants of the
government. Is not this the true light in which it
ought to be regarded?"
Taking the subject up again in
Federalist 79, Hamilton describes impeachment as the
intended mechanism to address "malconduct".
Plainly, "crime" as such, as thought of
in modern terms, is at most just a subclass of the
larger class of impeachable conduct.
UNFORTUNATELY, (though unsurprisingly),
those who wish to shield from the process any
particular target of impeachment considerations do
their very best to play upon the misunderstanding of
the institution to which modern sensibilities are
prone. In doing so they shamelessly invoke and
exploit the fallacies discussed in the beginning of
this commentary.
But those ARE fallacies, and the
shielding effort is spin. It is itself a
misdemeanor, in the generic sense of the word; and
if committed by one in a position of public trust
and honor, who must be imagined to know the truth
(or is responsible, by virtue of office and the oath
under which it is held, to have sought out and
learned the truth), is even a high Crime.
MATTER: Impeachment is appropriate whenever one in
public office in the United States acts in a manner
unfit for the office, such as by disgracing it,
failing to carry out the duties it imposes,
exercising it in such a way as to cause harm to the
public weal, exercising it in violation of any
provision or principle of the Constitution, whether
codified as a specific crime by Congress or not, or
in any other way which the House of Representatives
finds suited to the remedy.
Neither, murder or its like, nor
obstruction of justice, or even jaywalking need be
alleged. The simple dissatisfaction of the House
with the conduct, performance or demeanor of the
office-holder is enough.
FINALLY, let us also rebut and correct
the absurd propaganda that somehow impeachment is a
dread and dire tool, the use of which is monumental
in gravity and consequence, and only proper to be
hauled out of a dank and dusty toolbox in extremity.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
Impeachment, even of presidents, is of
little greater moment than is a "vote of no
confidence" in the British parliament (or any
other). Nearly two dozen British Prime Ministers
have been put out of office this way over about the
same period of time that we have had presidents.
During the better part of that span Britain puttered
along in high cotton (even while not so much in high
Impeachment is not a dramatic remedy--
it is just Constitutional penicillin. At the same
time, it is the one and only tool in the toolbox
meant to keep office-holders on guard against their
baser instincts and honest and respectful of the
People. It should be used often, because let's face
it, power corrupts.
I WOULD LOOK FONDLY on an amendment to
the Constitution requiring the legislature to
impeach and remove from office the lowest-scoring 5%
of all life-tenured federal judges each year, on the
advice of a congressional committee established to
assess the fidelity of the judiciary to the express
specifications of the laws as written (as opposed to
creative "interpretations" or the resort to
convenient case-law precedents, aka, "stare
Likewise, I think America would be
profoundly healthier, safer, freer, and more
prosperous had Harry Truman been impeached for any
one of his many offenses (but especially his
violation of the war powers provision of the
Constitution), just to pick one low-hanging example.
In fact, we'd be dramatically better off-- both for
the immediate cessation of harm and the deterrent
message sent to successors-- had the remedy been
applied to either or both of the Roosevelts, or LBJ,
or Wilson.
On a better late than never basis, we
would have benefitted from the application of the
remedy and the deterrent to Clinton, W., and Obama.
All three should have been impeached for their war
powers violations and their violation of
22 U.S.C. §§ 2799aa and 2799aa-1. W. and Obama,
at least, should have also been impeached for the
massive Fourth Amendment violations they have
instituted or perpetuated (but that's just my
opinion, of course, and not really relevant-- the
important thing for purposes of this commentary is
understanding what qualifies for impeachment, not
how I think those qualifications should be
SO, REMEMBER, PLEASE-- no "criminal
offense" need be alleged or proven to impeach a
president (or any other office-holder). Criminal
offenses will do, but all that is really necessary
is behavior (or incompetence) that displeases a
majority of the People.
And no worries. Even a
Constitutionally-specified but unsatisfactory
replacement for an impeached office-holder can be
broomed-out just as easily and properly-- so, no
smirking, Pence...
November 22- In 1718, the pirate known as
Blackbeard is killed off the coast of North Carolina in a fight with a British
warship. In 1963, President John F. Kennedy is assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
In 1987, two Chicago-area television signals are hijacked briefly by an unknown
pirate dressed as Max Headroom.
After all the failure, they still look
at our wars in the Middle East as some kind of
golden age.
by Andrew J. Bacevich
I wish to call attention to an
instructive essay about U.S. policy in the
Middle East—instructive in the sense that it reveals
the utterly impoverished nature of establishment
thinking on this subject. The title of the essay is
“The US Has One Last Chance to Halt Its Withdrawal
from the Middle East.” The author is a former deputy
assistant secretary of defense, who shall remain
nameless since I bear him no ill will. Let us refer
to him simply as X, in honor of George Kennan,
author of a famous 1947 essay offering counsel on
how to deal with the Soviet Union. Kennan published
that essay under the pseudonym X. And so shall I
refer to the author of “One Last Chance.”
Kennan’s purpose was to sound the alarm
regarding the Soviet threat and to propose what came
to be called the strategy of Containment. The
purpose of our present-day Mr. X is to sound the
alarm about the United States lowering its profile
in the Middle East. To avert that prospect, he
proposes what can only be termed a strategy of
X concedes that throughout the region,
things have not gone especially well for the United
States over the last couple of decades. He rightly
notes that Americans are “still reeling from costly
wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the continuing
chaos in Syria, Yemen, and Libya.” He ever so
briefly acknowledges that this is “a region where
even pro-American governments are often undemocratic
and can be disdainful of fundamental human rights”
and “where billions of dollars are spent that would
be better used at home.”
Of course, to say that the U.S. has
expended billions in the Middle East is the
equivalent of saying that my wife and I paid
thousands for the home we purchased last year. While
nominally correct, the statement is wildly
misleading. X has an aversion to actual numbers. He
prefers tidy generalizations to specifics.
Yet the essence of X’s argument boils
down to this: setting aside these recent errors of
judgment by George W. Bush and Barack Obama, U.S.
policy in the region has actually been a smashing
success. From the end of World War II until
ever-so-recently, Washington pursued a course in the
Middle East that was reasoned, careful, and
eminently wise. “This bipartisan tradition of
American leadership worked,” X asserts. While it
might have been “imperfect, time-consuming and often
unsatisfying,” the nation’s “vital interests in the
region remained protected. The U.S. presence was
sized to align with those interests, and we were
not overextended.” X approvingly calls this a Pax
Americana in the Middle East.
pegs (or, I should say, impales) one of the key
neo-con nut-case propaganda myths deployed against
the American people over the last 30 years or more.
That myth is that United States messing in other
people's houses has been a positive thing by any
measure other than the bank account balances of arms
manufacturers and Deep State power and influence in
In fact, as Bacevich very ably shows,
that messing about has been a disaster for the
Middle East (selected state of which the US has
proven to be the poodle excepted) and for America
and Americans ("made" men in the apparatus of the
State excepted). Bacevich ends well, pointing out
that much good could be done by official
acknowledgement that past practices have been
wrongheaded, as he calls them. Unfortunately, that's
as far as his commentary goes.
Making this solution known to the
American people-- the only force that can peacefully
restrain the United States, and all of whom have an
intense personal interest in that solution for even
just purely practical reasons, as well as the moral
ones-- remains our urgent task. In time, pundits
like Bacevich will learn about the solution, and
doubtless will add their voices to ours, but for now
it falls to the
CtC-educated community.
I hope you'll do your part. Find
outreach resources
here, and get busy, please.
Then, close your eyes and click your
heels together!
Trolls Against The Truth: A
Dis-Information Campaign
UNLESS YOU'VE LOOKED, you can have no idea
of the volume, intensity and mendacity deployed in the
government's efforts to discourage Americans from learning
what is revealed in
CtC. It's truly astonishing.
A lot of folks are aware of the show-trial
events in which my wife and I have received state-engineered
public beatings meant to scare people away from the
truth about the "ignorance tax" scam. But many are unaware
of the overall campaign. This is a shame, really, because
a focused propaganda effort like this one is a very
powerful acknowledgement of the significance of
CtC's revelations.
While the majority of Americans do not
yet know how
CtC protects them from the vampire state, the vampire
itself certainly does. Dis-information campaigns like
this one make that very clear.
some aspects of this sort of dis-information campaign
in the following video. Despite the annoying preliminary
15 seconds or so of advertising, her presentation is
very much worth watching:
(H/T to Greg Belcher for finding
and forwarding this great presentation.)
is one of those websites specifically-targeted
by the corrupt interests at Wikipedia described by Atkisson.
The behind-the-scenes folks at that site won't allow
links on their pages to anything posted at, nor even just text corrections
of misinformation in their pages about the income tax.
That's the least of it. Click
here for some specific discussion of the enormous
scare campaign that's been actively spreading false
information in hope of discouraging legitimate media
attention, as well as men and women simply seeking the
truth about the tax and liberty from the scourge of
the "ignorance tax".
fact that YOU being secure in your own freedom rests
on others learning the truth as well, and recognize
that it falls to you to help overcome the dis-information
campaign. Post and share
your videos;
share your victories; help silence the agents-provocateur
and distraction-injectors whose nonsense is discussed
and debunked
here; and widely (and frankly, impatiently) share
this page,
this page and
this page, challenging everyone in your address
book to disconnect the phone and the TV for an afternoon
and get educated.
Doing these things will be what makes it
happen, Cap'n.
Please Help
Be As Effective As Possible!
a number of folks that a firewall known as "Comodo"
blocks access to this website. This is apparently a
glitch in that program. This site is safe, as can be
seen by going
Please share this info with others in your
own address book so it gets around-- obviously those
suffering the ill effects of this defect in Comodo won't
be able to see it here themselves until they go into
their firewall settings and manually whitelist
I HAVE DONE MY BEST to lead this country
to liberty from the mis-applied income tax. I have labored
hard. I've shed a lot of sweat, a fair bit of blood
and more than a few tears. But I seem to be pretty poor
at that kind of work.
When I have asked all of you for what I
firmly believe is a necessary resource to move the ball
downfield and give all of us the best chance at justice
and an end to the assault on the rule of law-- simple
testimonial videos requiring nothing from any of you
but the phone in your pocket and three minutes of speaking
from the heart-- I have had only a handful of people
answer my call.
be able to turn my attention away from writing new persuasive
or skepticism-addressing articles week after week, and
toward research, analysis and educational presentations
that will benefit everyone already in this community.
I need time to do some suing, and to bring together
the resources and talent toward that end.
As said, it is my firm belief that your
testimonial videos are the resource that I need to make
big things happen, and they are unquestionably the thing
I need to allow me to turn my attention away from trying
to get horses to drink at the waterhole to which I have
led them. Your words, in your great numbers and all
in your own different ways, will do that better than
anything I write possibly could.
And yet, you are not providing them. This,
despite my having been asking you for them for many
years now.
Therefore, with enormous reluctance, I
am making portions of this website restricted access
only. People have been urging me to do this for years
now, telling me I should impose a charge to access my
work-product, so as to enable me to keep producing.
I have never been inclined to charge fees
for access. I ask for donations, and will continue to
do that, and if they do not come, then I will conclude
that my work is of no value to anyone, and I will close
But I now WILL charge a special
something for access to some key portions of that
Opening selected pages on comprising higher level legal
resources now requires the submission of qualifying testimonial
videos, as discussed, described and demonstrated
The videos must be accompanied by scans of a recent
educated filing along with responsive documents from
the IRS, whether in the form of a check, a notice
identifying and reflecting the filed return, or
"return" and "account" transcripts for the year for
which the return was filed. Names must be shown in
Similarly, if
an email comes my way asking for guidance or assistance,
I had better already have your video posted.
to win.
I'll tell you a story from when I was coaching
my kids in soccer. Both of my kids at a certain age
in their careers had run into a wall common to all but
the very exceptional. They had gotten to be pretty good,
and they wanted to enjoy the benefits of their hard
work. But the arrival of this interest coincided with
a new self-consciousness which made them reluctant to
risk failing and looking foolish. So, they were hanging
back from seizing the main chance when it appeared,
and driving for the goal.
My solution was to post on the wall of
our dining room a couple of simple points about self-discipline,
the chief of which is this: You can't score a goal if
you don't take a shot.
That's how it is here, too. If you don't
stand up, you are laying down, and you'll never score
that goal.
Here is what my kids live by now, in their
own version of that lesson. I hear it from them all
the time as they excel (accompanied by the sound of
a father's breast swelling with pride): Go hard,
or go home.
You, too. Go hard, or go home.
Send those videos.
Do I ask for a lot? I want your victories
to post, your financial support, your efforts at spreading
the word, and your beautiful faces and inspiring words,
too. It IS a lot.
But it's not too much. I'll let Thomas Paine explain:
"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder
the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we
obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly. Heaven knows
how to put a proper price on its goods; and it would
be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as freedom
should not be highly rated.”
November 23- In 1876, corrupt Tammany Hall
politician "Boss" Tweed is extradited from Spain, to which he fled to escape
charges in New York. In 1936, the first edition of Life magazine is published.
In 1954, the Dow exceeds its previous record high, which had been reached
shortly before the crash of 1929. In 1963, Doctor Who hits the airwaves for the
first time. In 1981, Ronald Reagan authorizes the CIA to recruit, equip and
train "Contra" rebels in Nicaragua. In 2011, the president of Yemen agrees to
resign in exchange for legal immunity for past crimes. In 2015, Blue Origins'
spacecraft 'New Shepard' became the first rocket to fly to space and return to
Earth in a controlled landing.
We each have our reasons, and our story.
It's time, and it's needed, for you to share yours with
the world.
"The day we see truth and do not speak
is the day we begin to die."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
What does it for you?
Is it simply because no moral and upstanding
person has any choice when it comes to telling the truth
over his or her signature, whether on tax forms or anywhere
Is it recognition of the critical importance
of the rule of law, and the knowledge that if everybody
leaves its caretaking to someone else, it will soon
be lost to us completely?
Is it the money?
Maybe it's just simple respect for your
own rights as a human being, who is not and cannot be
not involuntarily subordinated to others?
Maybe it's just simple respect for your
general civic responsibility to be the grown-up and
enforce frugality and restraint on a big, powerful creature
of our own devising which otherwise is like a badly-raised
teenage boy given whiskey and car keys and let loose
on the road to wreak havoc?
Or is it, perhaps, a more acute anxiety
that if our bonfire of a state isn't damped, and quickly,
it'll soon burn down the house around us all?
What IS it that firms up your jaw and stiffens
your resolve?
It's time to take off the bushel and
share your light!
I would like you to think about what it
is that motivates you for a few moments (or all day,
if you like), and then send me your thoughts. I want
to put YOUR reasons to work inspiring folks who don't
yet understand what this is all about.
In this day and age, the most effective
way for you to share your thinking for the benefit of
others is to video-record yourself talking about how
you feel, and explaining what inspires and motivates
All you need is a webcam or cell-phone
equipped with a camera. If you don't have, or know how
to use, one of these, have a friend help. (And if
you use a cell-phone, please have the orientation
horizontal, not vertical-- that is, so that the
screen of the phone on which you are watching
yourself while taping looks like a TV or movie
If needed, write a little script for yourself.
Better, though, to just speak extemporaneously, after
spending a little time sorting out your thoughts and
getting down into your heart. Perhaps make it a video
of someone in your family, or a close friend, interviewing
Dress "business casual". Be well-groomed.
Keep yourself to no more than 2 or 3 minutes,
and keep in mind that the purpose is
not to educate,
but to INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE and ENERGIZE. Your video will
be one of many to be shared. If you need to go
longer to really say your piece, go for it (but long
or short I may edit if something strikes me as
wandering or off-key or unacceptable).
You needn't feel any obligation to be profound,
and you shouldn't try to explain anything about the
law, other than to say that you have read it and you
know it's on your side. You just need to be sincere,
and uplifting. Your object is to make your audience
want to have what you have, and to be where you are
in your heart.
Don't talk to ME, or to others in the
CtC-educated community. Make remarks that are suited
to the NON-CtC-educated community, and at the same
time, be mindful that you're speaking to an
audience that doesn't yet know ANYTHING about the subject,
and whose first reaction is, "This must be illegal;
this must be dangerous; this is too good to be true."
You want to pull that audience right past such things,
and straight to a focus on truth, morality, and our
American heritage of liberty and the rule of law.
Speak about rights. Speak about morality,
and the obligation of a grown-up and responsible person
to speak the truth and to enforce the Constitution.
Speak about everyone's duty
to give to God what is God's, always, and to Caesar
only what is really Caesar's. Speak of your obligation
to respect yourself, and to look out for the current
and future well-being of your children and your fellow
citizens. Speak of
CtC, and what its information has done for your
understanding and resolve. Show the book.
If you have had victories, describe them.
Better still, show them, if possible.
Be clear about just what you accomplished:
EVERYTHING back-- Social Security, Medicare and all;
a "notice of deficiency" closing notice; an on-paper
agreement or acknowledgment that your earnings weren't
subject to the tax and everything withheld or paid-in
was an "overpayment"; a transcript showing all $0s;
or whatever happened.
When you speak of state victories, name
the state. If you had to overcome balkiness from a tax
agency before winning any victory, describe that, too!
If you're in a battle now, speak of your
resolve to uphold the law, come what may. If you haven't
yet begun to act, speak of your decision to do so, and
your plans.
Remember, your purpose is to INSPIRE, ENCOURAGE
If you're dealing with ongoing balkiness,
describe that, too, if you wish-- but be sure to explain
why you're not discouraged, and why you are not standing
down, not slinking back into the barn, and not choosing
to endorse the lies.
Identify yourself. Anonymity is for criminals and self-doubters, not
warriors. Naming yourself is a requirement, and your
name will appear as a subtitle on the video when I
prepare it for posting, in any event.
Mention what you do for a living, whether
you're a doctor, homemaker, lawyer, trucker, IT guy
or gal, or a retiree or student. Help people understand
that the company of grown-up activist Americans they
are being invited to join cuts across all demographics
and all interests-- with the common denominator being
respect for the law and love of the principles on which
this great country was founded.
This is your chance to get a LOT accomplished.
We've all had frustrating occasions of
trying to explain all this to a friend, neighbor, family
member or co-worker, only to pile up against the wall
of a mind not yet ready to listen and learn. Here is
your chance to address a self-selected audience of folks
who have themselves decided that it's time for them
to begin paying attention, and have clicked on your
testimonial for exactly that reason.
Further, think about this: You want judges,
bureaucrats, CPAs, lawyers, the HR people where you
work, your pastors, your neighbors and everyone else
to acknowledge the truth about the tax openly and straightforwardly.
How and why would these folks do this if YOU won't?
You want these folks to learn the truth.
Why would they even recognize that there is a truth
to be learned if you won't attest to having learned
it yourself? You've got to stand up, face forward and
chin up and tell these folks that you have studied and
checked and verified and seen the evidence and seen
the government evasions and you know that the tax is
not the capitation that the beneficiary government wants
everyone to think it is but a benign, strictly limited
thing, and that they need to study and learn that, too.
Again, if you have victories to show, that's
nice, and powerful, too. But you don't have to have
victories to display in order to declare your knowledge
of what the law says. I've never flown around the world,
but I've seen the evidence and considered the arguments,
and I'm not hesitant to declare it a sphere...
Even those of you who haven't yet studied
CtC have surely read
this short document, and have verified everything
in it for yourself. You should therefore be declaring
its veracity and its message, loud and proud. Again,
if you won't say it, how can you hope that others will
ever even bother to look at the facts?
Be the change you want to see in the world,
or there won't be any change.
So, please make and send those videos
right away! You can share them with me via a cloud-based
drive space like or GoogleDrive
(give access permission to, or
mail DVDs to me at 232 Oriole St., Commerce Twp., Michigan
48382, or even email to me if each file is no more than
20 megs (and you can break a video up if need be-- I
can reassemble them). Render as .mpg or mp4, if possible;
if not, send them how you have them and I'll make them
BTW: An encouraging and inspiring
video will earn you access to the restricted pages
on and membership in the National
Forum if you have also sent me a recent educated
federal filing and IRS response (or relevant
"return" or "account" transcript). I will be the
judge of whether your submissions qualify
for access, but if you do your best you should do
Remember, the restoration of institutional
respect for individual rights and the rule of law depends
on enough individuals insisting upon it. Do your part
to let those starting to rub the sleep from their eyes
know that there is a community already waiting for their
fellowship with open arms and open hearts and shining
See how some of your fellow warriors for
the truth have done their parts in videos sent over
the years, many of which are posted
"It does not take a majority to prevail...
but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting
brushfires of freedom in the minds of men."
Getting Free Of The "Income" Tax Scheme Is As Easy As
Falling Off A Bike
To get an idea of how today's "income" tax scheme works,
try this little exercise:
Think of the federal government as a guy named Bob,
who lives down the street from you in a town that is
really big on bicycles. Bikes get used for commuting,
deliveries, shopping, etc.. In fact, other than walking,
bicycles are the exclusive form of transportation in
your town.
Your neighbor Bob has a by-the-mile bicycle-renting
business-- "Bob's Bicycles". Bob's Bicycles is far and
away the biggest business in town.
Part of Bob’s success is because he does a lot of contract
business. However, Bob doesn't just get paid by riders
who have signed an agreement with him, or even just
those using Bob's bikes. Bob gets something every time
anybody in town does any riding at all, through an odd
combination of circumstances that took many years to
come together.
Here's how it happened...
Bob's Bicycles was launched long ago by the great grandfather
of the present Bob (Bob IV). Great Grandpa Bob started
out not only with a main location for his contract business--
he also had the bright idea of setting up spots around
town where he parked some of his bikes for use by the
more occasional rider, on an "honor system". Anyone
could take and use one of these bikes, but they were
expected to keep track of their mileage, and send Bob
a "1040 Mileage Ridden/Rent Due Form" (and the appropriate
rent), periodically. The initial design of the form
was like this:
I, ______________,
rode a Bob's Bicycle a total of _____ miles
this year.
At Bob's rental
rate of $.15 per mile, I owe Bob $______
I said that Great Grandpa Bob planned to deal with these
occasional riders on the "honor system", and that's
true. But he liked his money, too, and didn't want to
miss anything that was due him. So, after setting up
the "self-serve" locations, Great Grandpa Bob went around
handing out "W-2, 1099 or K-1 Rider Reporting Forms"
to every other business in town. The forms-- accompanied
by notices that if Bob didn't get his rent from someone
riding a bicycle in connection with any business, he
would sue the company involved-- said:
November 24- In 1859, Charles Darwin publishes
'On the Origin of Species'. In 1917, a bomb explodes in Police headquarters in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, killing ten. In 1932, the FBI Crime Lab opens its doors.
In 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of JFK, is shot by Jack Ruby on
live television; Lyndon Johnson declares his intention to support the government
of South Vietnam both militarily and economically. In 1971, D. B. Cooper
parachutes from a hijacked airliner with $200,000.00 in ransom money. Neither
have been seen since. In 2015, a Russian fighter jet cleaning up ISIS in Syria
is shot down by Turkey after an accidental 17-second incursion into Turkish
airspace. Russian restraint from retaliation and possible escalation (due to the
fact that Turkey is a member of NATO) averted thermonuclear destruction of the
You Can’t Fight Well When You Don’t Know
What You’re Fighting About
If you are having an argument
with the IRS or any other tax agency,
You are NOT being presumed to have made “corporate
You are NOT being alleged to have received “foreign
You are NOT entangled in an invisible “adhesion
You are NOT being obligated by a law whose subject
is never identified.
You are being targeted because REAL EVIDENCE exists
that YOU PERSONALLY HAD “INCOME” to which the revenue laws apply--
even though that evidence is almost certainly incorrect,
and CAN be corrected.
CtC WARRIOR SanDiegoScott has put together
a great little 20-question quiz to test your knowledge of the law
regarding the United States "income" tax. Test yourself, test your
friends and family! Test your accountant and tax attorney, and help
them learn the liberating truth!!
"Never must thou take up a false cry, or join hands
with the guilty by giving false witness in their favor. Never must
thou follow with the crowd in doing wrong, or be swayed by many
voices so as to give false judgment; even pity for the poor must
not sway thee when judgment is to be given."
-Exodus 23:1-3
Doing A Little High-Payoff Math
IF EACH PERSON receiving this newsletter each week distributed as
few as 100 of any of
the great outreach tools featured here to co-workers, friends,
neighbors and family members (or just strangers on the street, in
the mall, etc...), we could have SEVERAL MILLION new Americans
suddenly introduced to the liberating truth about the tax!
Just like that! In one week!
C'mon, people, let's roll on this!
“Most of the important things in the
world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when
there seemed to be no hope at all.”
When directed to a page by topic or link, read everything.
I know that this can mean the investment of a lot of time, attention
and effort, but although some may imagine otherwise, I don't write
as much as I do because I can't think of any other way to spend
my time...
Furthermore, when you encounter a hyperlink within, or associated
with, the text you are reading, follow it!
It is pretty common these days for web-based material to be littered
with hyperlinks. Sometimes the purpose is to provide definitions
or examples, in order to ensure that folks reading the original
material aren't presented with a word or reference which they don't
understand. Sometimes the links lead to illustrations pertinent
to the original text.
It is common-- and perfectly understandable-- for folks who are
confident that they are familiar with language or references within
the main text they are reading to get in the habit of skipping over
included links. I do it all the time, myself!
However, I very rarely include links for definitional or explanatory
purposes; and when I DO make a link out of text in one page it is
generally to another self-contained page, rather than merely illustrative
material. These other pages contain material the clear understanding
of which I deem highly important for the proper and complete understanding
of the original page. (Links to
CtC, the
Victories pages,
CtC Warriors and so on are obvious exceptions to this general
rule. On the other hand, a link to the victory
Highlights or 'Every
Which Way But Loose' pages, which might seem like such exceptions,
are not. The special selection of victories on those pages, and
the filed docs and tax-agency correspondences included therewith,
themselves constitute highly instructive material which merits careful
attention. Thus care needs to be taken in all cases.)
Please make a habit of clicking on all provided links and at least
looking briefly to ensure that the linked page is one with which
you are completely familiar from another study session.
Finally, please keep in mind that, annoying though it may seem at
first blush (but not, I trust, upon reflection), I constantly tweak
material already posted. Obviously this doesn't mean that every
page is in flux at all times, but it does mean that if you are directed
to a page that IS familiar, it's worthwhile to read it through again
if it's been a while since your last having done so.