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More Victories For The Rule Of Law- Page Forty

Tens of thousands of readers of 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America' have taken control of their own resources, in accordance with, and respect for, the law. The likely total amount reclaimed by these good Americans so far is upward of several billion dollars.


A few of these good American men and women-- such as those honored below-- are generous enough to send me the evidence of their victories in upholding the law, for the edification and inspiration of everyone. At the moment those shared refund checks, closing notices, and so forth total:



Susan Blanchard



This shut-down of an IRS effort to steal $24,634.00 from Susan is detailed as episode XXXI of the 'Every Which Way But Loose' series.



Bill Harding



Click here to enjoy Bill's Michigan victory for 2005; here for his Michigan victory for 2006; and here for his Michigan victory for 2008.



Dan Drexler



Click here to enjoy Dan's Maine victory for 2007.



Jeffrey P.



This is a victory-in-progress of the sort discussed here.  Click here to enjoy Jeffrey's Georgia victory for 2007; and here for his Georgia victory for 2008.



Christina Sophia




M. R.



(Disregard the "LOST" in the signature block-- M. apparently had a little fun doing some "photo-shopping" on the scan of this check before sending it to me...)



Fred and Maureen








Gary Bolticoff




Russ Jones



This is a victory-in-progress of the sort discussed here.



Robert Taylor




"Mr. T"



Enjoy "T.'s" California victory for 2006 here.



Gordon and Marie



This is a refund of everything claimed, which did not include FICA amounts, for Gordon and Marie's own reasons.






This notice indicates an IRS abandonment of an attempt to demand more than $16K from Michael.  For details on this case, see episode XXXII of the 'Every Which Way But Loose' series.



Tobias Joslin




This is the return of everything withheld except Social Security and Medicare "contributions", which T. J. had mis-entered on his return.  Click here to enjoy T. J.'s federal refund for 2007.



Steve Jones



This "income"-level dependent Homestead Tax Refund for 2008 issued only after an initial refusal from New Jersey-- based on "information return" allegations-- and then a subsequent acquiescence to Steve's return.  Enjoy Steve's federal victory for 2009 here.






Notice that some of this overpayment refund is devoted to an alleged balance for the same year...  I almost made this an 'Every Which Way But Loose' episode-- Watch out for that Robot, I think it's going to explode!!  See Daniel's federal victory for 2003 here.



Katie Hendrickson



It's not much, but it's every penny that was withheld from this young Warrior during the year.  Click here to enjoy Katie's Michigan victory for 2008.






Click here to enjoy Jack's unhindered federal victory for 2006.



Tanner Bridger



Click here and here to enjoy Tanner Bridger's 2006 victories.



Kwame El




Bill Harding



Enjoy Bill's federal refund for 2008 above on this page, and his 2005 Michigan refund here, his 2006 Michigan refund here, and his 2008 Michigan refund here.



More Victories- Page 39


More Victories- Page 41


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Even in the face of the requirements of the law, the junkyard dog still tries to play its losing hand occasionally. Ironically, it is these sporadic spasms of resistance that offer the most telling evidence of the truth about the tax...


Click here for more



Despite the fact that those whose victories are on display here did nothing but insist that the law be applied as it is written, they did so in the face of fearful threats and cunning disinformation from the beneficiaries of corruption.  Their actions took great courage and commitment, and I salute them all.  


“God grants liberty only to those who love it, and are always ready to guard and defend it.”

-Daniel Webster


NOTE: Whether any given individual is entitled to a refund depends on a number of different factors, and no one should presume that they are so entitled simply because they see that others are.  Each person should educate himself or herself about the particulars of the law, and make his or her own determination in this regard.


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See what readers have to say about 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America'

The First Complete "Income" Tax-Related Refund (Social Security, Medicare And All) Ever Received

An "Income" Tax Subject Site Map

A Few Words About Tax "Reform"

Click Here to Crack the Code

NOTE: The documents displayed on this and any linked pages, and any associated comments, are posted with the permission and cooperation of the upstanding Americans with whom they are concerned. 

When a return is posted in connection with any refund or other responsive document, it is complete-- that is, what is posted is EVERYTHING filed as a return in connection with that refund or document, unless otherwise indicated.