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Does the United States Constitution authorize federal control over the private possession of firearms?


Who is actually commanded to silence by the McCain-Feingold ‘Bipartisan Campaign Finance Reform Act’?


Are “reasonable” searches permitted without a warrant under the terms of the Fourth Amendment?


What is the authority of a jury to judge the law as well as the facts, with or without the cooperation of the court?


Peter E. Hendrickson, the man who taught America the liberating truth about the income tax in ‘Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America’, turns his attention to these and other questions of law and public policy in this wide-ranging, five-star feast for the freedom-loving intellectual appetite.


The answers, insights, and clear thinking Hendrickson offers will startle, challenge, and energize every reader.  No one who cherishes and respects America’s founding principles of limited government and individual liberty will finish this book with the sense that all is well.  But every reader WILL finish this book with a confident understanding that, although great effort is spent to persuade us to the contrary by clients of the powerful central state, those principles remain the uncompromised foundation of our legal structure-- needing nothing more to be realized than for those whose heritage they are to climb to their feet, with courage and dedication, and uphold the law.


'Upholding the Law and Other Observations'

Heavyweight laminated softbound;
8vo size; 232 pages.
ISBN: 0974393614


Click here to order


And when you're done with the book, let me know what you think at feedback 'at' losthorizons.com!


From the Foreword to 'Upholding the Law...'

American energy independence is a hot topic of public policy debate these days.  While discussing the subject with friends recently, I found myself entertaining the whimsical notion that we have been overlooking a vast reservoir of energy-- one capable of lighting all America.  What is this huge store of untapped power?  The furious spinning which is doubtless going on 24/7 in the grave of each and every one of the Founding Fathers during the last hundred years...

Actually, of course, the scarcity which the spirits of the Founders can address does not involve American “energy independence”, but, rather, American “independence energy”-- that is, the will to stand up and demand, and, if necessary, defend, the individual liberty which is our birthright as human beings and our heritage as Americans.  It is that “independence energy” that is the dominant theme of the collection you now hold in your hands.

It IS a collection, consisting of 27 individual essays written over the course of the past five or six years, and variable in both tone and specific subject matter.  Nonetheless, each of these pieces shares with the others a definite commonality.  Each focuses on a matter of public policy and/or law which is the object of a dedicated disinformation campaign conducted by an entrenched cadre of beneficiaries of its misunderstanding, the consequence of which, either immediately or eventually, is a significant diminishment of American liberty.

My consideration of some of these matters, such as federal gun control, taxes, and drug law enforcement, necessarily delves into the technicalities and nitty-gritty of statutes and case law.  Others are treated in a more ‘political’ manner.  Either way though, it is my hope that the reader will come away from each and every one of these studies armed with fog-cutting facts and perspectives.

Much more importantly, I hope to generate some “independence energy” by making two broad points of considerably different character.  The first--the good news-- is that reason, and, where pertinent, the words and meaning of the law, continue to fully support the principles upon which America was founded.

The bad news is that as a people, Americans have so fallen out of the habit of upholding those principles that the good news is almost inconceivable to us.  We have become so accustomed to the habit of submission to the appetites and ambitions of the corrupt and exploitative public institutions that have grown up among us that we now mistake those institutions for uncontrollable, when the sordid reality is that they are merely uncontrolled.  We perceive reason and the law as having been hijacked by the enemies of liberty, when really they have just been abandoned by too many of their friends.

Reason and the law DO both stand on our side, but only when we stand too, animated with “independence energy”.  It is my hope that this collection will contribute somewhat to both the confidence and the conscience of which that energy is composed.


Included In The Collection...

This Is Not A Day For Empty Words

Kelo, Raich, McCain-Feingold, and other offenses call for more than just rhetoric...

Tariff Time

How about some protectionism for me?

The Mouse That’s Roaring

Librarians, speech rights, the FDA and federal jurisdictional limits-- a real potpourri


A Modest Proposal For A New Industrial Policy

The cold hard facts about public schooling, and the solution...

Hold That Bus!

On mass-transit and similar boondoggles

Regarding The Law And Its Virtues

What does "Rule of Law" really mean, and why is it so important?

The Sublime Harmonies Of Social Justice In The Upcoming Worker’s Paradise (A Laborious Mental Exercise)

Who owns your business?

The Cuban Conundrum

The principles of Liberty will sort this one out...

The Power Of The Jury

...to judge the law as well as the facts

An Unreasonable Assault On The Fourth

What the Founders mean by the Fourth Amendment, and how its present-day enemies operate

“K” is for Kids (and Kleptocrats)

On taxing the middle class to finance playgrounds for the wealthy

Gun Control And The Federal Government

The Second Amendment rules, and Congress and the Supreme Court know it

Fiat Money, And The Formless Fed

About 1933; those tax-coupons in your wallet; and just who are "We The People", anyway?

Save The Children, Save The Future

There ARE 'values' in the public schools-- destructive ones, and there can be no others

Bring ‘Em Out Alive

A principled solution to the abortion war

The Criminal Rites Of Spring

What's the #1 inducement to crime in America?  The "income" tax!

The Full Disservice Treatment

Shameless socialism knows no limits

A Timely Reminder

"Under God" and the Pledge of Allegiance

Stop This Train

Mindless cooperation with outrages like 'The Real ID Act' helps usher fascism into America


Things Are Not As Bad As You Might Be Thinking

Even noxious-looking legislation like McCain-Feingold carefully conforms to the Constitution


Getting Education Reform Right

On tuition-tax-credits, and other options


Strolling Down Memory Lane

A few words on speech, sedition, and the original intent


Obesity Is Not A Public Health Problem (But Fat-Headedness Is...)

On the politics of personal-self-destruction, and sharing the pain

Barbarians Inside The Gates

Embryonic stem-cell hype's symbiotic relationships with sloppy logic and self-indulgent amorality

About Weapons Of Mass Destruction

None are so certain and deadly a danger as an unbridled government

Even Solitary Candles, Once Lit, Can Roll Back The Darkness

The limits of federal authority, the "income" tax, and the power of courage and commitment

Upholding the Law

What it means, how to do it, and why


What Readers Are Saying About 'Upholding the Law'

"Peter Hendrickson has done it again!  Upholding The Law does for individual liberties what 'Cracking the Code' did for tax law compliance: exposes the reader to the inalienable truth!"

Jesse Herron, Fort Collins, Colorado


"What a great book..."

Yvonne Wesley, Grand Prairie, Texas


Praise for 'Cracking the Code- The Fascinating Truth About Taxation In America' by Peter E. Hendrickson


"Your book is a masterpiece!"

Michael Carver, JD


“First off thank you for writing it!”  “I now realize the amount of work that you have put into this… I pray that tens of thousands purchase it. Again thanks!!!”  

Ed Paquette, Canton, North Carolina 


"Thank you so much for your exquisitely documented and beautifully written "Cracking the Code"- "This book is a masterpiece of analysis, clarity and revelation."  "This is brain candy for patriots!"

Christiane Sauter, Syracuse, New York


"I would like to pick up at least 10 copies of your book for friends and family…”

Charles Shiflett, Marietta, Georgia


“BRAVO!  You are an excellent writer and I certainly feel informed enough to begin my challenge of our Income Tax laws.”

Patrick Mooney, The Institute of Unlearning (www.unlearning.org)


"Your book gave me a much deeper understanding into what this is all really about, and a better idea of how to defend myself against the monster.”  “I enjoyed your style of writing, as it does bring greater clarity to a very complicated set of problems, one building upon the next.”  

Bill Woodrow, Damascus, Maryland


"Wonderful Book!!!  Thank you for your work!"

Michael-Edward, Deland, Florida


"[Y]ou really need to familiarize yourself with Pete Hendrickson's absolutely magnificent work at his website and in his book(s).  He has, brilliantly and lucidly, "cracked the code" regarding the federal income EXCISE tax(es)."

Mark C. Phillips, JD


"I have been studying this subject for 10 years and this is, by far, the best work I have seen on the subject.  Not only is it enlightening, but it tells you how to proceed to get your money back if you should choose to do so. Thanks for your work."

Brad Parsons, Cleburne, Texas


"...I just recently read your book 'Cracking the Code' and I love it.  I have been studying the tax "problem" for about 6 years now and your book really crystallizes everything."

Karl Weatherly, Ketchum, Idaho


"All American Citizens who truly love their freedom and have a healthy skepticism of the federal government will add this book to their evidentiary foundation..." "...it's a beautiful thing you've done."

John Carpenter, Ann Arbor, Michigan


"Thank you so much for a well written book.  It  really gave me a lift."

Clyde H Shaulis, Jr., Erie, Michigan


"I just finished reading Cracking the Code yesterday and I must congratulate you on this fine piece of work.  I have spent several thousand hours in the law library researching these and other legal issues, and your book is a masterpiece."

Gerald Brown, Ed. D., author of 'Cooperative Federalism' and co-author of 'In Their Own Words'


"After reading your book, I knew that you had found the answer that everyone has been looking for."

Arthur Pollock, Perryville, Maryland


"...the most important book about the federal income tax that I have ever read (and I've read some two dozen in twenty years)..."

Pitman Buck Jr., author of 'The Colossal Fraud of Involuntary Perjury'


"If you are looking for the clear and simple Truth in the deliberately convoluted maze of Federal tax law, this is the one book you must read."

Steve in Boston


"…haven't been able to put it down.  Great information and fabulously put together!”

Bart Goss, Stockbridge, Georgia


"Thanks for the wonderful book."

Charley Harman, Black Diamond, Washington


"Great stuff!  Thanks... ...for an excellent read and all the investigative historical research.  ...I can now move forward with confidence."

Ron Flick, Roland, Arkansas


"...your book confirms my understanding of the fraud." "I have recommended this book to many..."

Jeff G. Pemberton, Little Rock, Arkansas


"Excellent material..." "You appear to have solved the puzzle, for which I am most grateful."

James W. Sisk, Goodlettsville, Tennessee


"This is a fabulous book I would highly recommend…”

Larry Golson, Montgomery, Alabama


"Excellent work.  You have demystified the most misunderstood and misinterpreted elements of the so-called tax laws so that anyone with an enquiring mind can easily see how these codes have been used to steal American's labor for over fifty years.  In particular, I enjoyed your philosophical and ideological commentaries on the nature of law, how it works, and why law must operate the way it was designed...

Grant Sterling, author of 'Forbidden Property: What You Don't Own Can Hurt You!'


"I have read your CtC book twice.  What a masterpiece!  As a CPA and CFP (Certified Financial Planner), I had always suspected that something was wrong with the tax system."  "I am telling all of my clients about your book and I am helping them file past due or amended returns to obtain their rightful refunds."

Don Gray, Portage, Michigan


"...one of the best I have read on the subject and I have been studying the subject for over 30 years."

Bill Richards, Newport News, Virginia


"I consider your book to be one of my most prized possessions.  Thank you."

Darrell Berg, Milton, New York


"Read the book in about 2 days.  Very well done.  I have been looking at the issue for about 5 years and you distill the info down in a way even the newbies can absorb.  Well worth the asking price.  I hope this really sells."

Ed Wahler, Fletcher, North Carolina


"Thank you for your superb work..."

Chet West, Woodland Park, Colorado


"I cannot express how helpful 'Cracking the Code' has been...  Once I picked up your book, setting it down was not an option!  Who could have guessed that a sound grasp on what the law ACTUALLY SAYS could utterly banish the multifarious voices of misinformation streaming from the bureau."

J. K., Rhinelander, Wisconsin



J. J. W., Akron, Ohio


"...I find your work fascinatingly simple to understand."

Jerry Arnowitz, JD


"Loved your book Cracking The Code."

Bill Harding, Hudson, Michigan


"Received your book yesterday.  Started reading at 11 PM, finished at 4 AM."  "I have 16 feet (literally 16' 4.5") of documents supporting just about everything in your book." "Your book should be required reading for every lawyer before being admitted to any Bar."  "I hope you sell a million of them."

John Green, JD, Spring, Texas


"Great Book."

Richard DeSimone, Columbus, Ohio


"Greetings!  I want to thank you heartily for the fine book 'Cracking the Code."

Betsy Dettloff, Rochester Hills, Michigan


"Your book is excellent..."

Arnold Leibowitz, Los Angeles, California


“Thanks again for your efforts, Pete. They mean an awful lot to a lot of people.” “…as an attorney, I am humbled by your knowledge and ability in navigating the law.  THANK YOU for your hard work and sacrifice.”

Eric Smithers, JD


"I found the book to be extremely beneficial even though I was fairly knowledgeable on the subject prior to reading the book."  "It is definitely on my list of 'recommended reads'. Thanks for a great book."

Phil Patana, St. Louis, Missouri


"...I appreciate your book greatly..."

Jeffrey T. Maehr, Pagosa Springs, Colorado


"Your book gives me a great boost in my determination..." "Thanks for your great book as I will use it as a reference in the future."

T.L. Peck, Lyman, South Carolina


"EXCELLENT" "...very well written and accurate." "... I would highly recommend."

Dave Wissel, Lebanon, Ohio


"I am SO grateful for your book."

Nancy in Massachusetts


"I've just started reading the book a couple of days ago.  Talk about mind blowing.  Your book is really helping me to understand what the tax system is all about."

Elizabeth Larsen, Midland, Michigan


"What a great book!"

John B. Gartner, West Chester, Pennsylvania


"I very much enjoyed reading it and will be recommending it to many..."

K. B., Omaha, Nebraska


"...a valuable tool, and a wealth of knowledge."  "Thank you for all your research..."

Arleen Miller, Page, Arizona


"After receiving CtC I read it in a day or two (every spare minute I could get).  It is the best book-- the best material-- I have read yet on the income tax issue."  "Thank you for your research and your great book..."

Robin Kartchner, Pleasant Grove, Utah


"...of everything I've read in the last 15 years, this is certainly the clearest explanation I have ever seen."

Sue Kennedy, Sun Valley, California


"Wow!!!!  I've been studying this for 10 years and haven't gotten anything as clearly as you have put it in your book.  I will be ordering more copies to put into the hands of everyone I know!!  I cannot thank you enough for your time and research."

Joyce Cox, Afton, Wyoming


"Thank you for the most informative, wonderful book I have read in ages."

Andy Valisalo, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida


"...one of the best, most readable [books] I have found in my 20 years of studying the IRS and the tax code, rules, regulations and administrative procedures."

Steve Blumenthal, Salinas, California


"...an excellent book..."

Carolyn Gard, Houston, Texas


"I wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you how much I appreciate the level and quality of research you've obviously undertaken to write this book."  "...I think your book is probably one of the most cohesive presentations I have read on the subject of the federal income tax."

R. L., San Diego, California


"...very enlightening...  Thank you very much..."

Holland V. Corbitt, Loganville, Georgia


"I think your book is the best and most thorough analysis of the "Income Tax" law.  The book is extremely well written.  Almost no one has written about this subject with the clarity and precision you have in your book."  "I think your book is the one everyone... ...should read."

Joe Wert, Arlington, Texas


"I want to express my congratulations and my gratitude for such an exhaustive and thorough work as 'Cracking the Code'".  "[I found it] extraordinarily enlightening."

Carl Stewart, Saint Cloud, Florida


"...the best info I have ever read."

Charles Boulton, LaCenter, Kentucky


"Your book is exhaustively researched and a must have for anyone who is considering removing the government leech from their backside. Great Stuff!"
Rick Jaensch, Annandale, Virginia


"Kudos to a well researched and well presented book.  It's about time that someone has printed a book that accurately describes the meaning and intent of the tax laws."

Thom Anderson, Annapolis, Maryland


"I am an attorney and want to give a testimonial to your book, which I find to be compelling. I am exercising these rights for myself and my adult children. I'm even considering making this my new avenue of law practice."

Nancy "Ana" Garner, JD


"Wow! You’ve created a masterpiece..."  "I too am walking taller today after reading “Cracking the Code”.  Thank you very much for writing it..." "...you’ve given us the knowledge needed for asserting a proper legal defense."

Michael Olsen, Wellsville, Utah


"Thank you for writing "CtC"; it is most excellent, in quality of research, style and clarity.  I agree with you that this is the most important issue for the people of this nation.  I have recommended your book to all my compatriots in the fight against fraud."

Doug Eades, Copley, Ohio


"I have finished reading 'Cracking the Code' --it's excellent.  It puts the government's sham of fraud & extortion into perspective.  It finally all makes sense!  I'm recommending your book to everyone I know."

Ron C. Rector, Broadview Heights, Ohio


"Thanks for all the work, research, and courage to act that you have put forth.  I've been hammering away at understanding this ugly mess for years.  The research and writings of so many other people, for which I've spent thousands of dollars, can't hold a candle to your laser..."

Val-David Smithson, Reno, Nevada


"Thank you for writing your fascinating and informative book.  'Cracking the Code' is the first book that I have read which offers a comprehensive explanation and viable resolution.  Your book has been the key to unlocking the Tax-Code puzzle"

Carl Olsen, Colorado Springs, Colorado


"I have spent over $5000 on information regarding the IRS, and I consider your $20 book the best piece of information that I have found.  Thank you."

Judy E., Raleigh, North Carolina


"I really have enjoyed your book and companion CD.  Both are well done- best I've seen from anyone, and I have read extensively..."

John Peacock, San Diego, California


"'Cracking the Code' has shocked and amazed me.  Everything checks out... a more important book has never been written.  Reading it is like taking the red pill in the movie 'The Matrix'.  Thanks for showing me just how deep the rabbit hole goes."

Thomas H. deSabla, Silver Springs, Maryland


"Many have attempted to research and sift the data, but your book and website alone... ...separate truth from error substantively and consistently.  Your explanations are always cogent and clear...  You have given me the tools to be upfront with this information to my acquaintances credibly and authoritatively.  Thank you..."

John  J. Bulten, Tulsa, Oklahoma


"Your book was fabulous.  It was concise, yet full of information.  It was clear,... masterful.  I am somewhat familiar with the tax/sovereignty issue, however, I have never encountered a work such as yours.  Thank you for enlightening me..."

 Marc Mabli, Long Island, New York


Read the review of 'Cracking the Code' by Steve Thomas of the Mackinac Center


How the federal and state governments have reacted to Pete Hendrickson's work


Another way the entrenched feds, who like things just the way they are, have reacted...